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Route 63 connects Uni Graz to TU Graz: Business and computer science links joint range of courses.

10/17/2018 | TU Graz news | Research | Studies

By Barbara Gigler

Two universities, one aim: the University of Graz and Graz University of Technology want to make their students fit for the world of work.

Two universities, one path on 'Route 63': Stefan Vorbach, Roderick Bloem and Rector Harald Kainz from TU Graz together with their colleagues from the University of Graz, Rector Christa Neuper, Thomas Foscht and Heinz Königsmaier von der Uni Graz (f. l. t. r.)

The universities are opening up their range of courses in the fields of business, sociology, psychology and computer science to students of each university. Students at Uni Graz can acquire know-how in computer science, learn how to program simple web applications and apps and gain an understanding of the methods and possibilities of data science.

For students of TU Graz, on the other hand, courses in business administration, sociology and psychology are open to them and they can acquire the tools to establish companies or market software.With this new cooperation project named ‘Route 63’ – named after the bus line linking both universities – Uni Graz and TU Graz are continuing to expand their successful collaboration. The range of elective subjects will be launched in summer semester 2019.

One of the experts joining data science and psychology together in such a profound way is Walter Quattrociocchi of the University of Venice. The international expert for the topic of fake news is keynote speaker at the kick-off event for the ‘Route 63’ cooperation project at the University of Graz, RESOWI-Zentrum, Sitzungszimmer A2 on 25th October 2018 at 2pm.

Universität Graz und TU Graz wollen ihre Studierenden fit für die Berufswelt machen. Sie öffnen dazu in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Soziologie, Psychologie und Informatik wechselweise ihr Studienangebot.


Walter Quattrociocchi: From Confirmation Bias to Echo Chambers. A Data Driven Approach
Date: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018, 14:00 Uhr
Place: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Sitzungszimmer A2, Universitätsstraße 15, 8010 Graz


Roderick BLOEM
Univ.-Prof. Ph.D.
Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications
Inffeldgasse 16a
8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 873 5580