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City of Graz

Graz is a university town offering lots of different things to suit any taste: Night life and culture, award-winning restaurants and student bars, a vibrant city centre and lots of green spaces, history and modern life ...
Graz amazingly combines tradition with the joie de vivre of young students. Austria’s second largest provincial capital offers all you would expect from a large city. At the same time, though, you can find your way round easily and take in the relaxed atmosphere.

What you Need to Know

  • Graz is the capital city of Styria. It has a population of about 280,000 and is the second largest city in the Republic of Austria.
  • Graz boasts 2,100 hours of sunshine every year.
  • Landmarks: Clock Tower on the Schlossberg Hill
  • Sights: Island in the Mur, Graz historic centre, Eggenberg Palace, Graz Cathedral, Kunsthaus Graz, Imperial Armoury, and lots more.
  • Trips in and around Graz: Hilmteich lake, Rettenbachklamm gorge, Graz fairy tale train, Gösting Castle ruins, Reinerkogel Hill, Thalersee Lake, Schöckl Mountain and many more.
  • University town: 6 universities with a total of 50,000 students
  • Titles:
    • City of Human Rights, UNESCO City of Design
    • Graz historic centre and Eggenberg Palace are part of UNESCO World Heritage
    • Capital of Delight
  • Sister cities: Coventry, Darmstadt, Dubrovnik, Groningen, Ljubljana, Maribor, Montclair, Pécs, Pula, Temeswar, Trieste, Trondheim

The old town is picturesque and beautiful. The city appears active and welcoming due to the number of young people (approximately 60.000 students), which makes it a great place if you are looking for leisure activities. Especially in summer, Graz does its very best to offer a wide range of possibilities: relaxing in one of the well preserved parks, listening to open air jazz in the backyards of Herrengasse or sitting in one of the many creative cafés or restaurants.
But then in winter, Graz shows its atmospheric and cozy side, as the whole town turns into a big Christmas market. Additionally, through the whole year you can join sports courses at the university sports institute (USI), which offers an enormous variety of different courses like climbing, kayaking, fencing or even paragliding. I really like living here: it has become my second home already.

Information and Advice

Graz Tourist Info Centre offers you city maps and souvenirs, information on walks around the city, eateries and lots more: Infocenter Graz Tourist Information
Herrengasse 16
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 8075