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26th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference – EYGEC 2018


  • Tagung/Konferenz


  • Sustainable Systems (Field of Expertise)

Senior geotechnical engineers will deliver keynote lectures on topics related to geotechnical engineering and will engage with the young engineer delegates during the technical sessions. Each European National Society will be asked to select two representatives to attend the Conference. Ideally, they should be 35 years of age, or less, at the time of the meeting.

Conference topics

There is no specific conference theme, any topic related to geotechnical engineering is appropriate. Some examples:
  • Site investigation
  • Laboratory and field testing
  • Field monitoring
  • Selection of design parameters
  • Constitutive, numerical and physical modelling
  • Shallow and deep foundations
  • Deep excavations and retaining structures
  • Tunnelling and underground structures
  • Slope stability and landslides
  • Infrastructure projects
  • Ground improvement
  • Mechanical, hydraulic and thermal behaviour of saturated and unsaturated soils
  • Environmental Geotechnics

Veranstaltet von

Dr. Franz Tschuchnigg, Prof. Helmut F. Schweiger, TU Graz

Zeit und Ort

11. September 2018, 14:00 - 14. September 2018, 13:30

Der Klugbauer, Reinischkogel 28, 8563 Reinischkogel, Austria


Abhaltungssprache: Englisch



Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz TSCHUCHNIGG
Institute of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Computational Geotechnics | TU Graz
Tel.: +43 316 873 6729