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DocDays Chemistry 2017

Doktoratsschule Chemie


  • Veranstaltungsreihe


  • Lehre/Studium

The event „DocDays Chemistry“ is an annual symposium of PhD-Students from Graz University of Technology as well as from the University of Graz. This year they will be held at the Graz University of Technology from 19th to 20th of April. Beside speakers from academia and industry the focus of the talks will be on the research of the presenting PhD students. The Doc Days give the opportunity for PhD students gaining experience in presenting their own data in front of a larger auditorium. Within the framework of this scientific event also lies a social aspect. During the breaks, lunch, a poster session and the social get-together afterwards the participants have the opportunity to discuss about their research and get to know each other.


Doktoratsschule Chemie

Time and Location

19. April 2017, 08:00 am - 20. April 2017, 06:00 pm

TU Graz, HS H "Ulrich Santner" (NTEG230E), Kopernikusgasse 24, EG, 8010 Graz

Additional informations

Language: English


Patrick Simon DOBROUNIG, BSc MSc
Organische Chemie
Phone: +43 316 873 32416