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TU Graz/

I do not have a TU Graz account yet

How you get an account depends on your user group.



Account for members of TU Graz

  • Employee
  • Student
  • Alumni

You need a new PIN code. Additional information

Account for pre-registration

Account for:

  • Pre-registration for a degree programme
  • Application for a degree programme with admission procedures
  • Access to TU Graz  TeachCenter for Life Long Learning courses
  • Participation in an international mobility program (Incoming)

Create Account with self-registration (providing no active TUGRAZonline account is existing).

Accounts for TU Graz partners

Account for:

  • Employees from firms on Campus
  • Project partner
  • Firms

Create Account with self-registration (instructions).


Phone: +43 316 873 7000
