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New children’s books published by TU Graz University Press

01/10/2022 | TU Graz news | University

By Susanne Filzwieser

“Toni and the nut machine” and “Alex catches the echo” are the names of new children’s books published by TU Graz. The main themes are diversity, tolerance and openness towards fellow human beings, nature and technology.

New additions to the TU Graz publishing house: the children's books "Toni and the nut machine" and "ALEX catches the echo".

TU Graz University Press has two new children’s books in its programme: “Toni and the nut machine” (Toni und die Nussmaschine) and “Alex catches the echo” (ALEX fängt das Echo ein). As with the two publications “Mika goes to whale school” (Mika und die Walschule) and “Ina explores space” (Ina erforscht den Weltraum), which appeared in 2020, the content of the new books is also characterized by tolerance, openness and receptiveness towards fellow human beings, nature and technology.

The emphasis is on a child-friendly, playful approach to children’s everyday topics such as friendship, school or fears. “Gender and role clichés are left out, but there is room for diversity. A child-friendly, reduced visual language leaves enough room for independent fantasies,” explains Lissa Reithofer from the Office for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), which publishes the books. Questions in the text are meant to stimulate children’s imagination and reflection. A short accompanying text in the appendix offers background information and further suggestions.

“Toni and the nut machine”

There’s no such thing as “I can’t do it”. With the right friends, good ideas and enough support, anything is possible. Toni knows this too, now. We accompany Toni the baby squirrel and Toni’s friends on a journey from a problem to a solution – which is ultimately a great help to everyone.
"Toni and the nut machine"
Author: Franziska Lethmaier
Recommended age: from 2 years upwards
Price: 20 Euro

“Alex catches the echo”

Alex is a child with a lot of curiosity. Whether it’s the echo that answers seemingly out of nowhere, the thunder in a nightly thunderstorm or the question of how sounds can spread through the air – all this has fascinated Alex from an early age. When Alex learns one day that bats can fly safely through the night by sound alone, a passion is born. Can humans also use sound to move around? Mr Stefan lives on Alex’s street and he can do this, too. He uses a blind person’s cane which is equipped with a special device. This so-called sonar guides Mr Stefan safely through the city. Shortly before graduation, Alex accompanies Ina, an old kindergarten friend, to an open day at a technical university. Education and training is available for many different professions – will Alex find something for himself?
"Alex catches the echo"
Author: Felicitas Fröhlich
Recommended age: from 6 years upwards
Price: 22 Euro

Where are they available?

Both children’s books are available in German and English and were printed using the sustainable cradle-to-cradle process. The books are available in the online shop of TU Graz University Press and will soon also be listed in well-stocked bookshops (such as the Moser bookshop in Graz). The respective e-book versions published by TU Graz University Press are accessible free of charge. 


TU Graz | Office for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity
Mandellstraße 5/I, 8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 6095