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Montana – Call into the Wild West

By Christopher Huber | 04/13/2023
Image source: Christopher Huber

What is life like in the innermost part of the USA, deep in the middle of the Rocky Mountains between mountains, rivers and valleys? That's exactly what TU Graz student Christopher Huber wanted to find out.

My trip took me to Bozeman, a small town in southern Montana (USA) with the famous Yellowstone National Park on its doorstep and the Big Sky ski resort next door.

"Mountains and Minds" that's the motto of Montana State University, where I am an international student this semester. I can assure you that this slogan fits like a glove. Surrounded by mountain ranges, I have the privilege of spending my stay abroad in a breathtaking landscape.

Trip to the thermal springs in Yellowstone National Park - nature at its best. (Image source: Christopher Huber)

College life in the USA - between cliché and reality

Wild student parties, huge sporting events, crazy student associations, American football, cheerleaders... We all know the typical American college movies. But what is it really like to study at an American university? Is there any truth to the clichés?

Are you studying at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and would like to spend a semester in the USA? The International Office - Welcome Center supports you in your search, you can find all the information on the intranet TU4U on the page "Mobility Programmes and Funding Opportunities".

The answer is: YES! I was able to experience first-hand what it feels like to be an American college student. Campus life is completely different from what we know from Austria. Beta-Psi, Alpha-Omega, or whatever the student associations are called, live in their own houses distributed around the campus and celebrate the most exuberant parties. After a long day at university, go to the stadium next door with friends and cheer on the university team to music and cheerleader dances. The athletes are celebrated like stars and the school mascot is always there anyway. The "school spirit" is indescribable and is reflected throughout the campus.

Among many other sports facilities, the football stadium hosts the biggest events on campus - Go Cats! (Image source: Christopher Huber)

A unique student life in the Wild West

Especially at Montana State University, there is still a special cowboy touch. Walking around campus in a cowboy hat and boots? A competitive rodeo at the basketball station? Quite normal here.

Interested in finding out exactly what Christopher is up to this semester? As Study Abroad Peer he continuously reports about his experiences at Montana State University - follow his adventure on the TU Graz International channels on Facebook oder Instagram!

Experience the Wild West up close and personal and go on a trip to Montana - it's worth the journey. If your interest is not yet piqued, then I don't know... My experiences so far have been unforgettable and I am really looking forward to the time I have left!

Christopher Huber is studying Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics at TU Graz and already spent two semester abroad - the summer semester of 2023 at Montana State University in Bozeman, USA, and the winter semester of 2024/25 at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. As Study Abroad Peer, he shared his experiences abroad on the International Office - Welcome Center's social media channels on Facebook and Instagram.
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