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SAXS on Nanosystems: Current trends and perspectives


  • Symposium


  • Sonstige

This symposium should cover the current trends in microfluidics, in operando as well as fast pump probe experiments with applications in energy materials, nanomaterials, (bio-)polymers and biology.

Ground for discussion

„SAXS on Nanosystems: Current trends and perspectives  20 years of the Austrian SAXS beamline“ is to provide a ground for discussion for addressing the perspectives of the specific trends, especially in the fields of Micro / nanofluidics and confined systems, in-operando and pump probe experiments, GISAXS and BioSAXS. It is organized by the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Graz University of Technology in co-operation with Elettra- Sincrotrone Trieste. More information about the symposium can be found on the SAXS20 website.


TU Graz, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry/Research Centre Trieste

Time and Location

10. October 2016, 02:00 pm - 12. October 2016, 01:00 pm

Abdus Salam International Center of Theoretical Physics Trieste, Italy, Fermi Building, Main Lecture Hall

Additional informations

Language: English


Ass.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Amenitsch
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, TU Graz
Phone: +43 664 88418858