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Start-up support for beginning your studies at TU Graz

08/09/2023 | TU Graz news | Studies

By Ute Wiedner

Free online preparation courses for computer science, maths and mechanics start again in August and September. These so-called MOOCs make it easier for prospective students at TU Graz to start a technological degree programme.

[Translate to Englisch:] Einstiegshilfe ins technische Studium: die kostenlosen Online-Kurse der TU Graz für Informatik, Mathematik und Mechanik. © Lunghammer - TU Graz

Article created on: 25.08.2022 Last updated: 17.07.2024

The MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) “Fit for maths”, “Fit for computer science” and “Basic concepts of mechanics for technical applications” are designed to make the transition between school and university easier for pupils and to prepare prospective students as well as possible for a technical or scientific degree course.

These free preparation courses can be found on the MOOC platform iMooX. They are aimed at all those who want to test their knowledge, refresh what they have learnt or find out in advance about the key areas of a technological degree course.

Flexibility in terms of time and course content

The courses are voluntary and can be completed independently, but are supervised by university lecturers for the duration of the course, which is between three and seven weeks. The units are activated weekly, but do not all have to be completed. Completion is also voluntary and is rewarded with certificates of attendance and even ECTS points in the “Fit for maths” and “Fit for computer science” courses. These two courses also include an optional attendance phase at TU Graz in September. The course content can continue to be used after the end of the course and remains online indefinitely at http://www.imoox.at/.

Course details

All courses are collected under Fit for University on the iMoox website.

Self-Organised in Your Studies

This course provides targeted information for a successful start to the new phase of life at TU Graz and all the new challenges that come with it.
Start: 1. August 2024
Further information at https://imoox.at/course/SOS_2024

Fit for Maths

The “Fit for computer science” course gives participants a comprehensive picture of computer science. The curriculum includes the basics of programming, computational thinking skills and societal aspects of information technology. No prior knowledge is required to participate.
Start: 1. August 2024
Further information at https://imoox.at/course/mathefit24

Fit for Computer Science

Im Kurs „Informatik-Fit“ erhalten die Teilnehmenden ein umfassendes Bild der Informatik. Am Lehrplan stehen Grundlagen des Programmierens, Computational Thinking Skills sowie gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie. Für die Teilnahme sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.
Start: 09. September 2024
Further information at https://imoox.at/course/InfoFit24

Basic Concepts of Mechanics for Technical Applications

The course “Basic concepts of mechanics for technical applications” provides initial insights into the terminology of mechanics using a simple example from technology. Participants learn about the engineering approach to practically relevant technical and scientific issues and by the end of the course will be able to deal with terms such as “force and moment”, “strength” or “internal forces and stress”. Basic knowledge of maths and physics at upper secondary school level is a prerequisite for participation.
Start: 05. August 2024
Further information at https://imoox.at/course/mech24

Digital Skills for First-Year Students (2024/25)

This course introduces the digital skills model for Austria. In terms of content, the programme focuses on handling information and data, communication and collaboration, creating digital content, security, problem solving and further learning.
Start: 14. Oktober 2024
Further information at https://imoox.at/course/DigiStudiWS24

Understanding the Electricity Grid (2024/25)

The course is divided into two large blocks, electricity and the electricity grid, and enables participants to understand how the electrical energy system works and some of its key points. The course is explicitly aimed at prospective students and new students who would like to acquire the basic knowledge of electrical power engineering.
Start: 20. Juni 2024
Further information at https://imoox.at/course/energy0-WS24


Tipps for new Students.


About iMooX
iMooX is Austria's first and so far only platform for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). The iMooX platform was founded by the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and the Graz University of Technology with the aim of providing university and general content for further education free of charge and independent of time and place. The courses offered are published under a Creative Commons licence and can be used and reused free of charge for your own teaching and learning purposes. iMooX is Austria's first and so far only platform for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).


TU Graz | Lehr- und Lerntechnologien
Münzgrabenstraße 36
8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 873 8540

Image source: © Lunghammer - TU Graz