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Bubblesoccer Tournament

organized by the PhD Union


  • Sportveranstaltung


  • Lehre/Studium
  • Sonstige

This is your chance to compete with your PhD collegues in a rather unorthodox discipline: Bubble Soccer! Just call your friends and form a Team ;)
All you need are five players!
Don't worry - if you don't find so many, we will arrage a team for you!
Learn more about Bubble Soccer Graz (German). Just register on doktorat.htu.tugraz.at On the right hand side click on Bubble Soccer Tournament and fill in the form More infos about registration fee, rules etc. are given also there. Your PhD Union (StV Doktorat) PS: If you are not really a PhD (anymore or not yet) you are also very welcome to participate :)

Veranstaltet von

StV Doktorat (PhD Union)

Zeit und Ort

8. Juli 2016, 14:30 - 19:00

Landessportzentrum , Halle A2, Jahngasse 3, 8010 Graz


Abhaltungssprache: Deutsch



Gerhard Dorn
StV Doktorat
Tel.: +43 316 873 8188