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„TERRITORIAL TURN!“: Sustainable and adaptive urban systems:

08/31/2022 | TU Graz news | Events

By Susanne Filzwieser

How do we want to plan cities in the future – and how will we have to? High-profile experts will discuss potential answers at Territorial Turn!, a symposium taking place at TU Graz on 15-16 September. Some tickets are still available, with discounts on offer for students.

With the symposium "TERRITORIAL TURN!", the Institute of Urbanism at TU Graz is creating an opportunity for exchange and discussion on the topic of climate-smart cities on September 15 and 16, 2022. Pictured: Eva Schwab and Aglaée Degros from the Institute of Urbanism. Image source: TU Graz

In view of the enormous environmental and social challenges confronting urban planning approaches, a paradigm shift is needed – according to Aglaée Degros and her team at the TU Graz Institute of Urbanism. A symposium organised by the institute – entitled TERRITORIAL TURN!, which is being staged on 15-16 September 2022 – will give participants the opportunity to compare notes with leading international speakers and panellists specialising in urban development, architecture, landscapes, planning and design. The event aims to spark discussion of possible changes and solutions to support a “territorial turn”, as well as a joint investigation of new urbanism frameworks and values. Some tickets for the symposium are still available, and students qualify for a discounted price of EUR 50. 

Climate-resilient cities: preview

TERRITORIAL TURN! features a packed, highly diversified schedule. The 15 speakers include:

  • Paola Viganó, head of the Laboratory of Urbanism at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and professor at Università Iuav di Venezia, whose work has driven moves towards a systematic understanding of urbanism in recent decades. Her approach involves precise analysis of the status quo and looking at the bigger picture – the networked city.
  • Paris-based architect and urban planning expert Susanne Eliasson and her architectural office Good Reasons to Afford Urbanism (GRAU) won the tender for the redesign of the area around Notre-Dame Cathedral in the French capital. In her work she places an emphasis on social and ecological connections in urban spaces, while her presentation will give an insight into her experience of research and execution.
  • Philipp Misselwitz is a German architect and urban researcher. He is a co-founder of the Bauhaus Earth Charter, which was initiated in conjunction with experts from the fields of science, architecture, regional planning and politics. The charter aims to create a future in which buildings, cities and landscapes contribute proactively to climate restoration and have a positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants.
  • Based in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, architect and urban designer Eva Pfannes specialises in climate-resilience strategies for cities. Her talk will look at her international work in both urban and rural settings.
  • Stefan Rettich is an urban planning expert, architect and Professor of Urbanism at the University of Kassel. His chosen subject is soil as a valuable resource against the backdrop of climate change and economic crises . Together with Sabine Tastel he has written a book entitled Die Bodenfrage. Klima, Ökonomie, Gemeinwohl (The Soil Question. Climate, Economy and the Common Good).

Towards just, ecological and collaborative urbanism

Date: 15. und 16. September 2022
Venue: TU Graz | Campus Neue Technik | Kronesgasse 5, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tickets: EUR 50-155, includes lunch and evening apéro
Detailed schedule and tickets

Panel discussion: a territorial turn for Graz

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion on the options for a territorial turn in Graz. Panel members Juliette Bekkering (University of Eindhoven), Han Meyer (TU Delft), Marcel Smets (KU Leuven), Judith Schwentner (City of Graz), Bertram Werle (City of Graz), Günther Riegler (City of Graz) and Aglaée Degros will be sharing their views.

The run-up to the symposium saw the staging of an exhibition titled Territorial Turn – Plea for a Paradigm Shift in Urbanism, held in Graz from February to April 2022 in conjunction with Haus der Architektur, as well as Where City and Territory meet…, an online symposium that took place in September 2021. In the same month, Park Books published Basics of Urbanism - 12 concepts of territorial transformation.

Aglaée Degros Aglaée Degros shares her views on urbanism and sustainable construction in the TU Graz science podcast Talk Science To Me


Jennifer FAUSTER
TU Graz | Institute of Urbanism
Phone: +43 316 873 6283