
All publications since 2010 are available on this page. Older/more publications can be found in the publication database PURE.


Journal Article
Manfred Mühlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Siegfried Trattnig and Hermann Steffan In cervical arthroplasty, only prosthesis with flexible biomechanical properties should be used for achieving a near-physiological motion pattern Show publication in PURE
Martin Schachner, Wolfgang Sinz, Robert Thomson and Corina Klug Development and evaluation of potential accident scenarios involving pedestrians and AEB-equipped vehicles to demonstrate the efficiency of an enhanced open-source simulation framework Show publication in PURE
Georgi Kovachev, Christian Ellersdorfer, Gregor Gstrein, Ilie Hanzu, H. Martin R. Wilkening, Tobias Werling, Florian Schauwecker and Wolfgang Sinz Safety assessment of electrically cycled cells at high temperatures under mechanical crush loads Show publication in PURE
Tobias Werling, Peter Geuting, Patrick Höschele, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Investigation of the electro-mechanical behavior of automotive high voltage busbars under combined electrical load with varying indenter geometry and environmental conditions Show publication in PURE
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Andrea Schirmer, Bernhard Reinwald, Manuel Kühlbacher, Robert Wenighofer, Simon Franz Heindl, Thomas Nöst, Philip Leonhardt, Alexander Hödl and Stefan Krausbar Brandversuch mit E-Fahrzeugen in Tunnelanlagen Show publication in PURE
Georg Baumann, Reinhard Brandner, Ulrich Müller, Cedou Kumpenza, Alexander Stadlmann and Florian Feist Temperature related properties of solid birch wood under quasi-static and dynamic bending Show publication in PURE
Tobias Werling, Marvin Sprenger, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Behavior of Automotive Battery Busbars under Varying Mechanical Loads Show publication in PURE
Luigi Aiello, Georgi Kovachev, Bernhard Brunnsteiner, Martin Schwab, Gregor Gstrein, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer In Situ Measurement of Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity on Commercial Pouch Lithium-Ion Batteries with Thermoelectric Device Show publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Christoph Leo, Michael Gruber, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Franz Roth and Corina Klug The Effect of Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems on Head Impact Conditions for Pedestrian and Cyclists in Passenger Car Collisions International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2020 330 - 357 Show publication in PURE
Martin Schachner, Bernd Schneider, Wolfgang Sinz and Corina Klug Extracting Quantitative Descriptions of Pedestrian Pre-crash Postures from Real-world Accident Videos 2020 IRCOBI Europe Conference 231-249 Show publication in PURE
Felix Ressi, Desiree Kofler, Wolfgang Sinz, Ernst Tomasch and Corina Klug Key Injury Regions for Passenger Car Drivers in Frontal Crashes International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2020 137-155 Show publication in PURE
Peter Luttenberger, Florian Feist, Desiree Kofler, Wolfgang Sinz, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Heiko Freienstein and Maja Wolkenstein Assessment of future occupant restraint principles in autonomous vehicles International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (ICRCOBI) Show publication in PURE
Alexander Schmid Entwicklung eines detaillierten Schichtmodells einer Lithium-Ionen Pouch Zelle zur Vorhersage des Versagens bei Querkompression Show publication in PURE
Technical Report
Stefan Smit and Ernst Tomasch Rundum-Sicht im Straßenverkehr Show publication in PURE
Linus Wagstrom, K Bohman, Magdalena Lindman, Oscar Laudon, Ernst Tomasch, Corina Klug, Martin Schachner, Ines Levallois, P. Recko, F. Renaudin, E. Salters, Astrid Linder, J. Gross, Arne Keller and Kai-Uwe Schmitt Impact scenarios and pre-crash seated positions for Automated Driving Show publication in PURE
Other Article
Desiree Kofler, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Spitzer and Corina Klug Analysis of the Effect of Different Helmet Types and Conditions in Two Real-world Accident Scenarios with a Human Body Model Show publication in PURE
Alessio Sevarin, Christian Ellersdorfer and Markus Fasching Crash safety optimisation method for the integration of the traction batteries into Powered-Two-Wheelers Show publication in PURE
Gregor Gstrein and Ernst Tomasch Analysis of the correlation between ASI and HIC for steel and concrete road restraint systems on different types of basements Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Simon Franz Heindl, Gregor Gstrein and Hermann Steffan Assessment of the Effectiveness of Different Safety Measures at Tunnel Lay-Bys and Tunnel-Portals to Protect Occupant in Passenger Cars Show publication in PURE
David Bützer, Stefan Lang, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Bettina Zahnd and Corina Klug Knee injuries in pedestrians and cyclists resulting from impacts with passenger cars –Frequency and associated factors based on Swiss insurance claims data Show publication in PURE
Georgi Kovachev, Gregor Gstrein, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Analysis of the influence of electrochemical aging effects on the mechanical properties of lithium ion batteries Show publication in PURE

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