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Best of South-East

The Programme "Best of South-East"

In cooperation with the University of Graz, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz and TU Graz, the Steiermärkische Sparkasse (Styrian Bank) initiated "Best of South-East", an advancement and continuing education programme for talented and dedicated graduates and students from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. 

The aim of the programme is to offer international education, work experience and training opportunities, as well as facilitate your entry into professional life via an internship.

The scholarship programme lasts 12 months (from September to the end of August) and includes at TU Graz:

  • a scholarship for a 2-semester mobility programme at TU Graz (winter and summer semesters)
  • a 2-month (self-organised) internship (in July and August); and
  • a German intensive course (September or February) OR a German course during the semester, both offered by treffpunkt sprachen
    Students need to inform their coordinator at the International Office - Welcome Center at TU Graz before signing up for a German course. Your coordinator at TU Graz informs treffpunkt sprachen that you do not have to pay for the course yourselves, as TU Graz is paying for you.

Events and informative meetings are part of the scholarship programme and ensure that you are integrated into economic, cultural and scientific life in Styria.

Call for applications subject to approval by the committees: Funding for the Best of South-East Programme must be requested and approved by Steiermärkische Sparkasse for each call. Approval for the financing of the program usually takes place at the beginning of October for the upcoming academic year. 

Application Requirements

  • Language skills in English or German (level B2)
  • Age: max. 27 years at the time of application
  • Citizenship: Slovenian, Bosnian and Herzegovinian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M)
  • Excellent grades
  • Students need to have completed at least 4 semesters of their Bachelor’s degree by the time of the application
  • Doctoral students require a letter of confirmation from the supervisor of your dissertation at TU Graz (please note that you yourself are responsible for finding a supervisor)
  • Dedication, strong communication skills, adaptability, ability to solve both analytical and practical problems 

Best of South-East scholarship holders

Application Procedure

Step 1: Login data for the application process

The application opens on 1 October  every year. To apply for a Best of South East scholarship at TU Graz, you need the login data for the application process from TU Graz. In order to receive the login data, you must send the following data to karin.lebernoSpam@tugraz.at:

  • First given name
  • Surname
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender (female, male)
  • Home institution (university)

You will then receive the login data to start your application process.

The online application must be completed by 5 December.

Step 2: Upload application documents

With the login data (step 1) you can start your application and upload the application documents. The online application must be completed by 5 December.

The following documents are required for the application:

  • Confirmation of enrollment from your home university
  • Personal statement in the form of an essay (not exceeding 2 pages) with a particular emphasis placed on your individual interests and motivation
  • Transcript of Records / Diploma Certificate (if the original is in a language other than English or German, a translation in English or German, certified by the home university, is necessary):
    • for Master’s students: Bachelor’s Degree Certificate and your Transcript of Records from the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes
    • for PhD students: Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Certificates, as well as the Transcript of Records from the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degree programmes
  • 2 Letters of Recommendation: At least one of which must be issued by an academic. The letters of recommendation must be written by teachers who supervised or taught the students during their degree programme.
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form (in English or German)
  • Copy of your passport
  • Proof of German or English language skills: Language certificates may not be older than two years.
    • German language skills (at least level B2); only official certificates from the ÖSD, Goethe Institute or universities will be accepted.
    • English language skills (at least level B2); only official certificates will be accepted and additionally German language skills (at least level A2); only official certificates (e.g. from the ÖSD, Goethe Institute, universities) will be accepted.

If you have been accepted by TU Graz as part of the mobility programme, your application will be forwarded to the Steiermärkische Sparkasse. The Steiermärkische Sparkasse is responsible for awarding the scholarships.

Application Deadlines

  • Submit the online application by 5 December the online application including the upload of all necessary documents must be completed)


The total scholarship amount for 1 year is at most 12,000 Euro per student and includes the following:

  • A monthly stipend of 1,000 Euro
  • Tuition fees at TU Graz
  • Various social and cultural activities

Scholarship students have to earn 4 ECTS-points per month (10 months in total) and have to prove these points at the end of their 2 semesters at TU Graz.

Your Stay in Graz

At the beginning of your stay in Graz, you need to complete some bureaucratic tasks. Visit the Welcome Events in order to understand what you must do after your arrival.

To make your stay and life in our beautiful city of Graz and in Austria easier, we have put together some information about the local conditions and tips to improve everyday life: Life in Graz