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Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources


  • Symposium


  • Sonstige

The Symposium „Future Possible Use of Neutron and Synchrotron Sources by the Austrian User Community“ aims at bringing together Austrian users of synchrotron- and neutron radiation from all research areas to discuss recent scientific achievements as well as future needs. It is organized by the Graz University of Technology in co-operation with the Montan University Leoben, Austrian Neutron and Synchrotron Organization, ÖPG.

Veranstaltet von

Anorganische Chemie

Zeit und Ort

15. September 2016, 09:00 - 16. September 2016, 20:00

TU Graz, Neue Technik, Kopernikusgasse 24, EG, HS H "Ulrich Santner" (NTEG230E) EG


Abhaltungssprache: Deutsch


Ass.Prof. Dr. Heinz Amenitsch
Anorganische Chemie
Tel.: 0664/88418858