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Studying at university: From video games to science

01/21/2021 | TU Graz screenshots | TU Graz news | Studies | University

By Cornelia Kröpfl, BA MA

Can video games make us healthier? Can we really rely on artificial intelligence? Want to dive into one of these topics? In Austria, This is what happens in stuy programmes and research in Austria at TU Graz.

Specialist areas such as data science and IT are founds behind video games. A study programme at TU Graz offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in these topics.

Can video games make us healthier? Can we really rely on artificial intelligence? Trust it? And can you build a concrete canoe that won't sink? Just as we are confronted with questions in our everyday lives, research also asks questions. Finding answers and solutions is the goal in various research areas and studies. Want to dive into one of these topics? In Austria, TU Graz provides exciting insights.

Exciting research and studying in Austria

Specialist areas such as data science and IT are founds behind video games. The basis for artificial intelligence is electronics and computer science. A study programme offers the oppor-tunity to immerse oneself in these topics and find solutions. Research is change. A degree pro-gramme gives those interested the chance to be right up front. Especially in Austria at Graz University of Technology you will find a wide range of exciting subjects and specializations from games engineering to natural sciences.

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In this video, Camilla talks about her path to and at TU Graz.

At TU Graz bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies as well as university further education can be completed in many areas. Too many to mention them all here... by the way, teacher training is also on the menu. An outline can be found on the website about Degree and Certificate Programmes of TU Graz.

Studying in Graz

Such a wide range of study programmes does not always make it easy. It is necessary to make a decision in which field of technology or natural sciences you want to enter. For this reason, Graz University of Technology offers various forms of professional advice and guidance for prospective students. An overview of all the options – including orientation talks on the choice of programmes, information on taster programmes for women and much more – can be found under Advisory services for prospective students.

Researchers at TU Graz are looking for solutions to the burning problems of the present. What topics are currently on their radars and what you can study to change the future, you can find out on TU Graz screenshots.


Information and Advice for Prospective Students

Academic Advisory Services offered by TU Graz
Academic Advisory Services offered by Student Representatives
Division for student counselling

Complete List of Services for Prospective Students