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WINGnet Graz

WINGnet is the network for students of engineering management (the WirtschaftsINGenieur-
studentennetzwerk). It is an association for the benefit of students of engineering management and engineering-related business. The main function of the association is to create and promote networks between students, between countries and between students and professionals.

WINGnet 's membership is made up of students of a variety of engineering management disciplines under the umbrella of the Austrian Society of Engineering Managers WING. WINGnet Graz is also affiliated to the European network of students of engineering management ESTIEM (European STudents of Industrial Engineering and Management). The association aims to be a reliable source of support while studying and to help members navigate towards successful professional careers.
The WINGnet committee
Fabian Scherer, finance officer of WINGnet Graz about WINGnet:
WINGnet Graz helped me make a lot of friends, which is good for me personally and also for my career. In the course of social activities with people studying related subjects, you can discuss career opportunities and strategies and hear from people with experience in business and industry. This help with professional orientation is what made WINGnet essential for me.


  • Name: WINGnet Graz  
  • Tasks: Association to support students in engineering management/engineering-related business subjects.  
  • Addresse
    Kopernikusgasse 24
    8010 Graz  
  • Contact:
  • On Social Media:
  • Target group: students of the engineering management subjects

Services for Students

  • Members are part of a national and international network of students at the interface of engineering and business.
  • Development of soft skills such as social and leadership competence, organizational skills etc. in a range of workshops.
  • "MIB – Meet Industrial Business": events for informal, direct conversations with experts from business and industry – with free beer and buffet
  • Participation at
  • Social activities: monthly meetings with Stammtisch (pub visit), skiing weekends, sailing excursions, barbecues etc.
