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Student Competition Teams and Other Activities offered by TU Graz

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Student teams, international programmes, summer schools and internships can be very beneficial for the future careers of students. Veronika Novak, international student at TU Graz, gives advice – especially for newcomers.

Extracurricular activities can be very beneficial for your future and help you create new possibilities. But sometimes it can be tricky for a new student to find the various programmes that exist at TU Graz to support students in their future careers and help them to create new connections. So which extracurricular projects and competitions does Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) offer its students and how to find them?

Student Competitions and Focus Teams

The most obvious answer is of course official TU Graz student competition teams. TU Graz offers different student teams that connect students from various fields of study into a project. If you join one of them, you work in a team with people who share the same interest as you are.  All of you bring something from your field of expertise to the team to find the best solutions. If you are interested in interdisciplinary projects and would like to put your knowledge into practice, these teams may be the right decision for you. The student teams address various topics – from starting your own company, creating new products and participating in aerospace, to robotics, racing, sailing and many more areas of interest. Interdisciplinary projects and competitions will give you a unique experience, are a great starting point after your study activities and most importantly an opportunity to meet some new friends.

Check out the list of all TU Graz student teams on the website of TU Graz.

Elective Subjects an Regular Curricular

Another less obvious way to participate in various interesting projects and competitions is through the regular and elective subjects connected to your studies. These projects and research groups are mostly specific to individual fields of study and are designed to broaden your knowledge on a specific topic. The only problem is that they can sometimes be hard to find because they can vary from semester to semester or can only be part of elective subjects.

My Advice

For a new student I would suggest informing yourself properly about possibilities offered by your faculty and institutes and look carefully through your curricular and elective subjects. Most importantly don’t be afraid to ask older students for some advice. With the right information it will be much easier to choose between different possibilities that TU Graz offers. Maybe these extracurricular activities and specific elective subjects will help you to connect with various people or help you in getting some desirable internship or other opportunity. So, if you are prepared to dedicate some extra time, it is worth trying.

I would suggest you inform yourself properly from your faculty and institutes. Look carefully through your regular and elective subjects.

My Experience

As an architecture student I was participating in a seminar which was preparing us for an international competition in advanced manufacturing and materials in London. We were designing pavilions made of new future materials and creating new construction techniques. I found it extremely beneficial, and it helped me broaden my knowledge in some specific topics that will definitely play an important role in the future. I found this course among the elective subjects and was surprised that not many people knew about it.

I suggest you ask around within your study field. Maybe some people know some cool research project or seminar you do not yet know about.

Summer Schools and Summer Programmes

TU Graz offers various summer programmes related to different study fields and collaborates with many partner universities around the world. Does spending summer in another country extending your education, meeting new people, and working on different project sound interesting to you?  If so, then check out different offered programs before next summer. The Welcome Center of TU Graz will be happy to help you.

TU Graz is also offering scholarships and funding to their students to support them in extending their education through summer schools and programs. Contact TU Graz Welcome Center for specific information.

Erasmus+ Traineeship

Another great way of increasing your knowledge is through Erasmus+ Traineeship. This programme combines international exchange with a traineeship at another university and country. The traineeship lasts between 2 and 12 months, so you should take this into consideration when deciding. Most students choose this program to work on their bachelor’s or master’s thesis. For more information regarding international exchanges, contact the TU Graz Welcome Center.

Extracurricular activities can be very beneficial in many aspects, but they also require some extra time. Consider that when deciding to apply to one of them, so you do not make your life stressful.

Veronika Novak is from Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia, and came to Austria to study the Bachelor’s Programme in Architecture at TU Graz. She is also an International Student Ambassador at TU Graz and is eager to advise international students about studying and living in Graz. For any additional information about studying at TU Graz, feel free to contact her.
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