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Application Master's scholarships

The next application phase starts in spring 2025.

1. Application Requirements

  • Proof of good academic achievements in the Bachelor's degree programme
  • Admission to a Master's degree programme at TU Graz as of winter semester 2024/25 (For NAWI Graz Master's degree programmes, the main enrolment must take place at TU Graz.)
  • Please note the individual requirements of the respective scholarships


2. Application Documents

The complete application comprises the following documents (in German or English) and must be submitted as PDF documents:

  1. Letter of motivation
    Describe, for example, why you want to do a Master's degree programme at TU Graz, why you are enthusiastic about the chosen degree programme, what experience you have already gained in the field, what special talents you bring with you or what you would like to achieve in the future.
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Transcript of records
  4. Bachelor's diploma if already available 
  5. Two reference letters from teachers
  6. Copy of passport
  7. Applicant number at TU Graz
    You will receive the applicant number when pre-registering for your degree programme. If you are already registered at TU Graz: confirmation of study period. 



3. Submission

The complete application documents are to be sent by e-mail to tugraz100noSpam@tugraz.at.

Please state the name of the scholarship and your degree programme in the subject line. 

4. Awarding

The awarding of scholarships takes place in two steps:

  1. The pre-selection is made by a jury of experts at TU Graz.
  2. The final selection is made by the scholarship providers of the industry.

In addition to the general application requirements and the high professional qualification, a good general education/open-mindedness, interest/creativity as well as independent thinking are important.

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection in the beginning of September.


Contact Us

For any further information on the scholarship please contact tugraz100noSpam@tugraz.at mentioning the scholarship name.