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General Assembly of the EOSC Support Office Austria

Austria's Mandated Organisation for the European Open Science Cloud celebrates a year of collaboration


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The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Support Office Austria, the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation, cordially invites to its second General Assembly, this time to take place at the Old Campus (Alte Technik) of the Graz University of Technology. In this meeting we will celebrate one year of collaboration, reflect on the work carried out and the goals already achieved, and look at the vision for the future and further goals of EOSC in Austria. We will have keynote speakers from the EOSC Association and EOSC-related projects to describe current development in the European Open Science Cloud ecosystem. We are looking forward to welcome you at EOSC Support Office Austria 2nd General Assembly!


Please register via the online form at the bottom of the website of the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation.

Veranstaltet von

TU Graz; EOSC Support Office Austria

Zeit und Ort

7. November 2022, 11:00 - 16:00

TU Graz Aula in der Alten Technik, Rechbauerstraße 12, 1st floor, 8010 Graz (and online)


Abhaltungssprache: Englisch


Dr. Miguel Rey Mazón
TU Graz Library and EOSC Support Office Austria
Tel.: +43 316 873 30684