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TU Graz/

Focus on TU Graz

Being a part of TU Graz means: thinking in new dimensions. Working to improve society. Teaching with vision. Degrees with a future. Communicating with people all over the world. Achieving more by working together – with science, passion and technology.


What are the main principles of TU Graz? What does the university want to achieve? What are the cornerstones of the university? Find out more under University.


Would you also like to become part of the TU Graz team? On these pages we give you an insight into our diverse career paths and opportunities and show you what makes TU Graz special as an employer.. See Career.


TU Graz provides attractive services for companies, research institutions, children, young people, graduates and other interested parties. Find out more under Services.

Organisational Structure

How is TU Graz organised? Read more about the University Management, Deans, service departments and staff units as well as representative bodies for members of TU Graz. Find out more under Organisational Structure.