Marvin Sprenger, Georgi Kovachev, Norbert Dölle, Florian Schauwecker, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer Changes in the Mechanical Behavior of Electrically Aged Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells: In-plane and Out-of-Plane Indentation Loads with Varying Testing Velocity and State of Charge
Christian Ellersdorfer, Patrick Höschele, Eva Heider, Georgi Kovachev and Gregor Gstrein Safety Assessment of High Dynamic Pre-Loaded Lithium Ion Pouch Cells
Hajir Al-musawi, Elisa Manni, Alexander Stadlmann, Bernhard Ungerer, Mojtaba Hassan Vand, Olaf Lahayne, Riccardo Nobile, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist and Ulrich Müller Characterisation of thermally treated beech and birch by means of quasi-static tests and ultrasonic waves
Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl, Simon Erker and Christian Ellersdorfer Influence of reversible swelling and preload force on the failure behavior of a lithium-ion pouch cell tested under realistic boundary conditions
Christian Huber, David Moog, Maximilian Pramreiter, Alexander Stadlmann, Georg Baumann, Gabriel Praxmarer, Roland Gutmann, Herfried Eisler and Ulrich Müller Paulownia (Paulownia elongataS.Y.Hu)–importance for forestry and a generalscreening of technological and material properties
Fengwei Guo, Anton Fuchs, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Ernst Tomasch, Hermann Steffan and Jörg Moser Collection and classification of influence parameters for safety effectiveness of ADAS
Emanuele Michelini , Patrick Höschele, Florian Ratz, Michael Stadlbauer, Werner Rom, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser Potential and Most Promising Second-Life Applications for Automotive Lithium-Ion Batteries Considering Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects
Alexander Schmid, Christian Ellersdorfer, Marco Raffler, Nils Karajan and Florian Feist An efficient detailed layer model for prediction of separator damage in a Li-Ion pouch cell exposed to transverse compression
Alexander Schmid, Angelo Pasquale, Christian Ellersdorfer, Victor Champaney, Marco Raffler, Simon Guévelou, Stephan Kizio, Mustapha Ziane, Florian Feist and Francisco Chinesta PGD based meta modelling of a lithium-ion battery for real time prediction
Alexander Schmid, Angelo Pasquale, Christian Ellersdorfer, Mustapha Ziane, Marco Raffler, Victor Champaney, Florian Feist and Francisco Chinesta Application of PGD separation of space to create a reduced order model of a lithium-ion cell structure
Alessio Sevarin, Markus Fasching, Marco Raffler and Christian Ellersdorfer Influence of Cell Selection and Orientation within the Traction Battery on the Crash Safety of Electric-Powered Two-Wheelers
Emanuele Michelini, Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl, Simon Erker and Christian Ellersdorfer Experimental Investigation on Reversible Swelling Mechanisms of Lithium-Ion Batteries under a Varying Preload Force
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Simon Franz Heindl, Oliver Heger, Robert Galler, Robert Wenighofer and Stefan Krausbar Dataset of fire tests with lithium-ion battery electric vehicles in road tunnels
Christian Lackner, Philipp Heinzl, Christoph Leo and Corina Klug Investigations on tram-pedestrian impacts by application of virtual testing with human body models
Christoph Leo, Anders Fredriksson, Ellen Grumert, Astrid Linder, Martin Schachner, Fredrik Tidborg and Corina Klug Holistic pedestrian safety assessment for average males and females
Hexuan Li, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Zhengguo GU and Arno Eichberger Validation of Automated Driving Function Based on the Apollo Platform: A Milestone for Simulation With Vehicle-in-the-Loop Testbed
Patrick Höschele and Christian Ellersdorfer Implementing Reversible Swelling into the Numerical Model of a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell for Short Circuit Prediction
Ernst Tomasch and Stefan Smit Naturalistic driving study on the impact of an aftermarket blind spot monitoring system on the driver’s behaviour of heavy goods vehicles and buses on reducing conflicts with pedestrians and cyclists
Nadine Bamminger, Hexuan Li, Li Wan, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi and Arno Eichberger Evaluation of Perception Sensor Model Performance in Simulation based on Experimental Findings
Emanuele Michelini, Patrick Höschele, Syed Muhammad Abbas, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser Assessment of Health Indicators to Detect the Aging State of Commercial Second-Life Lithium-Ion Battery Cells through Basic Electrochemical Cycling
Corina Klug, David Bützer, Johan Iraeus, Jobin John, Arne Keller, Michal Kowalik, Christoph Leo, Ines Levallois, I. Putu A. Putra, Felix Ressi, Kai Uwe Schmitt, Mats Svensson, Linus Trummler, Wim Wijnen and Astrid Linder How much does the injury risk between average female and average male anthropometry differ? – A simulation study with open source tools for virtual crash safety assessments