Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan SimaGut - Simulationsauswertung von Kollisionen mit ansteigenden Böschungen auf einem geraden Schnellstraßenabschnitt Show publication in PURE
Thomas Pistotnig, Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang Sinz Validierung des ESP-Systems und Modifizierung des Systems durch Hinzufügen des Unterfahrschutzes BikeProtect Show publication in PURE
Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Nathalie Gales, Anders Kullgren and Ernst Tomasch Final Report Biological Test Show publication in PURE
Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Nathalie Gales, Anders Kullgren and Ernst Tomasch Preliminary Report Biological Test Show publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan 7. Ranshofener Leichtmetalltage 2012 Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Sh. Lajqi, Jürgen Gugler, N. Lajqi, A. Shala and R. Likaj Possible experimental method to determine the suspension parameters in a simplified model of passenger car Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch The Guardrail as a Ramp - the Vehicle takes off Show publication in PURE
Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Paul Lemmen, Kai-Uwe Schmitt and Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Nikolai Schretter Methodik zur automatisierten Effektivitätsbewertung von Fahrassistenzsystemen am Beispiel von HeckkollisionenCrash.Tech 2012n-n Show publication in PURE
Robert Szlosarek, Thomas Jost, Thomas Karall, H. Lieb and Stefan Kirschbichler Crash Simulation of Poles Made of Fibre Reinforced Plastics Applied on AirfieldsDYNACOMP - 1st International Conference on Composites Dynamics--- Show publication in PURE
Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Toni Weber, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson, Anna Carlsson, Magnus Björklund, Lotta Jakobsson, Ernst Tomasch and Astrid Linder Seat testing to investigate the female neck injury risk – preliminary results using a new female dummy prototype2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings263-263 Show publication in PURE
S. Shahid, M. Rizwan, M. A. B. Abbasi, H. Zahra, S. M. Abbas and M. A. Tarar Textile antenna for body centric WiMAX and WLAN applications2012 International Conference on Emerging Technologies Show publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan, Andreas Moser, Joachim Ebner and Wolfgang Sinz UFO - ein neues System zur Evaluierung von Assistenzsystemen13. Braunschweiger Symposium - AAET 2012212-234 Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Sinz, Florian Feist, Gregor Gstrein, Jürgen Gugler, Ernst Tomasch, Christoph Breitfuß, Peter Luttenberger, Hermann Steffan, Volker Hennige and Peter Gollob Concepts for Mechanical Abuse Testing of High-Voltage BatteriesProceedings of SAE World Congress0-20 Show publication in PURE
Mario Darok, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Wolfgang Sinz, Iztok Ciglaric, Dean Ravnik and Hermann Steffan Neue Ergebnisse in der Analyse der HWS-Kinematik beim Heckaufprall91. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizinn-n Show publication in PURE
Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Paul Lemmen, Kai-Uwe Schmitt and Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male OccupantsTransport Research Arenan-n Show publication in PURE
Karsten Raguse, Christina Steiner and Wolfgang Sinz Bestimmung der präzisen dreidimensionalen Dummykopfkinematik in einem SicherheitsversuchKongress SIMVEC Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau Show publication in PURE
Mirjana Dumancic, Florian Feist, Raffael Braunsteiner, Wolfgang Sinz, Ralf Petschl and Karsten Waldherr Methodology to Validate the Child Seat ModelsProtection of Children in Cars1-8 Show publication in PURE
Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl and Kurt Steiner Ermittlung von Validierungsdaten für reaktive Menschmodelle in der VorkollisionsphaseCrash.Tech 2012 Show publication in PURE
Peter Wimmer, Andreas Rieser, Christian-Michael Gruber and Wolfgang Sinz Effectiveness Assessment of Vulnerable Road User Protection Systems via Numeric SimulationInternational Crashworthiness Conference--- Show publication in PURE
Mirjana Dumancic, Raffael Braunsteiner, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Ralf Petschl and Karsten Waldherr Methodology to Validate Child Seat ModelsInternational Conference Protection of Children in Cars Show publication in PURE
Christian-Michael Gruber, Peter Wimmer, Harald Marbler and Wolfgang Sinz Integrale Sicherheit - Durchgängige Methode zur Numerischen SimulationGrazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug--- Show publication in PURE
Günther Prokop, Marcus Mai, B Schlag, G Weller, C Gruber, Ernst Tomasch and Peter Wimmer Effektivitätsbewertung warnender Fahrerassistenzsysteme durch Fahrerverhaltensmodelle28. VDI-VW-Gemeinschaftstagung Fahrerassistenz und Integrierte Sicherheit87-103 Show publication in PURE
Technical Report
Sylvia Schick, Anders Kullgren, Lotta Jakobsson, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Ernst Tomasch and James Lenard ADSEAT Deliverable D1.1 - Real World Data Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Manfred Mühlbauer and Felix Ressi In Vivo kinematische Analyse nach Implantation von drei verschiedenen Halsbandscheibenprothesen Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Christian Gruber, Harald Marbler and Wolfgang Sinz Integrale Sicherheit - Durchgängige Methode zur Numerischen Simulation Show publication in PURE
Mirjana Dumancic, Florian Feist, Raffael Braunsteiner, Wolfgang Sinz, Ralf Petschl and Karsten Waldherr Methodology to Validate the Child Seat Models Show publication in PURE
Peter Wimmer, Andreas Rieser, Christian-Michael Gruber and Wolfgang Sinz Effectiveness Assessment of Vulnerable Road User Protection Systems via Numeric Simulation Show publication in PURE
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Xavier Cerillo, Ines Levallois, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Toni Weber and Hermann Steffan Basic comparison of the injury risk of a male and female dummy model in rear impact collisions Show publication in PURE

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