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How do I keep my back fit?

02/01/2023 |

By Ines Hopfer-Pfister

We spend a large part of our lives sitting down. TU Graz expert Karin Steiner-Krottmayer from BGM gives tips on how to strengthen your back and stay fit even if you don’t exercise enough.

TU Graz expert Karin Steiner-Krottmayer from Workplace Health Management gives tips on how to strengthen your back. Source: Carmen Schrotter-Stadlauer

How can I keep my back healthy and strong?

  • The golden rule, even if it is sometimes difficult, is to plan regular exercise as part of your daily routine.
  • Try to avoid sitting down for long periods or one-sided heavy physical work.
  • If you cannot avoid sitting all the time at work, make sure you have suitable seating and take regular breaks to move around.
  • Avoid prolonged mobile phone or tablet use. Did you know that the head of an adult human weighs about 4.5 to 5.5 kilograms? If this is bent forward about 15 degrees , an additional 12 kilograms act on the cervical spine. The lower the head sinks forward, the greater the strain on the back.  People who look at their mobile devices often have their heads tilted by 45 degrees – this long and one-sided gaze thus puts extreme strain on the cervical spine (“mobile phone neck”).
  • If you are overweight, losing weight relieves strain on the spine.
  • Exercise is the most important thing for back problems. Even if it sounds bizarre, bed rest can do harm and even worsen the symptoms. Find a type of movement that gives you pleasure and doesn’t increase the pain.  Even walking normally over uneven ground can be helpful – a walk in the woods, for example, is a good idea.

What does Graz University of Technology offer on the topic of “healthy backs”?

  • This year, the annual focus of workplace health management is on back health. There are a number of events on this topic throughout the year, and the Health Compass 2023 (only in German) provides a good overview here.
  • During the promotion month of February, resistance bands and seat cushions can be purchased by TU Graz employees at low prices. Therabands (a make of resistance band) cost 5 euros, and seat cushions are available for 10 euros. This is accompanied by instructions on how to use it in a way that promotes health. Please order at bgmnoSpam@tugraz.at.
  • Don’t miss the “Shiatsu on the Chair” massages in February, September, October and November. For a cost contribution of 20 euros, you can treat yourself to a short break from everyday office life, release blockages in the musculoskeletal system and alleviate back pain. Workplace Health Management will pay the remaining amount for you. Registrations are welcome at bgmnoSpam@tugraz.at.
  • Take advantage of the TU Graz-internal resources and opportunities that Workplace Health Management offers you. Sign up for the newsletter at bgmnoSpam@tugraz.at, here you will be informed about all offers.
  • And did you know that all new employees have the opportunity to choose an office chair that is ideal for them? Please contact Philip Lackner (placknernoSpam@tugraz.at) from Buildings and Technical Support.

Here you will find links to further brochures:

Interested in talks on the topic?

There will be two lectures on this for TU Graz employees in the near future, please register at bgmnoSpam@tugraz.at:

  • Seat Cushion, Pezzi ball and Co – what makes sense and how? On Thursday, 16 February 2023 from 16:30 to 17:30, Campus Alte Technik, SR 104.
  • Presenteeism – Going to Work Sick. On Tuesday, 28 February 2023, from 17:00 to 18:30, online.


You can find this and other articles to browse through in TU Graz people #83, the magazine for TU Graz employees and interested parties.


TU Graz expert: Karin Steiner-Krottmayer

  • has been working at TU Graz for eleven years and has been instrumental in building up Workplace Health Management (BGM), (formerly Workplace Health Promotion).
  • The Workplace Health Management team is located in the Personnel Department.
  • In addition to Workplace Health Management, she is the former national champion in fin swimming and world championship participant in Shanghai and is also in charge of the service point Accessible Learning

E-mail: bgmnoSpam@tugraz.at