Ines Levallois, Olivier Richard and Andreas Johann GutscheADSEAT Deliverable D5.1 - Prototype seat for testingShow publication in PURE
Jac Wismans, Johan Davidsson, Anna Carlsson, Christian Mayer, Peter Luttenberger, Gian Antonio Daddetta, Krzystof Hinc, Ernö Dux, Frederic Nuss and Remy WillingerReport on test conditions and evaluation criteria for occupant and vulnerable road user protection of small electric vehiclesShow publication in PURE
Peter Maurer, Christian Steffan, Rainer Stütz, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Luttenberger, Edwin Christoph Klein and Thomas PistotnigRisikomodell zur Analyse von Unfällen mit ortsfesten Hindernissen auf Autobahnen und SchnellstraßenShow publication in PURE
Manuel Pröll, Bernd Strnad and Ernst TomaschSICHERE LEITUNG - Verkehrssicherheitspotentiale seitlicher Fahrzeugrückhaltesysteme im Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen-Netz der ASFiNAGShow publication in PURE
Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Christian Mayer, Christian Ewald, Peter Luttenberger, Ernst Tomasch and Andreas Johann GutscheReport on future accident scenarios, with respect to small electric vehiclesShow publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ines Levallois, Olivier Richard and Alonso SergioADSEAT Deliverable D5.2 - Seat Evaluation GuidelinesShow publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ines Levallois and Olivier RichardADSEAT Deliverable D5.3 - Graphical user interface for optimum dissemination of project results for seat developers and usersShow publication in PURE
Peter Luttenberger, Ernst Tomasch, Remy Willinger, Nicolas Bourdet, Christian Mayer and Christian EwaldMethodical analysis on future accident scenarios involving SEV´sShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Hermann Steffan, Saied Mohamed H. Darwish and Motaz AlmodimighMethods to Prevent or Mitigate Accidents with Large AnimalsCharacterization and Development of Biosystems and Biomaterials69-99Show publication in PURE
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Gregor Gstrein, Christian Ellersdorfer, Ernst Tomasch, Florian Feist, Stefan Kirschbichler, Hermann Steffan and Saied Mohamed H DarwishSafety Measures for Avoiding or Mitigating the Occupant Exposure in Collisions with Large AnimalsAdvances in Bio-Mechanical Systems and Materials59-79Show publication in PURE
Journal Article
Kirk Hansen, Nathan Dau, Florian Feist, Caroline Deck, Rémy Willinger, Steven M. Madey and Michael BottlangAngular Impact Mitigation system for bicycle helmets to reduce head acceleration and risk of traumatic brain injuryShow publication in PURE
Gernot Woitsch and Wolfgang SinzInfluence of Pitching and Yawing During Frontal Passenger Vehicle Crash Tests on Driver Occupant's Kinematics and InjuryShow publication in PURE
A. Moser, Hermann Steffan and Heinz BurgInsassenbelastungen bei verschiedenen Aufprallkonstellationen und moegliche Schwankungen der SimulationsergebnisseShow publication in PURE
Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Paul Lemmen, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Andreas Johann Gutsche and Ernst TomaschADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male OccupantsShow publication in PURE
Christian Steffan, Rainer Stütz and Ernst TomaschEntwicklung eines Risikomodells zur Prognose von Abkommensunfällen auf Autobahnen und SchnellstraßenShow publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Christoph Breitfuß, Wolfgang Sinz, Florian Feist, Gregor Gstrein, Bernhard Lichtenegger, Christoph Knauder, Christian Ellersdorfer, Jörg Moser, Hermann Steffan, Michael Stadler, Peter Gollob and Volker HennigeA ‘Microscopic’ Structural Mechanics FE Model of a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell for Quasi-Static Load CasesProceedings of SAE World Congress0-11Show publication in PURE
Florian Feist, Christoph Breitfuß, Silke Lipp, Wolfgang Sinz, Gregor Gstrein, Claus Uwe Matzer, Michael Stadler and Peter GollobEntwicklung eines mikroskopischen strukturmechanischen FE-Modells einer HV-Zelle fur den CrashlastfallVDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit37-58Show publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Wolfgang Sinz, Günter Brenn and Florian FeistExperimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid modelIRCOBI Conference Proceedings483-496Show publication in PURE
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Ines Levallois, Serigio Alonso, Paul Lemmen, Astrid Linder and Hermann SteffanImprove Assessment and Enhance Safety for the Evaluation of Whiplash Protection Systems Addressing Male and Female Occupants in Different Seat Configurations by Introducing Virtual Methods in Consumer TestsInternational IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact77-90Show publication in PURE
Jeremy Gaume, Clemens Fink, Bernhard Kaltenegger, Peter Gollob, Volker Hennige, Christoph Breitfuß, Florian Feist, Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang SinzSafe Batteries through Simulation of the Crash BehaviorAutomotive CAE Grand Challenge 2013---Show publication in PURE
Florian FeistDevelopment of a microscopic FE model of a high voltage battery cell for crash-loading evaluation9. VDI Tagung – Fahrzeugsicherheit Show publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Peter Luttenberger and Remy WillingerMethodical analysis on future accident scenarios involving SEV´sGrazer Safety Update 2013---Show publication in PURE
Paul Lemmen, Amit Gupta, Anna Carlsson, Mats Svensson, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Ines Levallois, Astrid Linder and Ernst TomaschSeat Optimization Considering Reduction of Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants – Applications of the EvaRID Model and a Scaled Down BioRIDProceedings of the 23th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)---Show publication in PURE
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl, Andreas Rieser, Wolfgang Sinz and Stefan KirschbichlerImplementation of Reactive Human Kinematics in a Numerical Human Body Model using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element SubstitutesNAFEMS World Congress---Show publication in PURE
Simon Franz HeindlEntwicklung eines makroskopischen Finite Elemente Modells einer 18650 Li-Ionen Zelle für CrashbelastungenShow publication in PURE
Technical Report
Sylvia Schick, Ernst Tomasch and Kai-Uwe SchmittADSEAT Deliverable D1.2 - Socioeconomic benefitsShow publication in PURE
Eva Aigner-Breuss, Michael Aleksa, Evelyn Braun, Klaus Machata, Kerstin Runda, Christian Steffan and Ernst TomaschMANEUVER - Entwicklung von MAssnahmen zur Vermeidung von FehlverhalteN an EisenbahnkreUzungen mit Hilfe der VERkehrspsychologie - Ein Handbuch für PraktikerInnen und EntscheidungsträgerInnenShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Peter LuttenbergerSafe small Electric Vehicles through advanced simulation methodologiesShow publication in PURE
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl, Andreas Rieser and Wolfgang SinzImplementation of Reactive Human Kinematics in a Numerical Human Body Model Using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element SubstitutesShow publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan and Andreas MoserThe Finite Element Calculation Module in PC-CRASH 10.0: Application of FE calculations in Accident ReconstructionShow publication in PURE
Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Stefan Kirschbichler, Thomas Steindl, Andreas Rieser and Wolfgang SinzOccupant Model for Integrated Safety: Challenges in Testing and SimulationShow publication in PURE
Andreas Johann Gutsche and Ernst TomaschSitzevaluierung beim Heckanprall zum Schutz weiblicher InsassenShow publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Wolfgang Sinz, Günter Brenn and Florian FeistExperimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid modelShow publication in PURE
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Ines Levallois, Sergio Alonso, Paul Lemmen, Astrid Linder and Hermann SteffanImprove Assessment and Enhance Safety for the Evaluation of Whiplash Protection Systems Addressing Male and Female Occupants in Different Seat Configurations by Introducing Virtual Methods in Consumer TestsShow publication in PURE
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl, Andreas Rieser, Stefan Kirschbichler and Wolfgang SinzReaktive Menschenmodellierung als Baustein für die virtuelle Entwicklung von integralen SicherheitssystemenShow publication in PURE
Philipp Huber, Monica Christova, Gian Antonio D'Adetta, Eugen Gallasch, Stefan Kirschbichler, Christian Mayer, Adrian Prüggler, Andreas Rieser, Wolfgang Sinz and Dietmar WallnerMuscle Activation Onset Latencies and Amplitudes during Lane Change in a Full Vehicle TestShow publication in PURE
Christian Ellersdorfer, Wolfgang Sinz, Werner Leitgeb and Alexander ThalerEntwicklung eines Crash-Ersatzversuches für Hochvoltbatteriemodule zur Absicherung der virtuellen EntwicklungShow publication in PURE
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch and Wolfgang SinzExtended Rear Impact Assessment of Whiplash Associated Disorder Protection for FemalesShow publication in PURE
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