Maschinenbau und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Mathematik, Physik und Geodäsie
Informatik und Biomedizinische Technik
Technische Chemie, Verfahrenstechnik, Biotechnologien
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Vizerektor für Lehre
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Seit fünf Jahren sind die TU Darmstadt und die TU Graz strategische Partner, und es gibt keine andere Universitätspartnerschaft, die zu so viel Zusammenarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und Universitätsmanagement geführt hat. Eine der herausragendsten Erfolgsgeschichten ist die von CREATOR, des ersten deutsch-österreichischen Sonderforschungsbereichs. Die Anschubfinanzierung beider Universitäten ermöglichte die ersten Treffen zwischen den Initiatoren dieser fabelhaften Forschungsallianz. Wenn Sie Interesse an der Initiierung einer Zusammenarbeit der TU Darmstadt haben, gibt es einen speziellen Fonds. Die beiden Unis sind nun auch durch Unite! eng miteinander verbunden. Der Geist eines starken Engagements war beim ersten Besuch des gesamten Präsidiums der TU Darmstadt Anfang Juni zu deutlich zu spüren.
Zur Newsmeldung "TU Graz und TU Darmstadt feiern 5 Jahre strategische Partnerschaft"
The first German-Austrian Collaborative Research Center/Transregio has received funding - a success story for a long-standing cooperation between TU Graz and TU Darmstadt. Annette Mütze (Head of the Electric Drives and Machines Institute at TU Graz) Martin Schanz (Head of the Institute of Applied Mechanics) and Sebastian Schöps (Head of Computational Electromagnetics at TU Darmstadt), initiators of the collaboration, have been working together for many years and have successfully used the opportunity of the special TU Graz – TU Darmstadt funding, both for research and teaching related projects.
TU Darmstadt and TU Graz will develop new models and simulation algorithms to improve electrical machines, for example for e-mobility. The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) jointly fund the project with a total of more than eight million euros.
The partnership between TU Graz and TU Darmstadt is quite a specific one: Scientifically on a very high level the cooperation covers many departments in both countries at both universities. Although including many researchers and staff we always feel like working with friends. The Austrian
Gemütlichkeit(cosy atmosphere) combined with Styria´s charm makes it easy for me to like working with our colleagues from TU Graz immensely.
Virtual Joint Lecture Series: TU Darmstadt – TU Graz
Stefan KURZ, Electromagnetism and Mathematical Modelling (M4EM) group, TU Darmstadt:
I am currently conducting a joint lecture series on Electromagnetics and Differential Forms during the Summer Term 2021 within the framework of the strategic partnership between TU Darmstadt and TU Graz. I started this endeavor 2017 in Darmstadt, with a small group of enthusiasts, as a classical black-board format.
With the help of the incentive budget I was able to evolve the lectures into an E-Learning format, including elements such as quizzes in the tool „feedbackr“. This was accomplished in close collaboration with the Institute of Applied Mathematics at TU Graz. What I like a lot about this format: it admits learning in a European network, which might even include further universities in the future. This provides a fresh spirit to Humboldt’s community of teachers and scholars - universitas magistrorum et scholarium.