Dario Vanig, Antonio Virga, Mattia Conigliaro, Hermann Steffan and Ernst TomaschADAS-Assisted Driver Behaviour in Near Missing Car-Pedestrian AccidentsAutonomous VehicleShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Martin Plaimer, Christoph Breitfuß, Wolfgang Sinz, Simon Franz Heindl, Christian Ellersdorfer, Hermann Steffan, Martin Wilkening, Volker Hennige, Reinhard Tatschl, Alexander Geier, Christian Schramm and Stefan FreunbergerEvaluating the trade-off between mechanical and electrochemical performance of separators for lithium-ion batteries: Methodology and applicationShow publication in PURE
Senad Omerovic, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche and Ivan PrebilComparative study of potential whiplash injuries for different occupants seated positions during rear end accidentsShow publication in PURE
Theo Volck, Wolfgang Sinz, Gregor Gstrein, Christoph Breitfuß, Simon Franz Heindl, Hermann Steffan, Stefan Freunberger, Martin Wilkening, Marlena Uitz, Clemens Fink and Alexander GeierMethod for Determination of the Internal Short Resistance and Heat Evolution at Different Mechanical Loads of a Lithium Ion Battery Cell Based on Dummy Pouch CellsShow publication in PURE
Sophie Billicsich, Ernst Tomasch, Gerald Markovic, Arno Eichberger and Zoltan Ferenc MagosiEvaluation of the impact of C2X systems to the accident severity in motorcycle accidentsShow publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Bernd StrnadMethod to Optimise the Position of Rumble Strips on the Hard Shoulder to Avoid Run-Off-Road Accidents and Unnecessary Noise PollutionShow publication in PURE
Christian Stefan, Rainer Stütz, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Luttenberger and Edwin Christoph KleinA Risk-Based Methodology to Assess Run-Off-Road Crashes on Austrian Motorways - The RISKANT ProjectShow publication in PURE
Kristian Holmqvist, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Mario Darok and Dean RavnikImpacts to the chest of PMHSs – Influence of impact location and load distribution on chest responseShow publication in PURE
Edwin Christoph Klein, Wolfgang Sinz, Jörg Moser, Robert Greimel, Karsten Raguse, Claas van Middendorff and Christina SteinerComparison of optimisation strategies for the determination of precise dummy head trajectories based on the fusion of electrical and optical measured data in frontal crash scenariosShow publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Jörg Bakker, Jan Dobberstein and Wolfgang SinzEvaluation of a momentum based impact model and application in an effectivity study considering junction accidentsInternational Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"Show publication in PURE
Christian Ellersdorfer, Alessio Sevarin, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Arno Ebner, Nina Deitermann and amrtin ForsterMethode zur Bewertung der Crashsicherheit von Traktionsbatterien elektrisch betriebener MotorräderTagungsband der 11. internationalen Motorradkonferenz 2016Show publication in PURE
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Marco Raffler, Wolfgang Sinz and Michiel van RatingenMethodology for kinematic comparison of human body models for pedestrian simulationsHuman Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering1-15Show publication in PURE
F. Feist and C. KlugA numerical study on the influence of the upper body and neck on head kinematics in tangential bicycle helmet impact2016 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of InjuryShow publication in PURE
Harald Kolk, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang SinzProspective evaluation of the collision severity of L7e vehicles considering a Collision Mitigation SystemTransportation Research ProcediaShow publication in PURE
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno EichbergerImplementation of Reactive Human Behavior in a Numerical Human Body Model Using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element SubstitutesProceedings of the 2011 International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles139-145Show publication in PURE
Technical Report
Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger, Heinz Hoschopf, Peter Spitzer and Franz KleeweinTOGETHER - Verkehrserziehung, Aus- und Weiterbildung als gemeinsame Verantwortung zur Vermeidung von Kinderunfällen im StraßenverkehrShow publication in PURE
Christian Stefan, Michael Aleksa, Reiner Stütz, Klemens Schwieger, Wolfgang Schreiber, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger and Heinz HoschopfANSWERS – Unfallursachenforschung schwer-verletzter und getöteter Kinder im StraßenverkehrShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Martin Weinberger, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Hermann Steffan, Peter Spitzer and Franz KleeweinCausation of traffic accidents with children from the perspective of all involved participantsShow publication in PURE
Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger, Daniel Bell, Christine Chaloupka-Risser and Ralf RisserAnalysis of conflict situations between elderly pedestrians and vehiclesShow publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan and Andreas MoserPräsentation und die Auswertung den Crashversuchen von 21.03.2016 in LinzShow publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan and Andreas MoserErweiterte Möglichkeiten der kinematischen Ausrechnungen in der Simulationssoftware PC-Crash Version 11.0Show publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan and Andreas MoserDie Bildung der Verkehrsunfallkarte mit der Ausnutzung neuen Funktion der Simulationssoftware PC-Crash 11.0Show publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan and Andreas MoserDie Analyse des Verkehrsunfalls mit der Ausnutzung der neuen Funktionen der Simulationssoftware PC-Crash 11.0Show publication in PURE
Hermann Steffan and Andreas MoserDie Analyse des Verkehrsunfalls mit dem Fußgänger mit der Ausnutzung der neuen Funktion PC-Crash 11.0Show publication in PURE
Christian Ellersdorfer, Alessio Sevarin, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Arno Ebner, Nina Deitermann and Martin ForsterIntegrated Numerical and Experimental Approach for the Battery Safety Evaluation of Electric Driven MotorcyclesShow publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Christian Stefan and Reiner StützRequirements of a safety zone width for run-off-road accidents to prevent severe injuries when impacting hazardous objectsShow publication in PURE
Ernst Tomasch, Martin Fellendorf and Michael HaberlHolistic Method to evaluate Driver-Assistance-Systems during Pre-Crash PhasesShow publication in PURE
Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Jörg Moser, Peter Saleh, Felix Etl, Isabela Mocanu and Christian StefanRequirements for C2X systems for improving road safety in terms of fatigue, distraction and inattentionShow publication in PURE
Ernst TomaschRequirements for C2X systems for improving road safety in terms of fatigue, distraction and inattention (Presentation)Show publication in PURE
Ernst TomaschRequirements of a safety zone width for run-off-road accidents to prevent severe injuries when impacting hazardous objects (Presentation)Show publication in PURE
Manfred Mühlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Siegfried Trattnig and Hermann SteffanDetermination of the Center of Rotation for Flexion/Extension Before and after Insertion of 3 Different Types of Disc Prostheses, and Comparison with In-Vivo MRI-Derived Data from Healthy VolunteersShow publication in PURE
Daniel Watzenig, Markus Schratter and Jost BernaschMethode zur durchgängigen Absicherung von aktiven Sicherheits- und FahrerassistenzsystemenShow publication in PURE
Martin Weinberger, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf and Hermann SteffanChildren and elderly people taking part in traffic as pedestriansShow publication in PURE
Christian Mayer, Ghosh Pronoy, Ravikiran Chitteti, Andreas Teibinger, Peter Luttenberger, Jens Weber, Henry-Paul Bensler, Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Jac Wismans, Caroline Deck and Remy WillingerKey building blocks for implementing HBMs in a virtual testing environment - Applications & findings from SafeEV projectShow publication in PURE
Simon Franz HeindlKombinierte Simulationsmethode zur virtuellen Prognose des mechanisch-elektrisch-thermischen Verhaltens von Li-Ionen Zellen für CrashbelastungenShow publication in PURE
Harald KolkProspective evaluation of the collision severity of L7e vehicles considering a Collision Mitigation SystemShow publication in PURE
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