Thomas Jost, Ulrich Müller and Florian FeistWood Composites for Future Automotive Engineering? – Basic Requirement: Crash Simulation of Wood-Based ComponentsShow publication in PURE
Cedou Kumpenza, Philipp Matz, Peter Halbauer, Maximilian Grabner, Gottfried Steiner, Florian Feist and Ulrich MüllerMeasuring Poisson’s ratioShow publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Bernd StrnadEffectiveness of rumble strips positioned at different lateral distance to the edge line to avoid run-off-road accidentsTransport Research Arena 2018: A digital era for transportShow publication in PURE
Heinz Hoschopf and Ernst TomaschLimitations and challenges of avoiding HGV-VRU accidents through advanced driver assistance systems8th International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Martin Winkelbauer and Ernst TomaschYoung Driver Crashes in Austria: Analysis of Causes and Contributing Factors Based on In-Depth and Police Reported Crash Data8th International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Cedou Kumpenza, Alexander Stadlmann, Philipp Hochwarter, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist and Ulrich MüllerJoining of Wood-Based Multi-Material Components with Screws and Bolts: Experimental Study of Double-Lap Joints61st International Convention of the Society of Wood Science and Technology and Japan Wood Research SocietyShow publication in PURE
Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Andreas Moser, Matthias Rüther and Ludwig MohrActive safety effectiveness assessment by combination of traffic flow simulation and crash-simulationInternational Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Peter Luttenberger, Wolfgang Sinz, Gian Antonio D'Addetta and Heiko FreiensteinMAKING INTEGRATED OCCUPANT SAFETY SYSTEMS ASSESSABLE - VIRTUAL ASSESSMENT APPROACH FOR VARIABLE SEATING POSITIONS AND PRE-CRASH CONDITIONS14th International Symposium and Accompanyying Exhibition on Sophisticated Car Occupant Safety Systems48.1-48.16 Show publication in PURE
Alessio Sevarin, Michael Gruber, Ernst Tomasch, Christian Rathgeb, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer and Ralf RisserSafety assessment of cornering ABS systems based on riding testsIFZ Conference ProceeedingsShow publication in PURE
Alessio Sevarin, Michael Gruber, Ernst Tomasch, Ralf Risser, Karin Ausserer, Lukas Hartwig and Christian RathgebEvaluation of the potential of cornering ABS for single vehicle accidents: an experiment based approachRicardo Conference 2018Show publication in PURE
Daniel Schmidt, Heiko Freienstein, Gian Antonio Daddetta, Thomas Lich, Andreas Georgi, Jan Dobberstein, Per Lewerenz, Abulkadir Öztürk, Claus Geisler, Konstantin Benz, Marcus Mai, Felix Ressi and Wolfgang SinzKAUSAL - A Virtual Tool Chain to Estimate the Impact of Automated Driving on Occupant Restraint Systems8th International Conference ESARShow publication in PURE
Christoph BreitfußAnalyse mechanischer Vorgänge in Li-Ionen Pouchzellen unter Crashbelastung und deren Modellbildung in einer Finite-Elemente-SoftwareShow publication in PURE
Technical Report
Martin Seidel, Heinz Hoschopf, Marianne Kraut and Ernst Tomasch3-dimensionale Verkehrsinfrastrukturplanung und Berücksichtigung von fahrdynamischen Aspekten und menschlichen FaktorenShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, James Ellway and Michiel van RatingenA procedure to compare kinematics of Human Body Models for pedestrian assessmentsShow publication in PURE
Stefan Smit, Ernst Tomasch, Harald Kolk, Michael Alois Plank, Jürgen Gugler and Hannes GlaserEvaluation of a momentum based impact model in frontal car collisions for the prospective assessment of ADASShow publication in PURE
Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Harald Kolk and Ernst TomaschSimulation Assisted Safety Impact Analyses for Signalized Urban IntersectionsShow publication in PURE
Michael Gruber, Christian Matt, Ernst Tomasch, Alessio Sevarin, Harald Kolk, Christian Ellersdorfer, Christian Rathgeb, Ralf Risser, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer and Elisabeth FüsslEffectiveness assessment of a generic collision mitigation system for motorcycles at junctionsShow publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Florian Feist and Peter WimmerSimulation of a Selected Real World Car to Bicyclist Accident using a Detailed Human Body ModelShow publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Peter Luttenberger, Martin Schachner, Jakub Tomasz Micorek, Robert Greimel and Wolfgang SinzPostprocessing of Human Body Model Results – Introduction of the Open Source Tool DYNASAURShow publication in PURE
Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Gerhard Schickhofer and Severin ZimmerModelling of a traditional bow and arrowShow publication in PURE
Thomas Jost, Ulrich Müller and Florian FeistWood Composites for Future Automotive Engineering? – Basic Requirement: Crash Simulation of Wood-Based ComponentsShow publication in PURE
Cedou Kumpenza, Philipp Matz, Peter Halbauer, Maximilian Grabner, Gottfried Steiner, Florian Feist and Ulrich MüllerMeasuring Poisson’s ratioShow publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Bernd StrnadEffectiveness of rumble strips positioned at different lateral distance to the edge line to avoid run-off-road accidentsTransport Research Arena 2018: A digital era for transportShow publication in PURE
Heinz Hoschopf and Ernst TomaschLimitations and challenges of avoiding HGV-VRU accidents through advanced driver assistance systems8th International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Martin Winkelbauer and Ernst TomaschYoung Driver Crashes in Austria: Analysis of Causes and Contributing Factors Based on In-Depth and Police Reported Crash Data8th International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Cedou Kumpenza, Alexander Stadlmann, Philipp Hochwarter, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist and Ulrich MüllerJoining of Wood-Based Multi-Material Components with Screws and Bolts: Experimental Study of Double-Lap Joints61st International Convention of the Society of Wood Science and Technology and Japan Wood Research SocietyShow publication in PURE
Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Andreas Moser, Matthias Rüther and Ludwig MohrActive safety effectiveness assessment by combination of traffic flow simulation and crash-simulationInternational Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Peter Luttenberger, Wolfgang Sinz, Gian Antonio D'Addetta and Heiko FreiensteinMAKING INTEGRATED OCCUPANT SAFETY SYSTEMS ASSESSABLE - VIRTUAL ASSESSMENT APPROACH FOR VARIABLE SEATING POSITIONS AND PRE-CRASH CONDITIONS14th International Symposium and Accompanyying Exhibition on Sophisticated Car Occupant Safety Systems48.1-48.16 Show publication in PURE
Alessio Sevarin, Michael Gruber, Ernst Tomasch, Christian Rathgeb, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer and Ralf RisserSafety assessment of cornering ABS systems based on riding testsIFZ Conference ProceeedingsShow publication in PURE
Alessio Sevarin, Michael Gruber, Ernst Tomasch, Ralf Risser, Karin Ausserer, Lukas Hartwig and Christian RathgebEvaluation of the potential of cornering ABS for single vehicle accidents: an experiment based approachRicardo Conference 2018Show publication in PURE
Daniel Schmidt, Heiko Freienstein, Gian Antonio Daddetta, Thomas Lich, Andreas Georgi, Jan Dobberstein, Per Lewerenz, Abulkadir Öztürk, Claus Geisler, Konstantin Benz, Marcus Mai, Felix Ressi and Wolfgang SinzKAUSAL - A Virtual Tool Chain to Estimate the Impact of Automated Driving on Occupant Restraint Systems8th International Conference ESARShow publication in PURE
Christoph BreitfußAnalyse mechanischer Vorgänge in Li-Ionen Pouchzellen unter Crashbelastung und deren Modellbildung in einer Finite-Elemente-SoftwareShow publication in PURE
Technical Report
Martin Seidel, Heinz Hoschopf, Marianne Kraut and Ernst Tomasch3-dimensionale Verkehrsinfrastrukturplanung und Berücksichtigung von fahrdynamischen Aspekten und menschlichen FaktorenShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, James Ellway and Michiel van RatingenA procedure to compare kinematics of Human Body Models for pedestrian assessmentsShow publication in PURE
Stefan Smit, Ernst Tomasch, Harald Kolk, Michael Alois Plank, Jürgen Gugler and Hannes GlaserEvaluation of a momentum based impact model in frontal car collisions for the prospective assessment of ADASShow publication in PURE
Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Harald Kolk and Ernst TomaschSimulation Assisted Safety Impact Analyses for Signalized Urban IntersectionsShow publication in PURE
Michael Gruber, Christian Matt, Ernst Tomasch, Alessio Sevarin, Harald Kolk, Christian Ellersdorfer, Christian Rathgeb, Ralf Risser, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer and Elisabeth FüsslEffectiveness assessment of a generic collision mitigation system for motorcycles at junctionsShow publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Florian Feist and Peter WimmerSimulation of a Selected Real World Car to Bicyclist Accident using a Detailed Human Body ModelShow publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Peter Luttenberger, Martin Schachner, Jakub Tomasz Micorek, Robert Greimel and Wolfgang SinzPostprocessing of Human Body Model Results – Introduction of the Open Source Tool DYNASAURShow publication in PURE
Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Gerhard Schickhofer and Severin ZimmerModelling of a traditional bow and arrowShow publication in PURE
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