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Meeting Point Dissertation 2023

What you should know about your doctoral project


  • Informationsveranstaltung


  • Career
  • Lehre/Studium
  • Universität

Are you working on your PhD or about to start a doctoral project? Then we cordially invite you to join the information and networking event "Meeting Point Dissertation". The event will provide useful information about the doctoral curriculum and the doctoral schools as well as information about other offers and initiatives for PhD students. A PhD supervisor and former PhD students will also share insights.


Registration until 20 September via the online registration form.


TU Graz | Human Resource Development

Time and Location

22. September 2023, 09:30 AM - 11:30

TU Graz, Campus Inffeldgasse, Inffeldgasse 13, HS i9, 8010 Graz

Additional informations

Language: English


Lisa-Marie EPPLE
TU Graz | Human Resource Development
Phone: +43 316 873 6074