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How to Become an International Student Ambassador

As an International Student Ambassador of TU Graz George-Alexandru shares his experiences with prospective students. In this blog post, the computer science student from Romania tells how it all came about.

Sometimes we can get so focused on our studies that we forget to put ourselves first. I remember when I thought I was always busy with classes, assignments and exams, and I used that as an excuse to stay in my comfort zone. Later on, I decided to take one step back so I could take two steps forward. I made a decision that helped me grow as a person and decided to become an international student ambassador of Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). And in this blog post, you will find out how you can become one, too.

Steps to becoming an International Student Ambassador

The basic requirement is that you are studying at TU Graz and come from one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia. If you just want to know how to apply for an International Student Ambassador (ISA) position, then here are the steps required:

  • google “TU Graz international student ambassador” and see when the application deadline is (usually mid-spring, this year it is on April 22, 2025, as stated on the website Become an International Student Ambassador)
  • upload a copy of your ID, a confirmation of studies, and a two to three minute video in which you present your motivation to become an ISA

But becoming an International Student Ambassador – and even more so, fulfilling the role – goes beyond just the application process.

Prospective students from abroad often face challenges and lots of questions. (Image source: Lunghammer – TU Graz)

Why TU Graz needs International Student Ambassadors

The university application process can be overwhelming, especially for international students. You need to define your study interests, choose the university that best fits your goals, and navigate the application process efficiently. Wouldn't it be great if some students who had recently gone through all this could offer support to prospective students going through the same process? Yes! That's why international student ambassadors exist.

People feel safer when they ask questions to someone like you, a student who knows the whole process and speaks their language. They will ask you for your opinion about the university, about the application process and not just that. Some are curious about the city itself, about the cost of living, about student housing. Others will ask you about job opportunities, about nightlife, about anything that comes to mind. They are happy that you can give them insights, and this helps them enormously in getting a clearer picture of what it is like to live and study in Graz. For study-specific questions, ambassadors can contact the university departments, who will then help us to answer the questions. As student ambassadors we are not left alone; the university itself and the other ambassadors are always our partners and stand by our side. However, sometimes you won't know the answer to some of their questions and that's okay.

Fairs and the TU Graz open day are important events for prospective students seeking advice. (Image source: Lunghammer – TU Graz)

Why you need to become an International Student Ambassador

As an ISA, you grow as a person. In addition to being able to leave a positive impression on the people who ask you for help, you have the chance to develop yourself.

As an international student ambassador, you have other responsibilities as well. You go to the TU Graz open day, to university fairs, and organize school visits in your home country. You put yourself out there, challenging and refining your communication skills. Prospective students come to your table at events and want to get to know you. Can you take the conversation further and make students feel like they know TU Graz better after talking to you? Can you answer questions concisely? Can you prepare a presentation that will capture the audience's attention? Are you able to speak in front of an audience that is waiting to learn new things from you?

To all these questions I'll give you a short answer: you will never know how to do these things perfectly. But that's not what's important, what's important is that we learn and grow from these experiences. We put our skills to the test. We notice what we do well, and where there is room for improvement. Now when it comes to me: am I a master of communication? Not even close. Have I developed and grown as a person and improved my communication skills? Absolutely.

In 2023 the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Stefan Vorbach appointed me among others as a TU Graz International Student Ambassador. (Image source: Lunghammer – TU Graz)

Do you want to be an International Student Ambassador?

We've explored the steps to becoming an ISA, the responsibilities involved, and the benefits that come with the role. Now, the question is: do you see yourself as an International Student Ambassador?

On the TU Graz International Student Ambassadors website you can find the current ambassadors, articles we have written for the TU Graz blog and more.

Sometimes we have to push ourselves beyond our comfort zone. If you're ambitious, eager to develop new skills, and ready to guide others on their journey to TU Graz, then this opportunity is yours to take. So why not go for it?

My name is George-Alexandru Mitrofan and I am from Romania. I am studying Computer Science at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Austria. As an International Student Ambassador, my role is to offer help and guide to prospective students looking to study at TU Graz. Students can encounter a variety of difficulties before, during and after enrolment, and a little help is always welcome – so don’t hesitate to contact me.  
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