Electronic based systems (EBS) are components, devices and systems incorporating micro- and nano-electronics along with the corresponding embedded software. These systems are the basis of a large number of digital products and processes such as autonomous vehicles, smart home solutions and intelligent machines. Developing this kind of technology needs not only specialist expertise but also interdisciplinary collaboration on hardware, embedded software and electronic-based systems.
TU Graz now has a course on innovation in electronic based systems which is designed to give the participants exactly this knowledge and interdisciplinary competence.
The course is organized around four tracks aimed at four target groups, on hardware, software, systems, and innovation management, covering the following topics:
Transfer projects in the form of ‘bring your own idea/prototype’ labs or design projects support the participants’ companies in their actual development work and help the participants to put what they have learned into action.
The course has been set up with the support of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs though the FFG programme Research Competences for Industry (in German: Forschungskompetenzen für die Wirtschaft), which promotes close collaboration between academic and commercial partners and aims to establish long-term cooperation between universities, universities of applied sciences and companies.
Participation in the course is limited to employees of the partner companies.
Electronic Based Systems (EBS) are everywhere. They contain microelectronic components and modules as well as the relevant embedded software and support us in many acticities of daily life such as autonomous driving, industry 4.0 and the ‘Internet of things’ (IoT). One of the biggest challenges faced by industry at the moment is the shortage of experts in these areas in Europe. This is why an interdisciplinary training programme such as the innovation course Inno-EBS is more important than ever.
Electronic Based Systems (EBS) improve security, energy efficiency and usability of many applications. The innovation course Inno-EBS, under the trusted leadership of TU Graz, provides an effective network between companies and academic experts across Austria, in order to raise the level of competence in four key areas of EBS. This is complementary to initiatives such as the Silicon Austria Labs and Silicon Alps Cluster and is an important step towards positioning Austria as a global hot spot for Electronic Based Systems. The course is an important element in the strategy of NXP Semiconductors to continue expanding our location in Gratkorn, based on the expertise and commitment of our employees.
Graz University of Technology
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
JKU Linz
FH Kärnten
FH Joanneum
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
TU Graz | Institute of Electronics
Phone: +43 316 873 7520
bernd.deutschmann @tugraz.at
TU Graz Life Long Learning
Phone: +43 316 873 4934
maria.jandl @tugraz.at