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Top Think#25: Making Open Science a Reality


  • Vortrag


  • Andere Forschungsthemen
  • Universität

Robert-Jan Smits, President of TU Eindhoven, is talking about the profound changes concerning the way science and research are performed. A European stakeholder consultation mentions the exponential growth of data, the emergence of digital technologies, the enormous growth of the global scientific community, and society’s demand for quick solutions and more transparency as main drivers of these changes. The result of this consultation was a European agenda for Open Science with the aim to have a faster circulation of new ideas, a better return on investments and more support and ownership of science in society. Mr Smits will elaborate on the state of play of the European Open Science Agenda, its achievements and challenges in making Open Science a reality.

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TU Graz | Rektorat

Zeit und Ort

29. November 2019, 17:00 - 18:30

TU Graz, Campus Alte Technik, Aula, Rechbauerstraße 12, 1. Stock, 8010 Graz


Abhaltungssprache: Englisch


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