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The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology (ESS-HPT 2018)


  • Seminar/Workshop/Kurs


  • Advanced Materials Science (Field of Expertise)
  • Sustainable Systems (Field of Expertise)
  • Andere Forschungsthemen

The European Summer School in High Pressure Technology (ESS-HPT) is the continuation of many years of high pressure intensive courses. The history of this very successful series of courses started in 1995, when the first intensive course took place in Monselice, Italy. Most of these Intensive Courses were supported by SOCRATES and later Life Long Learning. Since 2015 it is organised as Summer School by the EFCE Working Party "High Pressure Technology", because there is no further financial support within ERASMUS+.

ESS-HPT Programme and Registration

<media 126522 _blank int-link-media "TEXT, ESSHPT Maribor Graz 2018 First Circular, ESSHPT_Maribor_Graz_2018_First_Circular.pdf, 44 KB">ESS-HPT Details</media>
<media 126524 _blank int-link-media "TEXT, ESSHTP Maribor Graz 2018 Time Schedule, ESSHTP_Maribor_Graz_2018_Time_Schedule.pdf, 14.8 KB">ESS-HPT Time Schedule</media>

Veranstaltet von

Thomas Gamse, Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, TU Graz

Zeit und Ort

8. Juli 2018, 19:30 - 22. Juli 2018, 11:00

University of Maribor, Slovenia and TU Graz, Campus Inffeldgasse, Austria


Abhaltungssprache: Englisch



Thomas GAMSE, Ao.Univ.Prof.Dipl.-Ing.Dr.techn.
Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik, TU Graz
Tel.: +43 316 873 7477