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Scandinavia up close: What we can learn from Sweden

Image Source: Christopher Huber

Scandinavia fascinates - but what does it really feel like to live and study there? I take you with me on my journey through Sweden and draw comparisons with Austria.

Scandinavia is often seen as a role model in many areas: education, work culture, environmental awareness, and quality of life. But what is really behind this reputation? My stay in Sweden and visits to several cities and surrounding countries gave me the opportunity to experience the country up close – at the university, travelling, in everyday life, and partly in the working world. During my time there, I not only discovered new learning methods but also experienced a different mentality and way of life. In this article, I want to share my personal impressions of my semester abroad at Chalmers University of Technology and compare them with my previous experiences in Austria.

Lectures and University Life

The Swedish university system differs significantly from that in Austria. While I was used to taking several courses in parallel throughout the semester, I found it refreshing that courses in Sweden were often offered in blocks and that the semester itself was divided into two blocks. Scheduling conflicts were avoided through clearly structured time slots within the week. This allowed me to focus more intensively on the content and gave me the feeling of learning in a much more concentrated way.

The courses themselves were, at least in my experience, more extensive than what I was used to. With each course carrying 7.5 ECTS, the semester workload was already reached with just two courses per half-semester block. I was particularly impressed by the emphasis on group work and seminars. While studying in Austria often felt like an individual effort, teamwork played a major role in Sweden. I had to regularly collaborate with my fellow students, develop solutions together, and present our results. This not only deepened my subject knowledge but also significantly enhanced my social and communication skills – something especially valuable for an exchange student.

Another noticeable aspect was the strong academic focus in many courses. A fixed part of each university week involved reading multiple academic articles and papers related to the lecture topics. Most students will agree that this is not their favorite task. However, in hindsight, I find that this type of supplementary literature is very useful for writing academic papers and for understanding "academic language."

Entrance to campus (Image source: Christopher Huber)

Flat Hierarchies at University and in the Work life

One aspect I particularly liked was the flat hierarchy at the university. In Austria, it is customary to address professors with their titles and maintain a certain level of formality. In Sweden, however, titles are secondary – everyone is addressed by their first name. This created a relaxed atmosphere and made it easier to ask questions or discuss topics.

This directness also extends into the workplace. One particular situation stuck with me: I was trying to contact the production manager of a company for an excursion when a fellow student abruptly interrupted me. She told me that my (typically Austrian) way of phrasing my request was "far too formal" and "unnecessary" – it might even make industry partners take me less seriously or perceive my email as "spam." Emails and meetings in Sweden are short, efficient, and to the point – long-winded explanations are rare. Initially, I found this honesty unfamiliar, but over time, I learned to appreciate it. I believe Austria could benefit from adopting some of this efficiency.

Swedish Mentality

During my stay, I quickly noticed that Swedes often appear somewhat reserved and distant. Small talk is rare, and it takes time to build personal connections. As expected, it was easier for me to form closer bonds with other international students. However, once the initial ice was broken, Swedes were very friendly and sociable.

If there is one thing Scandinavians appreciate and excel at, it is standing in line. Due to their structured and orderly nature, one of the biggest faux pas is forming a disorderly queue – or worse, cutting in line.

"Sorry, no English" is a phrase you will almost never hear in Scandinavia. Whether someone is 80 or 8 years old, or from any social class, communication in English is hardly a problem. This makes everyday life significantly easier for international students. Compared to Austria, this is a clear advantage. Reasons for this include the education system, a different approach to English in daily life, and the limited use of dubbing in media.

Other typically Swedish traditions include the well-known sauna culture and the famous "Fika." The latter is more than just a coffee break – it is a deeply rooted social institution where people take time to relax and catch up with friends or colleagues. I greatly enjoyed this conscious break from everyday life and will definitely integrate it into my own routine.

Typical fika with Kanerbulle (Image source: Christopher Huber)

Cities and Infrastructure

Scandinavian cities, especially those in Sweden, impressed me on many levels. The cleanliness is exceptional – there is hardly any litter, almost no homelessness, and public transport is in pristine condition. I must admit that on my way home through Hamburg, I was a bit shocked by the contrast compared to Scandinavian cities.

One of the most striking aspects was the electrification of transportation and the corresponding infrastructure. While many diesel buses are still in use in Austria, Swedish cities have long since transitioned to electric buses and a well-developed network of charging stations for electric cars.

However, finding housing proved to be a major challenge. Especially in cities like Stockholm or Gothenburg, affordable housing is scarce, and the market is highly competitive. Anyone looking for accommodation here needs either a lot of money, patience, or good connections.

Beyond modern infrastructure, Sweden is also a leading industrial nation. Companies like Volvo, Ericsson, and IKEA are globally recognized and play a crucial role in the country’s economy. Volvo, in particular, was a significant part of our university experience since Gothenburg is one of the main production sites for both Volvo Group and Volvo Cars.

Old bus of World of Volvo museum (Image source: Christopher Huber)

So, one step ahead or not?

Despite the dark, cold winters and the reserved nature of the people, I found Sweden to be an incredibly attractive country. By the end of my stay, Sweden no longer felt foreign but almost like a second home.

In many areas – whether education, sustainability, or work culture – there are definitely aspects that can serve as a model for other countries. However, in the end, it depends on which values and structures work best for a society. Personally, my semester in Sweden was a highly enriching experience that changed my perspective on many things. I am bringing home valuable insights – and perhaps a bit of Swedish calmness as well.

Are you now also interested in studying in Sweden? Then do what Christopher did and apply during the Erasmus+ application periods to study abroad! You can find a list of all Swedish partner universities (sorted by subject area) on the TU4U intranet on the “Erasmus+ partner universities” page. Applications are not possible on an ongoing basis but only during advertised periods. A longer lead time (up to one year) is to be expected from the initial application to the start of the mobility.

Christopher Huber is studying Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics at TU Graz and already spent two semester abroad - the summer semester of 2023 at Montana State University in Bozeman, USA, and the winter semester of 2024/25 at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. As Study Abroad Peer, he shared his experiences abroad on the International Office - Welcome Center's social media channels on Facebook and Instagram.
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