Sergio Amancio will discuss in his inaugural lecture the current challenges in joining and additively manufacturing new lightweight structures for future aircraft applications. Focus will be on given novel and cutting-edge technologies with special focus on the manufacturing and materials science aspects of metal-polymer/composite hybrid structures.
Switch to the TU Graz News+Stories and read more about materials expert Sergio Amancio and the first BMVIT endowed professorship for aviation research in Austria.
Greeting and Opening
Inaugural Lecture
followed by a sparkling wine reception and a buffet
alumniTUGraz 1887, Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences
7. November 2019, 14:00 - 17:00
TU Graz, Inffeldgasse 11, Laboratory for Innovation (IIM Institute), 3 floor, 8010 Graz
Abhaltungssprache: Englisch
Patricia GÖTZ
alumniTUGraz 1887
Tel.: +43 316 873 7191