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68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society


  • Tagung/Konferenz


  • Andere Forschungsthemen
  • Lehre/Studium
  • Advanced Materials Science (Field of Expertise)

The purpose of this conference is to promote physics in Austria, disseminate the results of physics research, and bring Austrian physicists together to exchange their views. Eight plenary lectures and one public evening lecture will be given by internationally renowned experts. Recent research results in the following areas will be covered in several oral sessions within the conference: Acoustics; Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Plasmas; Condensed Matter; Nuclear and Particle Physics; History of Physics; Physics and School; Medical Physics; Biophysics and Environmental Physics; Research with Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation; Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Layers; Physics-Industry and Polymer Physics. In addition, poster presentations are planned for all the above named topics.

The following Prizes of the Austrian Physical Society will be awarded this year:

  • The Fritz Kohlrausch Prize which is biennially awarded to a young experimental investigator for excellent research, alternating with the Ludwig Boltzmann Prize for theoretical physics every other year.
  • The Roman Ulrich Sexl Prize which is awarded for exceptional services in teaching physics at school and university. The awardees are selected in close cooperation with the Division "Physics and School".
  • The Student Prize of the Austrian Physical Society is awarded for outstanding master’s or diploma theses in the fields of experimental or theoretical physics, in close cooperation with the Working Group “Yound Minds”.:
  • The Division “Physics and School” also selects exceptional candidates from schools to present them special awards for their “pre-scientific work”.
  • The Division “Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films” presents the Max Auwärter Prize, an award for "outstanding achievements in the physics of surfaces and boundary layers".
The 68th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society is organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics at TU Graz, Austria, and will take place in the Physics Building, with the postal address Petersgasse 16, 8010 Graz.


Institut für Experimentalphysik der TU Graz

Time and Location

11. September 2018, 09:00 AM - 13. September 2018, 05:30 PM

TU Graz, Campus Neue Technik, Petersgasse 16, HS P1, 8010 Graz, Austria

Additional informations

Language: English

with costs


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang ERNST
Institut für Experimentalphysik
Phone: +43 316 873 8140