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Study programme choices and lots of questions

01/20/2017 | TU Graz news | Studies

By Ute Wiedner

General school qualification for university entrance and then…? Innumerable training and educational paths await you. 7 students from TU Graz reveal why they would choose their study programmes again.

What should i study? Thomas Neff, Alexander Winkler, Lea Kapetanovic, Alexander Draschl, Teresa Jagiello, Sascha Rossmann, Julia Angleitner (from left to right) found their answers at Graz University of Technology
We’ve just had the school leavers’ ball, now we’re in the home straight for school graduation. After this, for many there is great uncertainty. So much advice, so many possibilities, so many questions. We asked seven students doing their bachelor’s and master’s programmes at TU Graz what they liked about their studies. And we’ve also compiled some TU Graz orientation suggestions from information events, interviews with students and useful links. Maybe they can help you with your own decisions.

I’m studying at Graz University of Technology because… – the answers

“… because I can combine creativity and technology in architecture and make it come alive for the wider community.”
Alexander Winkler, 19|Bachelor's in Architecture “… because I’d like to contribute to groundbreaking buildings in design, calculation and construction.“
Julia Angleitner, 22|Master's in Construction Management and Civil Engineering

“… because there is nothing more exciting than producing something new and innovative.”
Lea Kapetanovic, 25|Master's in Production Science and Management

“… because the wide variety of courses allows me to create my perfect mix of electrical engineering and computer science.”
Thomas Neff, 23|Master's in Information and Computer Engineering

“… because I want to understand the details of the world behind the formulae so I can help shape future developments in technical and industrial fields.“
Sascha Rossmann, 28|Bachelor's in Technical Physics

“… because the core areas of mechanical engineering and chemistry are combined optimally in my study programme and open up many opportunities for me in the world of work.”
Teresa Jagiello, 23|Bachelor's in Chemical and Process Engineering

“… because I can deepen my interest in technology and medicine and so optimise technical applications in the future healthcare sector.”
Alexander Draschl, 19|Bachelor's in Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Biology

Upcoming events

  • FIT Women in Technology
    info day 2017 for women: 13th February 2017 and
    Technology taster programme for women: 14 – 16th February 2017
    See the <link https: www.fit.tugraz.at index.php wbpage wbshow infotage _blank int-link-external external link in new>FIT Women in Technology web site for all information
  • TU Graz information stand at the <link http: bestinfo.at pages _blank int-link-external external link in new>BeSt3 trade fair for jobs, university study programmes and further education, Vienna: 2nd – 5th March 2017
  • Open Day of the four Graz universities: 20th April 2017
    <link https: www.tugraz.at en studying-and-teaching studying-at-tu-graz advisory-services-for-prospective-students open-day-at-the-4-universities-of-graz _blank int-link-external external link in new>all the latest information about the Open Day
  • Guided tours for school classes: Group tours by <link int-link-mail window for sending>mail appointment

Shared experiences: Interviews with TU Graz students

  • <link https: www.tugraz.at tu-graz services news-stories face-to-face einzelansicht article am-anfang-geht-es-allen-gleich _blank int-link-external external link in new>“It’s the same for everyone at the beginning“
  • <link https: www.tugraz.at tu-graz services news-stories face-to-face einzelansicht article den-maedchen-gehoert-die-angst-genommen-copy-1 _blank int-link-external external link in new>“There’s no reason for girls to feel anxious”
  • <link https: www.tugraz.at tu-graz services news-stories face-to-face einzelansicht article dynamik-und-teamgeist-racing-im-rollout-fieber _blank int-link-external external link in new>“Dynamic and team spirit: Racing in roll-out fever“


  • <link int-link-internal internal link in current>Programmes and fields of study
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  • <link https: www.tugraz.at studium studieren-an-der-tu-graz beratung-fuer-studieninteressierte ueberblick-beratung-fuer-studieninteressierte _blank int-link-external external link in new>Advisory Services for Young women and Girls
  • <link _self int-link-internal internal link in current>Registration and Admission
  • <link _self int-link-internal internal link in current>Financial Matters
  • <link _self int-link-internal internal link in current>Registration Office
  • <link _self int-link-internal internal link in current>Academic Calendar
  • <link _self int-link-internal internal link in current>Welcome Days
  • <link https: htu.tugraz.at news _blank int-link-external external link in new>Advice at TU Graz Student Union (HTU Graz)