Maninirina Ranovona, Jun Tsuchida, Estelle Chin, Thomas Unselt, Oscar Munoz, Andres Aparicio and Bernhard Winkler Report on the experimental study results of the evaluation of behavioural aspects Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz and Stefan Kirschbichler Enbericht BioMat Phase III Show publication in PURE
Carmen Rodarius, Stefanie de Hair - Buijssen, Patrick Seiniger, Marcus Wisch, Andres Aparicio, Oscar Munoz, Sebastien Baures, Thomas Unselt, Bernhard Winkler and Kees Waggmeester Draft test and assessment protocol for the pre-crash evaluation of integrated safety systems based on existing, updated and standardized test methods Show publication in PURE
Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang Sinz ENDBERICHT ASAPROTECT – H1 SYSTEM Show publication in PURE
Andreas Rieser, Peter Wimmer and Ernst Tomasch K2 Zwischenbericht: Toolkette zur disziplinübergreifenden Simulation am Beispiel der Integralen Sicherheit Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Arno Eichberger, Ernst Tomasch, Rüdiger Rohm, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Hermann Steffan Bewertung der Potentiale von Fahrerassistenzsysteme zur Vermeidung tödlicher Verletzungen bei Verkehrsunfällen Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Mark Gobald, Birgit Nadler, Friedrich Nadler, Bernd Strnad and Florian Schneider SANFTLEBEN - Sicherheitsbeurteilung der Anfangselemente von Leitschienen und Betonleitwänden Show publication in PURE
Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Christoph Mottl and Ernst Tomasch Case study of a frontal car accident involving three fatally injured children Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Mark Gobald, Hermann Steffan, Birgit Nadler, Friedrich Nadler, Bernd Strnad and Florian Schneider Required length of guardrails before hazards Show publication in PURE
M. Bottlang and F. Feist Biomechanics of far cortical locking Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Sinz, Christoph Breitfuß, Ernst Tomasch, Jürgen Gugler, Florian Feist, Hannes Lacher, Fiorentino Valerio Conte, Stefan Kutsenits and Ernst Kieninger Integration of a crashworthy battery in a fully electric city bus Show publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan Im Airbag durch die Mausefalle Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber and Kurt Steiner DETAILED ANALYSIS OF 3D OCCUPANT KINEMATICS AND MUSCLE ACTIVITY DURING THE PRE-CRASH PHASE AS BASIS FOR HUMAN MODELING BASED ON SLED TESTSInternational Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Stefan Kirschbichler, Hermann Steffan, Mario Darok, Hans-Peter Dimai and Janina Patsch Korrelation von Knochendichte und RippenfrakturenProceedings of the annual 20th EVU meeting--- Show publication in PURE
Thomas Unselt, Christian Mayer, Estelle Chin, Andres Aparicio, Oscar Munoz, Maminirina Ranovona, Jun Tsuchida and Bernhard Winkler ASSESSMENT OF BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS IN INTEGRATED SAFETY SYSTEMSProceedings of the 22th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)1-14 Show publication in PURE
Farid Bendjellal, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz and Richard Frank CRS development and simulation techniques: Experience in utilizing Stiftung Warentest side impact environment9th--- Show publication in PURE
Arno Eichberger, Rüdiger Rohm, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan RCS-TUG Study: Benefit Potential Investigation of Traffic Safety Systems with Respect to Different Vehicle CategoriesProceedings of the 22th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)1-13 Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Saied Mohamed H. Darwish, Motaz Almodimigh and Hermann Steffan Avoidability of accidents with large animalsProceedings of the annual 20th EVU meeting--- Show publication in PURE
Gregor Gstrein Potentialanalyse früh ausgelöster Rückhaltesysteme Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Anwendungsorientierte Modellierungsansätze zur Implementierung reaktiven Insassenverhaltens in ein numerisches Menschmodell Show publication in PURE
Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan METHODS TO PREVENT OR MITIGATE ACCIDANTS WITH LARGE ANIMALS Show publication in PURE
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Anwendungsorientierte Modellierungsansätze zur Implementierung relativen Insassenverhaltens in ein numerisches Menschmodell Show publication in PURE

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