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Scientific Work and Publishing

The library supports students and researchers at TU Graz in all matters related to scientific publishing. We provide information on topics of open access and bibliographic management with Citavi and Mendeley face to face, by telephone and by e-mail. In cooperation with the TU Graz Publishing, we will advise you on the best way to disseminate your research results.

Research Data Management

The RDM Team is your first point of contact to help you make your research data more accessible and usable in the long term. The Team’s data stewards have expertise on tools and service in your research field to provide you with support tailored to your individual needs. But the Team does much more than that:

  • The developers in the RDM Team are an essential contribution to the creation and evolution of the tools and services demanded by researchers. The tools include platforms for research data management and analysis, electronic lab books, machine-actionable data management plans, and repositories for research data.
  • At the institutional level, the RDM Team co-develops the guidelines and internal policies to continue improving the status of TU Graz as an attractive place to perform research. The professionalization of data stewards and the provision of discipline-specific as well as cross-disciplinary training on research data management are the other two crucial components of this side in the Team’s work.
  • The RDM Teamis involved in national and international initiatives (e.g. FAIR Data Austria, Austrian DataLab and Services, Cluster Research Data, European Open Science Cloud – EOSC and related projects) to to help TU Graz in its digital transformation and bring the perspectives (and needs) of TU Graz researchers and other staff to shape the present and future of data management.

Find detailed information about their services on the RDM website.

Visibility and impact

Selecting the best publication channel is of great importance for the visibility and impact of your research results.

We will help you work out your publication strategies in order to position your work optimally within the scientific community and to make it known to an interested public. This includes aspects such as choosing a suitable (open access) journal, the advantages of identifiers such as ORCID or the efficient use of social media.

We look forward to advising you in person. As part of our ‘Library comes to you’ service we can also visit your institute and inform you about publication-related topics. We will also be happy to present our publication services in your class.

For more information, please contact the publication advice service.

Open access

The library will support you with open access publication. We also operate the Open Access Repository of TU Graz, in which you can publish your open-access publication.

The publication advice team will help you with information on the publication process, on how to select an open-access journal and on the impact of your open-access publication.

The open access team at the library will answer your questions on open-access grants and will process the grant applications for your open-access publications.

Verlag der TU Graz

Verlag der TU Graz is here to help all students and staff of TU Graz to present their research results to the scientific community and to the wider public. It is very important to us to consult carefully with our authors on the right approach. Please send your inquiries to Verlag der TU Graz.

We support the principle of open access and make most of our publications available in open-access form. Verlag der TU Graz also handles the DOI assignment for your electronic publication.

Go to the web shop: http://www.tugraz-verlag.at

PURE – TU Graz Research Portal

The TU Graz Research Portal lists publications, talks and activities of TU Graz researchers. In this way, the research output of the university is presented transparently to the outside world.

The library advises TU Graz students and staff on how to make the best use of the research information system PURE. We can explain special features of the software and answer your questions. We will also be happy to visit your institute for this purpose. Send your inquiry to service.bibliotheknoSpam@tugraz.at.

Reference management software

Reference management programmes make scientific work much easier.

For this reason, the library offers all students and staff of TU Graz free access to Citavi and Mendeley.

We are happy to organize Citavi or Mendeley workshops for you. If you are interested, please contact the publication advice team. Additionally we offer a Citavi Basic Course in the In-House Training Programme.

For online tutorials and instructions please visit the Mendeley website or the Citavi YouTube channel. A comprehensive software comparison is offered by the TU Munich. 


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) enables publications to be definitively linked to individual scientists. Researchers can list their own publications under their ORCID so as to make the list available online. In order to enable a simple export of your publications from PURE to ORCID, you need to link the two systems. You can find out how to do this in our ORCID Handbook.

Good scientific practice

Correct citation of sources and upholding good scientific/academic practice is essential. At TU Graz we have adopted the following guidelines:

TU Graz also has a Commission on Scientific Integrity and Ethics which can be consulted on any questions around correct scientific practice that arise.

The library provides advice on general questions of good scientific practice and citation under service.bibliotheknoSpam@tugraz.at.