Roman Lesjak, Thomas Moder, Manfred Wieser, Martin Horn, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati and Hermann SteffanCrashPos Final Report - Single-frequency RTK for an Advanced Driver Assistance System test-bedShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Gernot Woitsch and Wolfgang SinzInfluences of Pre-Crash Braking Induced Dummy - Forward Displacements on Dummy Behaviour during EuroNCAP Frontal CrashtestShow publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Mats Svensson, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Anna Carlsson, Christian Ewald, Peter Luttenberger, Christian Mayer, J Strandroth, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche and Jac WismansFuture Accident Scenarios involving Small Electric Vehicles2014 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings51-52Show publication in PURE
Philipp Huber, Stefan Kirschbichler, Adrian Prüggler and Thomas SteidlThree-dimensional occupant kinematics during frontal, lateral and combined emergency maneuversProceedings668-669Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Sylvia Schick, Astrid Linder, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Wolfgang Sinz and Ines LevalloisNeck Injury Protection: Potential Cost Savings and Improved Seat EvaluationTransport Research Arena---Show publication in PURE
Peter Luttenberger, Ernst Tomasch, Remy Willinger, Christian Mayer, Jörg Bakker, Nicolas Bourdet, Christian Ewald and Wolfgang SinzMethod for future pedestrian accident scenario predictionTransport Research ArenaShow publication in PURE
Roland Wohlecker, Ralf Matheis, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Bengt Pipkorn and Christian KurzböckMATISSE - Modelling And Testing for Improved Safety of Key Composite Structures in Alternatively Powered VehiclesTransport Research Arena---Show publication in PURE
Nicolas Bourdet, Peter Luttenberger, Andreas Teibinger, Christian Mayer and Remy WillingerPedestrian and bicyclists head impact conditions against small electric vehicle2014 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings685-696Show publication in PURE
Stefan Kirschbichler, Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Thomas Steidl, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Mayer and Gian Antonio D`AddettaFactors Influencing Occupant Kinematics during Braking and Lane Change Maneuvers in a Passenger VehicleProceedings of IRCOBI Conference 2014, IRC-14-70614-625Show publication in PURE
Harald Marbler-Gores, Andreas Teibinger, Harald Schluder, Veit Conrad and Hermann SteffanVirtuelle und reale Absicherung crashrelevanter Strukturbauteile mit neuartigem Prüfstandkonzept17. Kongress, SIMVEC - Simulation und Erprobung in der Fahrzeugentwicklung 2014, VDI-Berichte 2224847-856Show publication in PURE
Christian Mayer, Florian Mayer, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz and Dirk FressmannUntersuchung des Bruchverhaltens älterer und jüngerer menschlicher Rippen - Definition eines Materialmodells und Implementierung in ein FE Human ModelTraumabiomechanik des älteren Verkehrsteilnehmers - Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels---Show publication in PURE
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Mario Darok, Wolfgang Sinz, Iztok Ciglaric, Dean Ravnik and Hermann SteffanComparison of the cervical spine bony kinematics for female cadavers versus the virtual EvaRID dummy under whiplash loading2014 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings250-267Show publication in PURE
Roman Lesjak, Thomas Moder, Manfred Wieser, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Martin Horn and Hermann SteffanEntwicklung eines ADAS-Testsystems durch Integration von inertialen MEMS SensorenProceedings POSNAV 2014Show publication in PURE
Christoph Zauner, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Ellersdorfer and Hermann SteffanAssessment of the effectiveness of Intersection Assistance Systems at urban and rural accident sitesESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Researchn-nShow publication in PURE
Technical Report
Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Jörg Moser, Peter Saleh, Felix Etl, Isabela Mocanu and Christian SteffanALERT - Anforderungsliste an C2X Systeme zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit im Hinblick auf Müdigkeit, Ablenkung und UnaufmerksamkeitShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Emrah Yigit, Jens Weber, Matthias Kröger, Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler and Stefan KirschbichlerInfluence on soft tissue material model on occupant kinematics in low g scenarios using FE human body modelsShow publication in PURE
Werner Leitgeb and Christian EllersdorferCrash Safety of Batteries - Test based process for finite element modellingShow publication in PURE
Christian EllersdorferNI CompactRIO als Echtzeitsteuer- und Messsystem für einen universellen quasistatischen mechanischen BatterieprüfstandShow publication in PURE
Andreas Teibinger, Christian Mayer, Roberto Puppini, Mats Svensson, Rémy Willinger, Frederic Nuß, Peter Luttenberger and Gian Antonio D'AddettaSafeEV: Current and planned activitiesShow publication in PURE
Stefan Kirschbichler and Philipp HuberHuman Modeling and Integrated SafetyShow publication in PURE
Gregor Gstrein, Daniel Koschitzky, Ralf Limmer and Harald Marbler-GoresSimulation of the deployment space for a side airbag in a component test rigShow publication in PURE
Philipp Huber, Stefan Kirschbichler, Adrian Prüggler and Thomas SteidlThree dimensional occupant kinematics during frontal, lateral and combined emergency maneuversShow publication in PURE
Harald Marbler-Gores, Andreas Teibinger, Harald Schluder, Veit Conrad and Hermann SteffanVirtuelle und reale Absicherung crashrelevanter Strukturbauteile mit neuartigem PrüfstandkonzeptShow publication in PURE
Christian Mayer, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Dirk Fressmann and Florian MayerUntersuchung des Bruchverhaltens älterer und jüngerer menschlicher Rippen - Definition eines Materialmodells und Implementierung in ein FE Human ModelShow publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch and Heinz HoschopfTiefenanalyse unfallkausaler Zusammenhänge bei Kinderverkehrsunfällen und PlanungsstandardsShow publication in PURE
Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Stefan Kirschbichler, Thomas Steidl, Norbert Praxl, Christian Mayer, Jens Weber, Emrah Yigit, Wolfgang Sinz and Andreas RieserOccupant model for integrated safety: Recent results in testing and simulationShow publication in PURE
Stefan Kirschbichler, Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Thomas Steidl, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Mayer and Gian Antonio D`AddettaFactors Influencing Occupant Kinematics during Braking and Lane Change Maneuvers in a Passenger VehicleShow publication in PURE
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