This initiative at TU Graz is part of the Austria-wide MORE Initiative of the Universities Austria (uniko).
The MORE programme allows asylum seekers and refugees a first insight into TU Graz. The MORE programme serves as an orientation aid and is aimed at all those who have not yet applied for admission to a regular degree programme at TU Graz, but who may wish to register as a regular degree student at a later date. MORE students are enrolled as non-degree students at TU Graz and can take individual courses and examinations.
International Office – Welcome Center
Lessingstraße 32
8010 Graz
Registration for the MORE Programme for the summer semester 2025 is possible from 7 January to 30 April 2025.
The Welcome Center of TU Graz is happy to answer questions about the MORE Programme and assist with the registration process.
Please note: Registration for the MORE program is only possible if you are already in Austria!
Do you need an introduction to campus life and faculties? Do you need student support to sign up for courses?
As MORE-student at TU Graz you have the option to register for the Welcome Buddy Programme. A buddy is a senior student who introduces you to campus life and can help you select your lectures and courses. Further information on the programme and on the registration can be found here: Welcome Buddy Programme
Asylum seekers and refugees who want to register as regular international degree students at TU Graz, please contact the Registrar's Office.
Registrar's Office
Rechbauerstraße 12/I
8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6629
MORE started out in fall 2015, now all public universities have joined. The 21 universities in Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Leoben, Linz Salzburg and Vienna offer a certain amount of courses to MORE students, some of which are especially tailored for the refugees offers, some are part of a degree program.
MORE-Courses aim at providing a space for reflection to refugees where one can find out whether university studies are an option for the future. It offers orientation in academic and artistic study fields and language trainings. MORE courses are held at every university town in Austria.
MORE-Perspectives is an offer for academics and scientists who had to flee their country. It is a platform where refugees can share their knowledge and experiences with the interested public.
MORE-Activities are open formats that go beyond the academic sphere and help refugee students feel at home.
Further information can be found at the uniko website.
EUCRIT was an Erasmus+ funded program (Sept. 2017 - October 2019) whose main goal is that of providing support and training to administrative and academic staff in their interaction with displaced students.
University partners are Aalto University - Finland, Grenoble Institute of Technology - France, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium, Darmstadt University of Technology - Germany, Graz University of Technology - Austria.
Internatonal Office - Welcome Center
Phone: +43 316 873 6427
When you come to a new place, settling in isn’t always easy. The Welcome Center organises regular international get-togethers and other events to help you get to know people.