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TU Graz/ Research/ Fields of Expertise/

Overview: Information, Communication & Computing

Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and resource-efficient systems are just some of the research topics that the Field of Expertise Information, Communication & Computing is dedicated to. In a world that is globally networked and whose technical systems, some of which are vital to life, are becoming or have to become ever smaller and more energy-efficient, the research that scientists at TU Graz are tackling is essential for society.

Research Topics

Successful Research

Research Infrastructure

Degree Programmes and Continuing Education

Heads of the Field of Expertise

Yannic MAUS
Michael KERBER

Contact: FoE_ICCnoSpam@tugraz.at

TU Graz events

19. March 2025, 05:00 PM - 18:30
Information Communication & Computing (Field of Expertise)

Information Communication & Computing (Field of Expertise)

Information Communication & Computing (Field of Expertise)

For researchers at TU Graz

Further information on the intranet TU4U

Research Topics

Algorithms and mathematical modelling

  • Statistical analysis and modelling
  • Applied mathematics in technology and natural sciences
  • Optimisation
  • Geometry and topology processing
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Number theory and applications, e.g. in simulation and financial mathematics
  • Geodesy
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Massive data processing
  • Cryptography
  • Computational mechanics

Smart and dependable systems

  • Adaptive and autonomous systems, robotics
  • Software and system security
  • Machine learning and cognitive systems
  • Development of complex systems
  • Embedded systems
  • Intelligent control, mechatronics and automation
  • Electronic systems
  • Microelectronics
  • Measurement technology, physical modelling and simulation

Intelligent communication and sensor systems

  • Adaptive modulation and coding
  • Smart microwave front-ends
  • Mixed signal electronics
  • Signal processing
  • Sensors and sensor networks
  • Localisation and tracking
  • Wireless communications and networking

Multimodal interfaces, applications

  • Brain-computer interfaces
  • E-university & e-government
  • Language and audio communication
  • Software and system testing
  • Mobile devices

Intelligent multimedia processes and structures

  • Computer vision
  • Computer graphics
  • Knowledge technologies and data science

New Projects with TU Graz

Mandellstraße 9/II
8010 Graz, Austria


Christoph ADAMETZ   

Phone: +43 316 873 6033

Research Successes

ERC Starting Grant: NetFair – Fariba Karimi

Project: NetFair - Network Fairness: A novel complex network approach for tackling inequalities in society and algorithms

Project start: early 2025

ERC Starting Grant for Fariba Karimi

ERC Starting Grant: KEYLESS – Maria Eichlseder

Project: KEYLESS - Keyless Cryptography for Efficiency and Security

Duration: 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2029

Project description in TUGRAZonline

ERC Starting Grant: FSSec – Daniel Gruss

In his ERC Starting Grant project, Daniel Gruss is researching how efficiency can be increased in computer systems while maintaining a high standard of security.

Duration: 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2028

Further information:

Leadproject: Mechanics, Modeling and Simulation of Aortic Dissection

In this lead project, TU Graz researchers from biomechanical-, civil-, electrical-, and mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics, and physics are applying themselves to the further development of computer simulation of aortic dissections.

Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard A. HOLZAPFEL and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katrin ELLERMANN

Website of the Lead Project

Research Center

In the Graz Center for Machine Learning (GraML), researchers at TU Graz work on machine learning topics in interdisciplinary ways, with each person contributing unique scientific perspectives from their daily research areas.

Website: Graz Center for Machine Learning

Cluster of Excellence

Research Infrastructure

Electronics Based Systems-Labor

The EBS laboratory offers high-end measurement technology for measuring electronic components. The laboratory's equipment can be hired by the hour or by the day, and measurements can be carried out independently or with the support of a technician.


D-Cube Testbed

D-Cube is a test infrastructure for the automated testing of low-power communication protocols in many different environments. The testbed is open to academic researchers and practitioners from industry.