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Mechanically Induced Martensitic Transformation

A Thermodynamically Consistent Multiscale Approach


  • Vortrag


  • Advanced Materials Science (Field of Expertise)
  • Information Communication & Computing (Field of Expertise)

A modelling approach to mechanically induced martensitic transformation in metallic alloys is described, whereby the external energy required to complete the transformation of the metastable austenite phase into martensite is taken as a primary constituite parameter at the lower (single crystal scale). In this context, a computational homogenisation procedure is used to predict the corresponding macro-scale transformation surface. Same as the finite strain elastoplastic behaviour of the associated polycrystal. Refinements of the basic crystal-scale model are also discussed, which allow the finer details of the macro-scale stress strain behaviour to be captured more accurately.

Veranstaltet von

TU Graz | Institut für Biomechanik

Zeit und Ort

18. April 2024, 16:15 - 18:15

TU Graz, Kopernikusgasse 24, Vorlesungssaal H "Ulrich Santner" (NTEG230E), 8010 Graz


Abhaltungssprache: Englisch


TU Graz | Institut für Biomechanik
Tel.: +43 316 873 35501