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02/01/2023 |

By Chetna Madan

Indian PhD student Chetna Madan gives an insight into her stay as a visiting researcher at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology at TU Graz.

Along the Mur: Evening walk in front of the Murinsel, a glass island in the Mur River, a very iconic spot in Graz. Source: Joel Edjokola

To the gorgeous foothills of the Himalayas, from the magnificent Austrian Alps.

As the four years of my doctoral research in developing electrocatalysts for electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies came close, I realized my keen interest in optimizing the performance of these technologies. The European ideology of promoting green hydrogen and storage of intermittent renewable energy aligns closely with my personal career ambitions. The Graz University of Technology established about 200 years ago balances a strong foundation of fundamentals with a modern vision. So, I wanted to have a research stay at TU Graz before finishing my doctoral studies and my application was supported by OeAD via the Ernst-Mach grant.

Cheers to this beautiful journey called life!

I am grateful for having this exciting opportunity that pulled me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow in an enthralling environment. After all, being a scientist is all about familiarizing oneself with the unknown, empirically. Coming to a new place and re-establishing research in the final year of my Ph.D. was indeed a challenging task but I believe that challenges are empowering as they give one an opportunity to build skills like adaptability and retaining one’s worth.

I am grateful for having this exciting opportunity that pulled me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow in an enthralling environment.

Certainly, joining Viktor Hacker’s group at the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies as a visiting researcher was one of the best decisions because the excellent research orientation and exposure enabled me to envision my career trajectory. My colleagues here are very supportive and considerate and are helping me in optimizing the performance of my catalysts in fuel cells and alkaline water electrolyzers. It is fun sharing our ideas and interests which always brings out unique solutions. My research contributions would help calibrate the alkaline membrane electrolyzers based on the performance optimization studies I designed for this project. My doctoral supervisor Aditi Halder nurtured the knowledge and skills I acquired working with her group at my institute in India, which are assisting me in building up a stronger core of my research at TU Graz

What I love the most about Graz is the city is just right in its population, convenience, and ecology.

Austria had always been the place of my dreams because for a travel enthusiast like myself, it offers the richness of nature in beautiful lakes and wild mountainous treks allied with so many neighboring countries to explore. Its cultural uniqueness and fondness for life have captivated me, in many ways, resemble India. What I love the most about Graz is the city is just right in its population, convenience, and ecology. In my experience, Austrians are very kind, comforting, and wholesome. During weekends, I enjoy going on a hike with my friends and when I want some solitude and meditative time, Schlossberg in Graz with its breathtaking city view is my favorite spot. However, I do miss the dewy mornings and starry nights out of my window in Himachal which nothing could ever beat.

Cheers to this beautiful journey called life!

Chetna Madan
TU Graz | I.I.T. Mandi

Frau auf einem Schiff. Im Hintergrund Berge
Loving Austria: A ferry ride in the Hallstatt lake, standing next to the national Austrian flag. Source: David Cordona


Sechs Personen sitzen vor einem Tisch und essen zu Abend
After a wonderful dinner with colleagues, another round of drinks and chats across the table. Source: Chetna Madan


Frau mit langen Haaren in den verschneiten Bergen des Himachal.
Shikari Devi Trek: A beautiful hike in nature in the snowy mountains of Himachal. Source: Chetna Madan


Blick auf den Mandi-Campus, der in den Bergen liegt.
The awesome view of the IIT Mandi campus from Griffon Peak trek. Source: Chetna Madan


Graz und der Hauptplatz bei Nacht
De-stressing at Schloßberg: Twilight across the Graz city from the Schloßberg gardens. Source: Rohit Yadav



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