

Die seit 2010 am Institut verfassten Publikationen sind auf dieser Seite einsehbar. Ältere Publikationen bzw. eine vollständige Zusammenstellung findet sich in der Publikationsdatenbank PURE.


Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Paul Krassnitzer, Gernot Schlögl, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Tasya Oka, Franz Haas, Markus Wagner, Tobias Stern and Claudia Mair-Bauernfeind Wood you believe it? Electric vehicles and engineered wood from an environmental perspective
Kevin Vitzthum, Florian Feist and Thomas Krenke Wood dowel welding without a pilot hole– an investigation into joining low-density plywood
Markus Wagner, Veronika Biegler, Sebastian Wurm, Georg Baumann, Tiina Nypelö, Alexander Bismarck and Florian Feist Pulp fibre foams: Morphology and mechanical performance
Florian Feist, Markus Wagner, Georg Baumann, Stefan Spirk, Veronika Biegler, Qixiang Jiang and Tiina Nypelö A cellulosic fibre foam as a bicycle helmet impact liner for brain injury mitigation in oblique impacts
Gregor Gstrein, Syed Muhammad Abbas, Eduard Ewert, Michael Wenzl and Christian Ellersdorfer Safety-Critical Influence of Ageing on Mechanical Properties of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells
Hajir Al-musawi, Gerhard Emsenhuber, Bernhard Ungerer, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist and Ulrich Müller Development of swelling pressure in paulownia and Norway spruce during moisture absorption
Emanuele Michelini, Patrick Höschele, Andreas Prielinger, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser Effects of C-Rate on the Thermal Behavior of Commercial Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells with Different Aging Histories for a Successful Second-Life TransitionTrends in Clean Energy Research189–197
Thomas Große, Ulrich Müller, Matthias Jakob, Florian Feist and Wolfgang Knöbl 3d-Shaped High-Strength Parts from Partially Delignified and Densified WoodCircularity Days 2024. CD 2024. 165-178
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Paul Horvath, Franz Gläser, Veronica Antipova, Corina Klug, Alvin C. Lin, Mario Scholze and Niels Hammer Advanced 3D-Printed Capstan Clamping System for Accurate Uniaxial Tensile Testing of Biological Soft Tissues
Georg Baumann, Caterina Czibula, Ulrich Hirn and Florian Feist A digital-twin driven Split Hopkinson bar layout for the tensile characterization of thin, low impedance, sheet-like materials
Emanuele Michelini, Patrick Höschele, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser Impact of Prolonged Electrochemical Cycling on Health Indicators of Aged Lithium-Ion Batteries for a Second-Life Use
Ernst Tomasch and Gregor Gstrein Impacts on crash cushions – Analysis of the safety performance of passenger cars with improved safety equipment compared with test vehicles based on assessment criteria as defined in EN 1317
Sebastian Wurm, Alexa Scheer, Georg Baumann, Markus Wagner, Kevin Vitzthum, Stefan Spirk and Florian Feist Chemical Resistance of Modified Wood Veneers in Sustainable Load Bearing Elements
Ernst Tomasch and Gregor Gstrein Correlation of Road Safety Criteria with Occupant Safety Criteria in Impacts on Crash Cushions
Christoph Arneitz, Nico Erlinger, Corina Klug, Simone Oliver Senica, Thomas Kuenzer, Peter Spitzer, Georg Schalamon and Johannes Schalamon Abdominal impacts of handlebar injuries in the PIPER child model
Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl and Christian Ellersdorfer Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical and Electrical Failure of the Electrode Tab of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells Under Quasi-Static Mechanical Load
Emanuele Michelini, Christian Ellersdorfer, Ilie Hanzu, Günter Hofer, Patrick Höschele and Jörg Moser Impact of an interrupted mechanical deformation on the electrical behavior of commercial lithium-ion pouch cells with varied aging histories for battery qualification
Markus Fasching, Stefan Grollitsch, Patrick Höschele, Alexander Schmid and Christian Ellersdorfer Investigating the Mechanical In-Plane Characteristics of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells Under Crush Loads
Georg Baumann, Caterina Czibula, Ulrich Hirn and Florian Feist The tensile behaviour of paper under high loading rates
Yufeng Xu, Le Tang, Chanokporn Nok-Iangthong, Markus Wagner, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Alexander Bismarck and Qixiang Jiang Functionally Gradient Macroporous Polymers
Cheng Wang, Fengwei Guo, Shuaijie Zhao, Zhongpan Zhu and Yuxin Zhang Safety assessment for autonomous vehicles
Markus Fasching, Alessio Sevarin and Christian Ellersdorfer Investigate the elastoplastic deformation behaviour of a motorcycle frame under different mechanical load configurations
Gernot Schlögl, Stefan Grollitsch, Christian Ellersdorfer, Florian Feist, Christoph Kirschner, Josef Valentin Ecker and Franz Haas Sustainable Battery Lifecycle: Non-Destructive Separation of Batteries and Potential Second Life Applications
Georg Baumann, Caterina Czibula, Ulrich Hirn and Florian Feist On the development of a high strain-rate tensile testing method for thin low-impedance materials
Alexander Schmid, Christian Ellersdorfer, Eduard Ewert and Florian Feist Sequential Multi-Scale Modeling Using an Artificial Neural Network-Based Surrogate Material Model for Predicting the Mechanical Behavior of a Li-Ion Pouch Cell Under Abuse Conditions
Cheng Wang, Fengwei Guo, Ruilin Yu, Luyao Wang and Yuxin Zhang The Application of Driver Models in the Safety Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Karin Ausserer and Jannik Rieß Required Field of View of a Sensor for an Advanced Driving Assistance System to Prevent Heavy-Goods-Vehicle to Bicycle Accidents
Felix Tobias Ressi and Corina Klug Stochastic Replication of Injury Risks in Frontal Collisions with Different Human Body Models in a Generic Vehicle Interior International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2024 1170-1198
Christoph Leo Holistic Pedestrian Safety Assessment – a novel approach to predict injury risks considering active and passive pedestrian safety system performance
Technischer Bericht
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Bernd Schneider, Bettina Schützhofer, Martin Söllner, Barbara Krammer-Kritzer, Michael Plank and Hannes Glaser KISIMO – Entwicklung eines infiniten KIndermodells für Unfallanalysen, VerkehrsSImulationen und MObilitätsbildung (Endbericht)
Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch, Karin Ausserer and Jannik Rieß ALIVE – Unfälle von Lkw mit Radfahrer:innen Bewertung des Vermeidungspotenzials unterschiedlicher Assistenzsysteme
Desiree Kofler, Ernst Tomasch, Christian Mader, Marco Jirout, Alexander Barnas and Oliver Jantscher Konzepte und Umsetzungsstrategien für die Gestaltung von Fahrzeugrückhaltesystem- Übergangskonstruktionen - PREVENT
Sonstiger Beitrag
Markus Fasching, Tasya Oka , Claudia Mair-Bauernfeind and Tobias Stern The influence of battery pack housing design of electric motorcycle on environmental impacts and recycling targets
Florian Feist, Tiina Nypelö, Sebastian Wurm, Wolfgang Bauer, Radisa Dervida and Sonia Garcia Arrieta Foam applicability in the automotive sector
Florian Feist, Markus Wagner and Johannes Painer Reinforcing and thoughening of wood veneer laminates through stitching
Florian Feist and Markus Wagner Stitch! Vernähte Furniere zur Unterbindnung von Rollschubversagen und Delamination
Christian Stefan, Egmont Fuchs, Thomas Hofbauer, Bernhard Lautner, Christian Mader, David Nosé, Markus Pijavec, Martin Seidel, Bernd Strnad and Ernst Tomasch Schutz vor Unfällen mit ortsfesten Objekten auf FreilandstraßenFSV-Schriftenreihe
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Marvin Sprenger, Georgi Kovachev, Norbert Dölle, Florian Schauwecker, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer Changes in the Mechanical Behavior of Electrically Aged Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells: In-plane and Out-of-Plane Indentation Loads with Varying Testing Velocity and State of Charge
Christian Ellersdorfer, Patrick Höschele, Eva Heider, Georgi Kovachev and Gregor Gstrein Safety Assessment of High Dynamic Pre-Loaded Lithium Ion Pouch Cells
Hajir Al-musawi, Elisa Manni, Alexander Stadlmann, Bernhard Ungerer, Mojtaba Hassan Vand, Olaf Lahayne, Riccardo Nobile, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist and Ulrich Müller Characterisation of thermally treated beech and birch by means of quasi-static tests and ultrasonic waves
Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl, Simon Erker and Christian Ellersdorfer Influence of reversible swelling and preload force on the failure behavior of a lithium-ion pouch cell tested under realistic boundary conditions
Christian Huber, David Moog, Maximilian Pramreiter, Alexander Stadlmann, Georg Baumann, Gabriel Praxmarer, Roland Gutmann, Herfried Eisler and Ulrich Müller Paulownia (Paulownia elongataS.Y.Hu)–importance for forestry and a generalscreening of technological and material properties
Fengwei Guo, Anton Fuchs, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Ernst Tomasch, Hermann Steffan and Jörg Moser Collection and classification of influence parameters for safety effectiveness of ADAS
Emanuele Michelini , Patrick Höschele, Florian Ratz, Michael Stadlbauer, Werner Rom, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser Potential and Most Promising Second-Life Applications for Automotive Lithium-Ion Batteries Considering Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects
Alexander Schmid, Christian Ellersdorfer, Marco Raffler, Nils Karajan and Florian Feist An efficient detailed layer model for prediction of separator damage in a Li-Ion pouch cell exposed to transverse compression
Alexander Schmid, Angelo Pasquale, Christian Ellersdorfer, Victor Champaney, Marco Raffler, Simon Guévelou, Stephan Kizio, Mustapha Ziane, Florian Feist and Francisco Chinesta PGD based meta modelling of a lithium-ion battery for real time prediction
Alexander Schmid, Angelo Pasquale, Christian Ellersdorfer, Mustapha Ziane, Marco Raffler, Victor Champaney, Florian Feist and Francisco Chinesta Application of PGD separation of space to create a reduced order model of a lithium-ion cell structure
Alessio Sevarin, Markus Fasching, Marco Raffler and Christian Ellersdorfer Influence of Cell Selection and Orientation within the Traction Battery on the Crash Safety of Electric-Powered Two-Wheelers
Emanuele Michelini, Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl, Simon Erker and Christian Ellersdorfer Experimental Investigation on Reversible Swelling Mechanisms of Lithium-Ion Batteries under a Varying Preload Force
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Simon Franz Heindl, Oliver Heger, Robert Galler, Robert Wenighofer and Stefan Krausbar Dataset of fire tests with lithium-ion battery electric vehicles in road tunnels
Christian Lackner, Philipp Heinzl, Christoph Leo and Corina Klug Investigations on tram-pedestrian impacts by application of virtual testing with human body models
Christoph Leo, Anders Fredriksson, Ellen Grumert, Astrid Linder, Martin Schachner, Fredrik Tidborg and Corina Klug Holistic pedestrian safety assessment for average males and females
Hexuan Li, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Zhengguo GU and Arno Eichberger Validation of Automated Driving Function Based on the Apollo Platform: A Milestone for Simulation With Vehicle-in-the-Loop Testbed
Patrick Höschele and Christian Ellersdorfer Implementing Reversible Swelling into the Numerical Model of a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell for Short Circuit Prediction
Ernst Tomasch and Stefan Smit Naturalistic driving study on the impact of an aftermarket blind spot monitoring system on the driver’s behaviour of heavy goods vehicles and buses on reducing conflicts with pedestrians and cyclists
Nadine Bamminger, Hexuan Li, Li Wan, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi and Arno Eichberger Evaluation of Perception Sensor Model Performance in Simulation based on Experimental Findings
Emanuele Michelini, Patrick Höschele, Syed Muhammad Abbas, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser Assessment of Health Indicators to Detect the Aging State of Commercial Second-Life Lithium-Ion Battery Cells through Basic Electrochemical Cycling
Corina Klug, David Bützer, Johan Iraeus, Jobin John, Arne Keller, Michal Kowalik, Christoph Leo, Ines Levallois, I. Putu A. Putra, Felix Ressi, Kai Uwe Schmitt, Mats Svensson, Linus Trummler, Wim Wijnen and Astrid Linder How much does the injury risk between average female and average male anthropometry differ? – A simulation study with open source tools for virtual crash safety assessments
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Karin Ausserer and Jannik Rieß Required field of view of a sensor for an advanced driving assistance system to prevent heavy-goods-vehicle to bicycle accidents 11th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC 2023) 71-73
Martin Schachner, Bernd Schneider, Fabian Weißenbacher, Nadezda Kirillova, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof and Corina Klug Identifying and Extracting Pedestrian Behavior in Critical Traffic Situations 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Sonja Fitterer, Felix Ressi, Hermann Steffan and Corina Klug Simulation study of a real-world far-side crash Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI 940-941
Nico Erlinger, Maximilian Schinagl, Cornelia Krebs, Christoph Arneitz and Corina Klug Simulation of Blunt Abdominal Impacts caused by Handlebar Ends during Bicycle Crashes with the PIPER Child Model 2023 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 136-155
Corina Klug, Felix Ressi, Christoph Leo, Johan Iraeus, Jobin John, Mats Svensson, Arne Keller, Linus Trummler, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Ines Levallois, Michal Kowalik, Astrid Linder, I. Putu and A. Putra Comparison of Injury Predictors and Kinematics of Human Body Models Representing Average Female and Male Road Users in Car Crashes The 27th ESV Conference Proceedings
Corina Klug, Martin Schachner, Andre Eggers, Jakub Galazka, Simon Gargallo, Christian Jimenez, Jessica Kirch, Ines Levallois, Uwe Lobenwein, Norman Meissner, Victor Parede, Bengt Pipkorn, James Ellway and Michiel van Ratingen Euro NCAP Virtual Testing - Crashworthiness The 27th ESV Conference Proceedings 1-13
Martin Schachner, Nadezda Kirillova, Fabian Weißenbacher, Bernd Schneider, Horst Possegger, Horst Bischof, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi, Arno Eichberger, Jan Dobberstein, Thomas Lich, Martin Kirchengast, Marcus Hennecke and Corina Klug Observation-based pedestrian scenario extraction for virtual testing The 27th ESV Conference Proceedings
Alexander Schmid, Angelo Pasquale, Christian Ellersdorfer, Marco Raffler, Victor Champaney, Mustapha Ziane, Francisco Chinesta and Florian Feist Mechanical Characterization of Li-Ion Cells and the Calibration of Numerical Models Using Proper Generalized Decomposition ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2023
Henrik Liers, Marcus Petzold, Harald Feifel, Jörg Bakker and Ernst Tomasch The Creation and Application of Harmonized Pre-Crash Scenarios from Global Traffic Accident Data International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles; The 27th ESV Conference Proceedings
Christoph Leo, Martin Schachner, Desiree Kofler and Corina Klug E-scooter Driving Postures and Velocities Retrieved from Volunteer Tests using Motion Capturing and Traffic Observations International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2023
Kailin Tong, Fengwei Guo, Selim Solmaz, Martin Steinberger and Martin Horn Risk Monitoring and Mitigation for Automated Vehicles IAVVC 2023 - IEEE International Automated Vehicle Validation Conference, Proceedings
Karin Ausserer, Jannik Rieß, Ernst Tomasch and Heinz Hoschopf Road safety-relevant factors in accidents between cyclists and truck drivers and the role of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) 11th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC 2023) 28-30
Sonstiger Beitrag
Alexander Schmid, Christian Ellersdorfer, Marco Raffler, Florian Feist, Angelo Pasquale, Victor Champaney, Simon Guévelou, Mustapha Ziane and Francisco Chinesta Meta-Modelling of a Li-Ion Battery for Real-Time Prediction based on Proper Generalized Decomposition
Emanuele Michelini , Patrick Höschele, Christian Ellersdorfer and Jörg Moser FMEA used for the identification of critical loads applied to second-life mobile and stationary applications
Nadine Bamminger, Hexuan Li, Li Wan, Zoltan Ferenc Magosi and Arno Eichberger Evaluation of Perception Sensor Model Performance in Simulation based on Experimental Findings
Bettina Schützhofer, Ernst Tomasch, Barbara Krammer-Kritzer, Martin Söllner, Tina Panian and Heinz Hoschopf KISIMO - Entwicklung eines infiniten KIndermodells für Unfallanalysen, VerkehrsSImulationen und MObilitätsbildung
Markus Wagner A micromechanical model of cellulosic foams – validation and results of first parametric studies
Markus Wagner Mechanical behaviour improvements of wood veneer laminates by stitching
Ernst Tomasch and Stefan Smit Warnendes Fahrassistenzsystem für Busse und Lkw zur Vermeidung von Fußgänger:innenunfällen – Fahrstudie zum Potenzial des Systems und Bewertung der Effektivität9. Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Marvin Sprenger, Norbert Dölle, Florian Schauwecker, Marco Raffler, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Multiscale Analysis and Safety Assessment of Fresh and Electrical Aged Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells Focusing on Mechanical Behavior
Niloofar Soltani, Syed Muhammad Abbas, Martin Hantusch, Sebastian Lehmann, Kornelius Nielsch, Amin Bahrami and Daria Mikhailova The Role of Al2O3 ALD Coating on Sn-Based Intermetallic Anodes for Rate Capability and Long-Term Cycling in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Patrick Höschele, Stefan Smit, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Östling, Krystoffer Mroz and Corina Klug Generic Crash Pulses Representing Future Accident Scenarios of Highly Automated Vehicles
Krystoffer Mroz, Martin Östling, Corina Klug, Patrick Höschele and Nils Lubbe Supplementing Future Occupant Safety Assessments with Severe Intersection Crashes Selected Using the SAFER Human Body Model
Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl, Bernd Schneider, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer Method for In-Operando Contamination of Lithium Ion Batteries for Prediction of Impurity-Induced Non-Obvious Cell Damage
Luigi Aiello, Gregor Gstrein, Simon Erker, Bernhard Kaltenegger, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Optimized Nail for Penetration Test on Lithium-Ion Cells and Its Utilization for the Validation of a Multilayer Electro-Thermal Model
Demin Nalic, Tomislav Mihalj, Faris Orucevic, Martin Schabauer, Cornelia Lex, Wolfgang Sinz and Arno Eichberger Criticality Assessment Method for Automated Driving Systems by Introducing Fictive Vehicles and Variable Criticality Thresholds
Bernd Schneider, Desiree Kofler, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Heiko Freienstein, Maja Wolkenstein and Corina Klug Approach for machine learning based design of experiments for occupant simulation
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Robert Galler, Robert Wenighofer, Simon Franz Heindl, Stefan Krausbar and Oliver Heger Fire tests with lithium-ion battery electric vehicles in road tunnels
J. John, C. Klug, M. Kranjec, E. Svenning and J. Iraeus Hello, world! VIVA+: A human body model lineup to evaluate sex-differences in crash protection
Ernst Tomasch and Heinz Hoschopf Bewertung der Verkehrssicherheit durch fahrdynamische Unfallsimulation unterschiedlicher Fahrzeuge bei RSA- und RSI-Untersuchungen
Marco Raffler, Wolfgang Sinz, Simon Erker, Bernhard Brunnsteiner and Christian Ellersdorfer Influence of loading rate and out of plane direction dependence on deformation and electro-mechanical failure behavior of a lithium-ion pouch cell
Esma Galijatovic, Maria Eichlseder, Simon Franz Heindl and Corina Klug Integrity of virtual testing for crash protection
Jana Maria Joereßen, Georg Baumann, Stefan Spirk, Thomas Krenke, Thomas Schönauer and Florian Feist Chemical resistance of acetylated radiata pine sliced veneers
Ernst Tomasch Freie Fahrt für Assistenzsysteme
Manfred Muhlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Siegfried Trattnig and Hermann Steffan Cervical disc prostheses need a variable center of rotation for flexion / extension below disc level, plus a separate COR for lateral bending above disc level to more closely replicate in-vivo motion: MRI-based biomechanical in-vivo study
Felix Tobias Ressi, Christoph Leo, Corina Klug and Wolfgang Sinz Protection Challenges in Seat Positions with Large Rearward Adjustment in Frontal Collisions: An Approach Using Stochastic Human Body Model Simulations
Christian Lackner, Philipp Heinzl, Maria C. Rizzi, Christoph Leo, Martin Schachner, Petr Pokorny, Peter Klager, David Buetzer, Rune Elvik, Astrid Linder and Corina Klug Tram to Pedestrian Collisions—Priorities and Potentials
Ernst Tomasch and Stefan Smit Effectiveness assessment of a warning driver assistance system for trucks to avoid accidents with pedestrians EU-Safety 2022 Conference Abstract Book
Nico Erlinger, Desiree Kofler, Eva Heider and Corina Klug Effects of Boundary Conditions and Posture on Simulations with Human Body Models of Braking Events 2022 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 628-652
Corina Klug, Rodney Rudd, Sonja Fitterer, Ernst Tomasch, Hinrich Johannes Blume, Matthew Craig and Philipp Wernicke Priorities in Far-side Protection - What can we learn from field data for the development of virtual testing protocols? Conference Proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI 1-21
Marlene Mellauner, Aggelos Soteropoulos, Veronika Zuser, Nina Senitschnig, Alexander Pommer, Marielis Fischer, Ernst Tomasch, Benjamin Kigilcim, Julian Kammerlander and Margarethe Staudner Simulation of the Effects of Different Speeds on Road Safety and Car Journey Times in Austria 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2022
Technischer Bericht
Ernst Tomasch, U. Radeschnig, Clemens Dünser, Wolfgang Sinz and Gregor Gstrein PERTA – Passive Sicherheit in der Straßenausstattung
Ernst Tomasch, Gregor Gstrein and Hermann Steffan COMPARE - Sicherheitstechnische Beurteilung von nicht kraftschlüssigen Anpralldämpfern zur Absicherung von Hindernissen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Syed Muhammad Abbas Approach for assessing LIBs safety w.r.t. to Lithium plating
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Simon Franz Heindl, Bernhard Kohl, Oliver Heger, Robert Galler, Robert Wenighofer and Stefan Krausbar BRAFA - Brandauswirkungen von Fahrzeugen mit alternativen Antriebssystemen
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Simon Franz Heindl, Bernhard Kohl, Oliver Heger, Robert Galler, Robert Wenighofer and Stefan Krausbar BRAFA - Brandauswirkungen von Fahrzeugen mit alternativen Antriebssystemen
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf and Marianne Kraut Sicherheitstechnische Bewertung von Straßenabschnitten durch fahrdynamische Analyse unterschiedlicher Planungsvarianten bei RSI und RSA mit der Methodik der UnfallsimulationWiederkehrende Fehler der Straßenausstattung, der Straßenanlage und im Fahrverhalten , die zu Unfällen führen - Aufklärung der Unfallursachen durch Gerichtssachverständige
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Georg Baumann, Christian Ellersdorfer, Florian Feist and Dominik Niederkofler On the development of a release mechanism for a Split Hopkinson tension and compression bar
Georg Baumann, Reinhard Brandner, Ulrich Müller, Alexander Stadlmann and Florian Feist A Comparative Study on the Temperature Effect of Solid Birch Wood and Solid Beech Wood under Impact Loading
M. Parseh, F. Asplund, L. Svensson, W. Sinz, E. Tomasch and M. Torngren A Data-Driven Method Towards Minimizing Collision Severity for Highly Automated Vehicles
Federico Coren, Peter Fischer, Christian Ellersdorfer and Zoltan Major Dynamic failure and crash simulation of carbon fiber sheet moulding compound (CF‑SMC)
Christoph Leo, Maria C. Rizzi, Niels M. Bos, Ragnhild J. Davidse, Astrid Linder, Ernst Tomasch and Corina Klug Are There Any Significant Differences in Terms of Age and Sex in Pedestrian and Cyclist Accidents?
Ernst Tomasch, Simon Franz Heindl, Gregor Gstrein, Wolfgang Sinz and Hermann Steffan Assessment of the Effectiveness of Different Safety Measures at Tunnel Lay-Bys and Portals to Protect Occupants in Passenger Cars
Georgi Kovachev, Andrea Astner, Gregor Gstrein, Luigi Aiello, Johann Hemmer, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer Thermal Conductivity in Aged Li-Ion Cells under Various Compression Conditions and State-of-Charge
Luigi Aiello, Ilie Hanzu, Christian Ellersdorfer, Wolfgang Sinz, Gregor Gstrein and Eduard Ewert Analysis and Investigation of Thermal Runaway Propagation for a Mechanically Constrained Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell Module
Simon Krašna, Arne Keller, Astrid Linder, Ary P Silvano, Jia-Cheng Xu, Robert Thomson and Corina Klug Human Response to Longitudinal Perturbations of Standing Passengers on Public Transport During Regular Operation
Jia-Cheng Xu, Ary P Silvano, Arne Keller, Simon Krašna, Robert Thomson, Corina Klug and Astrid Linder Identifying and Characterizing Types of Balance Recovery Strategies Among Females and Males to Prevent Injuries in Free-Standing Public Transport Passengers
Tobias Werling, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer On the Dynamic Electro-Mechanical Failure Behavior of Automotive High-Voltage Busbars Using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar
Maximilian Pramreiter, Sabine C. Bodner, Jozef Keckes, Alexander Stadlmann, Florian Feist, Georg Baumann, Emad Maawad and Ulrich Müller Predicting strength of Finnish birch veneers based on three different failure criteria
Maximilian Pramreiter, Alexander Stadlmann, Christian Huber, Johannes Konnerth, Peter Halbauer, Georg Baumann and Ulrich Müller The influence of thickness on the tensile strength of finnish birch veneers under varying load angles
Maximilian Pramreiter, Sabine C. Bodner, Jozef Keckes, Alexander Stadlmann, Johannes Konnerth, Florian Feist, Georg Baumann, Christian Huber and Ulrich Müller Zerstörungsfreie Charakterisierung von Furnieren für strukturelle Verbundwerkstoffe - Evaluierung von Methoden und Einflussfaktoren
Alexander Wesely and Hermann Steffan Potential of a Time-Triggered Crash System of a Steering Column on Driver Injuries
Christoph Leo, Karina Lehmann, Holger Staack, Volker Labenski, Christian Teichmann, Yong Chen and Corina Klug Head impact conditions for two-wheelers in passenger car collisions – comparison of European and Chinese scenarios International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2021 730-731
Stefan Smit, Johanna Trauner-Karner, Michael Nader, Desiree Kofler, Nico Erlinger, Florian Feist and Corina Klug Investigation of injury mechanisms in sledging accidents involving children and adults International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2021
Alexander Schubert, Nico Erlinger, Christoph Leo, Johan Iraeus, Jobin John and Corina Klug Development of a 50th Percentile Female Femur Model 2021 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 308-332
Jia-Cheng Xu, Ary P Silvano, Jiota Nusia, Simon Krasna, Arne Keller, Corina Klug, Robert Thomson and Astrid Linder A biomechanical quantification of an effective balance recovery strategy in free-standing females and males using OpenSim 2021 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 335-336
Desiree Kofler, Alessio Sevarin, Wolfgang Sinz, Alexander Thaler and Christian Ellersdorfer Crash safety of a power electronic unit of an electrified vehicle 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC) 633-639
Emanuele Michelini Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Li-Ion Battery Cells Under Breathing and Swelling Mechanisms for Various Boundary Conditions
Technischer Bericht
Jan Dobberstein, Daniel Schmidt, Martin Östling, Magdalena Lindman, András Balint and Patrick Höschele OSCCAR Deliverable D1.3: Future collision type matrix
Steffan Peldschuss, Anja Wagner, Julia Mühlbauer, Laura Rieger, Johanna Kerschreiter, Johan Davidsson, Corina Klug, Simon Dussinger, Matthias Schiessler and A. Eggers OSCCAR Deliverable D5.2: Standardised validation procedure for qualifying the HBM to be used for assessing effectiveness of pilot protection principles
Sonstiger Beitrag
Georgi Kovachev, Gregor Gstrein, Jörg Moser, Marco Raffler and Christian Ellersdorfer Assessment of the influence of product life on the mechanical behaviour of lithium-based traction batteries
Marco Raffler, Alexander Schmid, Florian Feist, Clemens Dünser, Georgi Kovachev, Jörg Moser, Christian Ellersdorfer and Eduard Ewert Representation of the crash relevant mechanical behaviour and features of a lithium ion battery with finite element simulation models at different scales
Alexander Schmid, Marco Raffler, Clemens Dünser, Florian Feist and Christian Ellersdorfer Two Modelling Approaches of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells for Simulating the Mechanical Behaviour Fast and Detailed
Emanuele Michelini 2nd-Life Batteries: A New Life For Electric Vehicle Batteries
Emanuele Michelini 2nd-Life-Batterien: Ein Neues Leben Für Elektrofahrzeugbatterien
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Manfred Mühlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Siegfried Trattnig and Hermann Steffan In cervical arthroplasty, only prosthesis with flexible biomechanical properties should be used for achieving a near-physiological motion pattern
Martin Schachner, Wolfgang Sinz, Robert Thomson and Corina Klug Development and evaluation of potential accident scenarios involving pedestrians and AEB-equipped vehicles to demonstrate the efficiency of an enhanced open-source simulation framework
Georgi Kovachev, Christian Ellersdorfer, Gregor Gstrein, Ilie Hanzu, H. Martin R. Wilkening, Tobias Werling, Florian Schauwecker and Wolfgang Sinz Safety assessment of electrically cycled cells at high temperatures under mechanical crush loads
Tobias Werling, Peter Geuting, Patrick Höschele, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Investigation of the electro-mechanical behavior of automotive high voltage busbars under combined electrical load with varying indenter geometry and environmental conditions
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Andrea Schirmer, Bernhard Reinwald, Manuel Kühlbacher, Robert Wenighofer, Simon Franz Heindl, Thomas Nöst, Philip Leonhardt, Alexander Hödl and Stefan Krausbar Brandversuch mit E-Fahrzeugen in Tunnelanlagen
Georg Baumann, Reinhard Brandner, Ulrich Müller, Cedou Kumpenza, Alexander Stadlmann and Florian Feist Temperature related properties of solid birch wood under quasi-static and dynamic bending
Tobias Werling, Marvin Sprenger, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Behavior of Automotive Battery Busbars under Varying Mechanical Loads
Luigi Aiello, Georgi Kovachev, Bernhard Brunnsteiner, Martin Schwab, Gregor Gstrein, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer In Situ Measurement of Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity on Commercial Pouch Lithium-Ion Batteries with Thermoelectric Device
Christoph Leo, Michael Gruber, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Franz Roth and Corina Klug The Effect of Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems on Head Impact Conditions for Pedestrian and Cyclists in Passenger Car Collisions International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2020 330 - 357
Martin Schachner, Bernd Schneider, Wolfgang Sinz and Corina Klug Extracting Quantitative Descriptions of Pedestrian Pre-crash Postures from Real-world Accident Videos 2020 IRCOBI Europe Conference 231-249
Felix Ressi, Desiree Kofler, Wolfgang Sinz, Ernst Tomasch and Corina Klug Key Injury Regions for Passenger Car Drivers in Frontal Crashes International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury 2020 137-155
Peter Luttenberger, Florian Feist, Desiree Kofler, Wolfgang Sinz, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Heiko Freienstein and Maja Wolkenstein Assessment of future occupant restraint principles in autonomous vehicles International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (ICRCOBI)
Alexander Schmid Entwicklung eines detaillierten Schichtmodells einer Lithium-Ionen Pouch Zelle zur Vorhersage des Versagens bei Querkompression
Technischer Bericht
Stefan Smit and Ernst Tomasch Rundum-Sicht im Straßenverkehr
Linus Wagstrom, K Bohman, Magdalena Lindman, Oscar Laudon, Ernst Tomasch, Corina Klug, Martin Schachner, Ines Levallois, P. Recko, F. Renaudin, E. Salters, Astrid Linder, J. Gross, Arne Keller and Kai-Uwe Schmitt Impact scenarios and pre-crash seated positions for Automated Driving
Sonstiger Beitrag
Desiree Kofler, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Spitzer and Corina Klug Analysis of the Effect of Different Helmet Types and Conditions in Two Real-world Accident Scenarios with a Human Body Model
Alessio Sevarin, Christian Ellersdorfer and Markus Fasching Crash safety optimisation method for the integration of the traction batteries into Powered-Two-Wheelers
Gregor Gstrein and Ernst Tomasch Analysis of the correlation between ASI and HIC for steel and concrete road restraint systems on different types of basements
Ernst Tomasch, Simon Franz Heindl, Gregor Gstrein and Hermann Steffan Assessment of the Effectiveness of Different Safety Measures at Tunnel Lay-Bys and Tunnel-Portals to Protect Occupant in Passenger Cars
David Bützer, Stefan Lang, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Bettina Zahnd and Corina Klug Knee injuries in pedestrians and cyclists resulting from impacts with passenger cars –Frequency and associated factors based on Swiss insurance claims data
Georgi Kovachev, Gregor Gstrein, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Analysis of the influence of electrochemical aging effects on the mechanical properties of lithium ion batteries
Peter Luttenberger, Martin Schachner, Stefan Rajinovic, Jörg Moser, Christoph Leo and Wolfgang Sinz MUTANT Analysis Tool - Functionality Report Version 1.0
Peter Luttenberger, Lukas Schlacher, Martin Schachner and Wolfgang Sinz MUTANT Analysis Tool - Group Assessment Report Version 1
Martin Winkelbauer, Florian Schneider and Ernst Tomasch Junge Lenker - Pkw-Unfallursachen in verschiedenen Altersgruppen„KFV – Sicher Leben“
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Christian Kurzböck and Alexander Stadlmann Crashsichere Holzverbundwerkstoffe in Leichtbaukarosserien der Zukunft
Georg Baumann, Alexander Stadlmann, Christian Kurzböck and Florian Feist Crash-proof Wood Composites in Lightweight Bodyworks of the Future
Johann Gwehenberger, Andreas Kronthaler, Heinz Hoschopf and M. Borrack Struktur und Ursachen von Oldtimerunfällen
Peter Wimmer, Michael Düring, Henri Chajmowicz, Fredrik Granum, Julian King, Harald Kolk, Olaf Op den Camp, Paolo Scognamiglio and Michael Wagner Toward harmonizing prospective effectiveness assessment for road safety: Comparing tools in standard tools in standard scenario simulation
Lars Greve, Bernd Schneider, Tom Eller, Michael Andres, Jean-Daniel Martinez and Bram van de Weg Necking-induced fracture prediction using an artificial neural network trained on virtual test data
Georgi Kovachev, Hartmuth Schröttner, Gregor Gstrein, Luigi Aiello, Ilie Hanzu, H. Martin R. Wilkening, Alexander Foitzik, Michael Wellm, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer Analytical dissection of an automotive Li-ion pouch cell
Ulrich Müller, Thomas Jost, Christian Kurzböck, Alexander Stadlmann, Wolfgang Wagner, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Georg Baumann, Maximilian Pramreiter and Florian Feist Crash simulation of wood and composite wood for future automotive engineering
Christoph Leo, Corina Klug, Maria Ohlin, Niels M. Bos, Ragnhild J. Davidse and Astrid Linder Analysis of Swedish and Dutch accident data on cyclist injuries in cyclist-car collisions
Felix Ressi, Wolfgang Sinz, Claus Geisler, Abulkadir Öztürk, Gian Antonio D'Addetta and Heiko Freienstein Estimating Preliminary Occupant Injury Risk Distributions for Highly Automated Vehicles with Respect to Future Seat Configurations and Load Directions Proceedings of the 26th International Technical Conference and exhibition on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)
Florian Feist Modelling solid wood in LS-Dyna 29th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials
Peter Luttenberger, Christoph Leo, Martin Schachner, Wolfgang Sinz, Gian Antonio Daddetta, Heiko Freienstein and Maja Wolkenstein Der sitzindividuelle Insassenschutz als wesentliches Element automatisierter Fahrzeuge 12. VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit 61-80
Technischer Bericht
Ernst Tomasch, Simon Franz Heindl, Anton Hinterkircher, Gregor Gstrein, Alexander Hödl, Hermann Steffan and Ulrich Schneckenreither BENCHMARK - Beurteilung der Effizienz derzeit eingesetzter Absicherungs- maßnahmen von Tunnelnischen und -portalen beim PKW- Anprall
Alexander Berg, Stefan Guserle, Kai Morschheuser, Marcel Borrack, Walter Niewöhner, Steffanie Ritter and Ernst Tomasch Wirkung von Systemen der aktiven, passiven und integralen Sicherheit bei Straßenverkehrsunfällen mit schweren Güterkraftfahrzeugen
Ernst Tomasch, Simon Franz Heindl, Anton Hinterkircher, Gregor Gstrein, Alexander Hödl, Hermann Steffan and Ulrich Schneckenreither Beurteilung der Effizienz derzeit eingesetzter Absicherungsmaßnahmen von Tunnelnischen und –portalen beim PKW-Anprall
Michael Gruber, Alessio Sevarin, Ernst Tomasch, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer, Ralf Risser and Christian Rathgeb moTFas - Einfluss moderner Sicherheits- und Fahrerassistenzsysteme auf die Verkehrssicherheit von motorisierten Zweirädern
Desiree Kofler, Corina Klug, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Spitzer, Dominik Darnhofer and Steffan Kerbl PROTECT_ME - Einfluss von protektiver Ausrüstung auf die Verletzungsschwere und Verletzungsart beim Mopedunfall
Sonstiger Beitrag
Ernst Tomasch, Desiree Kofler, Corina Klug, Heinz Hoschopf and Peter Spitzer Einfluss unterschiedlicher Helme auf die Verletzungsschwere beim Moped Unfall - Unfallanalyse und Verletzungsschwere
Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Christian Kurzböck, Ulrich Müller and Stefan Hartmann Comparison of two material models 58 and 143 in Dyna for modelling solid birch wood
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Bernd Schneider, Wolfgang Sinz, James Ellway and Michiel van Ratingen Development Of A Certification Procedure For Numerical Pedestrian Models
Florian Feist, Nisha Nandlal Sharma, Corina Klug, Franz Roth, Florian Dornbusch, Stefan Schinke and Alexander Besch GVTR: A Generic Vehicle Test Rig Representative Of The Contemporary European Vehicle Fleet
Michael Gruber, Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Florian Feist, Corina Klug, Anja Schneider, Franz Roth, Volker Labenski, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Magdalena Lindman and Anders Fredriksson The Effect of P-AEB System Parameters on the Effectiveness for Real World Pedestrian Accidents
Christoph Leo, Corina Klug, Maria Ohlin and Astrid Linder Analysis of pedestrian injuries in pedestrian-car collisions with focus on age and gender
Nisha Nandlal Sharma, Corina Klug, Franz Roth, Stefan Schinke and Florian Feist How are loads in the pedestrian struck side leg affected by boundary conditions in Human Body Model simulations?
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Thomas Jost, Ulrich Müller and Florian Feist Wood Composites for Future Automotive Engineering? – Basic Requirement: Crash Simulation of Wood-Based Components
Cedou Kumpenza, Philipp Matz, Peter Halbauer, Maximilian Grabner, Gottfried Steiner, Florian Feist and Ulrich Müller Measuring Poisson’s ratio
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Bernd Strnad Effectiveness of rumble strips positioned at different lateral distance to the edge line to avoid run-off-road accidents Transport Research Arena 2018: A digital era for transport
Heinz Hoschopf and Ernst Tomasch Limitations and challenges of avoiding HGV-VRU accidents through advanced driver assistance systems 8th International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"
Martin Winkelbauer and Ernst Tomasch Young Driver Crashes in Austria: Analysis of Causes and Contributing Factors Based on In-Depth and Police Reported Crash Data 8th International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"
Cedou Kumpenza, Alexander Stadlmann, Philipp Hochwarter, Georg Baumann, Florian Feist and Ulrich Müller Joining of Wood-Based Multi-Material Components with Screws and Bolts: Experimental Study of Double-Lap Joints 61st International Convention of the Society of Wood Science and Technology and Japan Wood Research Society
Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Andreas Moser, Matthias Rüther and Ludwig Mohr Active safety effectiveness assessment by combination of traffic flow simulation and crash-simulation International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"
Peter Luttenberger, Wolfgang Sinz, Gian Antonio D'Addetta and Heiko Freienstein MAKING INTEGRATED OCCUPANT SAFETY SYSTEMS ASSESSABLE - VIRTUAL ASSESSMENT APPROACH FOR VARIABLE SEATING POSITIONS AND PRE-CRASH CONDITIONS 14th International Symposium and Accompanyying Exhibition on Sophisticated Car Occupant Safety Systems 48.1-48.16
Alessio Sevarin, Michael Gruber, Ernst Tomasch, Christian Rathgeb, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer and Ralf Risser Safety assessment of cornering ABS systems based on riding tests IFZ Conference Proceeedings
Alessio Sevarin, Michael Gruber, Ernst Tomasch, Ralf Risser, Karin Ausserer, Lukas Hartwig and Christian Rathgeb Evaluation of the potential of cornering ABS for single vehicle accidents: an experiment based approach Ricardo Conference 2018
Daniel Schmidt, Heiko Freienstein, Gian Antonio Daddetta, Thomas Lich, Andreas Georgi, Jan Dobberstein, Per Lewerenz, Abulkadir Öztürk, Claus Geisler, Konstantin Benz, Marcus Mai, Felix Ressi and Wolfgang Sinz KAUSAL - A Virtual Tool Chain to Estimate the Impact of Automated Driving on Occupant Restraint Systems 8th International Conference ESAR
Christoph Breitfuß Analyse mechanischer Vorgänge in Li-Ionen Pouchzellen unter Crashbelastung und deren Modellbildung in einer Finite-Elemente-Software
Technischer Bericht
Martin Seidel, Heinz Hoschopf, Marianne Kraut and Ernst Tomasch 3-dimensionale Verkehrsinfrastrukturplanung und Berücksichtigung von fahrdynamischen Aspekten und menschlichen Faktoren
Sonstiger Beitrag
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, James Ellway and Michiel van Ratingen A procedure to compare kinematics of Human Body Models for pedestrian assessments
Stefan Smit, Ernst Tomasch, Harald Kolk, Michael Alois Plank, Jürgen Gugler and Hannes Glaser Evaluation of a momentum based impact model in frontal car collisions for the prospective assessment of ADAS
Michael Haberl, Martin Fellendorf, Harald Kolk and Ernst Tomasch Simulation Assisted Safety Impact Analyses for Signalized Urban Intersections
Michael Gruber, Christian Matt, Ernst Tomasch, Alessio Sevarin, Harald Kolk, Christian Ellersdorfer, Christian Rathgeb, Ralf Risser, Lukas Hartwig, Karin Ausserer and Elisabeth Füssl Effectiveness assessment of a generic collision mitigation system for motorcycles at junctions
Corina Klug, Florian Feist and Peter Wimmer Simulation of a Selected Real World Car to Bicyclist Accident using a Detailed Human Body Model
Corina Klug, Peter Luttenberger, Martin Schachner, Jakub Tomasz Micorek, Robert Greimel and Wolfgang Sinz Postprocessing of Human Body Model Results – Introduction of the Open Source Tool DYNASAUR
Georg Baumann, Florian Feist, Gerhard Schickhofer and Severin Zimmer Modelling of a traditional bow and arrow
Hermann Steffan, Christian Ellersdorfer, Andreas Moser and Julian Simader UFO: Ultraflat Overrunable Robot for Experimental ADAS TestingAutomated Driving589-594
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Marco Raffler, Alessio Sevarin, Christian Ellersdorfer, Simon Franz Heindl, Christoph Breitfuß and Wolfgang Sinz Finite element model approach of a cylindrical lithium ion battery cell with a focus on minimization of the computational effort and short circuit prediction
H. Sprenger, S. Kienesberger, B. Pertschy, L. Pöltl, B. Konrad, P. Bhutada, D. Vorkapic, D. Atzmüller, F. Feist, C. Högenauer, G. Gorkiewicz and E.L. Zechner Fic proteins of Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis form a network of functional toxin-antitoxin systems
Jörg Bakker, Hanna Jeppson, Lars Hannawald, Florian Spitzhüttl, Alejandro Longton and Ernst Tomasch IGLAD - International Harmonized In-Depth Accident Data ESV Conference Proceedings
Simon Franz Heindl, Christoph Breitfuß, Robert Greimel, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Ellersdorfer, Florian Feist and Clemens Fink Introducing an approach to predict the time-dependent mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviour of Li-ion batteries due to crash loads EVS 2017 - 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
Technischer Bericht
Martin Winkelbauer, Aggelos Soteropoulos, Florian Schneider and Ernst Tomasch Unfallursachen bei Motorradunfällen
Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger, Daniel Bell, Christine Chaloupka-Risser, Juliane Haupt and Ralf Risser ATTENTION - Entwicklung von geeigneten Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der FußgängerInnensicherheit von SeniorInnen durch Verhaltensbeobachtung und Tiefenanalyse von Realunfällen
Peter Spitzer, Holger Till, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Martin Weinberger, Franz Kleewein and Andreas Pazourek Generation „65+“ Ein Plus an Alter verbunden mit einem Plus an Verkehrssicherheit
Sonstiger Beitrag
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Marco Raffler, Wolfgang Sinz, Philippe Petit, James Ellway and Michiel van Ratingen Development of a Procedure to Compare Kinematics of Human Body Models for Pedestrian Simulations
Alessio Sevarin, Christian Ellersdorfer and Ernst Tomasch Evaluation of the Potential of Advanced Rider Assistance Systems for the Actual Accident Scenarios
Simon Franz Heindl Introducing an approach to predict the time-dependent mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviour of Li-ion batteries due to crash loads
Dario Vanig, Antonio Virga, Mattia Conigliaro, Hermann Steffan and Ernst Tomasch ADAS-Assisted Driver Behaviour in Near Missing Car-Pedestrian AccidentsAutonomous Vehicle
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Martin Plaimer, Christoph Breitfuß, Wolfgang Sinz, Simon Franz Heindl, Christian Ellersdorfer, Hermann Steffan, Martin Wilkening, Volker Hennige, Reinhard Tatschl, Alexander Geier, Christian Schramm and Stefan Freunberger Evaluating the trade-off between mechanical and electrochemical performance of separators for lithium-ion batteries: Methodology and application
Senad Omerovic, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche and Ivan Prebil Comparative study of potential whiplash injuries for different occupants seated positions during rear end accidents
Theo Volck, Wolfgang Sinz, Gregor Gstrein, Christoph Breitfuß, Simon Franz Heindl, Hermann Steffan, Stefan Freunberger, Martin Wilkening, Marlena Uitz, Clemens Fink and Alexander Geier Method for Determination of the Internal Short Resistance and Heat Evolution at Different Mechanical Loads of a Lithium Ion Battery Cell Based on Dummy Pouch Cells
Sophie Billicsich, Ernst Tomasch, Gerald Markovic, Arno Eichberger and Zoltan Ferenc Magosi Evaluation of the impact of C2X systems to the accident severity in motorcycle accidents
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Bernd Strnad Method to Optimise the Position of Rumble Strips on the Hard Shoulder to Avoid Run-Off-Road Accidents and Unnecessary Noise Pollution
Christian Stefan, Rainer Stütz, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Luttenberger and Edwin Christoph Klein A Risk-Based Methodology to Assess Run-Off-Road Crashes on Austrian Motorways - The RISKANT Project
Kristian Holmqvist, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Mario Darok and Dean Ravnik Impacts to the chest of PMHSs – Influence of impact location and load distribution on chest response
Edwin Christoph Klein, Wolfgang Sinz, Jörg Moser, Robert Greimel, Karsten Raguse, Claas van Middendorff and Christina Steiner Comparison of optimisation strategies for the determination of precise dummy head trajectories based on the fusion of electrical and optical measured data in frontal crash scenarios
Harald Kolk, Ernst Tomasch, Jörg Bakker, Jan Dobberstein and Wolfgang Sinz Evaluation of a momentum based impact model and application in an effectivity study considering junction accidents International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research"
Christian Ellersdorfer, Alessio Sevarin, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Arno Ebner, Nina Deitermann and amrtin Forster Methode zur Bewertung der Crashsicherheit von Traktionsbatterien elektrisch betriebener Motorräder Tagungsband der 11. internationalen Motorradkonferenz 2016
Corina Klug, Florian Feist, Marco Raffler, Wolfgang Sinz and Michiel van Ratingen Methodology for kinematic comparison of human body models for pedestrian simulations Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering 1-15
F. Feist and C. Klug A numerical study on the influence of the upper body and neck on head kinematics in tangential bicycle helmet impact 2016 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury
Harald Kolk, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang Sinz Prospective evaluation of the collision severity of L7e vehicles considering a Collision Mitigation System Transportation Research Procedia
Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger, Daniel Bell, Christine Chaloupka-Risser and Ralf Risser Analysis of conflict situations between elderly pedestrians and vehicles 7th International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research" : reports on the ESAR-Conference 2016 at Hannover Medical School 7th International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research"
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Implementation of Reactive Human Behavior in a Numerical Human Body Model Using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element Substitutes Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles 139-145
Technischer Bericht
Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger, Heinz Hoschopf, Peter Spitzer and Franz Kleewein TOGETHER - Verkehrserziehung, Aus- und Weiterbildung als gemeinsame Verantwortung zur Vermeidung von Kinderunfällen im Straßenverkehr
Christian Stefan, Michael Aleksa, Reiner Stütz, Klemens Schwieger, Wolfgang Schreiber, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Weinberger and Heinz Hoschopf ANSWERS – Unfallursachenforschung schwer-verletzter und getöteter Kinder im Straßenverkehr
Sonstiger Beitrag
Martin Weinberger, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Hermann Steffan, Peter Spitzer and Franz Kleewein Causation of traffic accidents with children from the perspective of all involved participants
Hermann Steffan Evaluation Methods for ADAS Systems
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser Neue Funktionen in PC-Crash 11.0
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser Präsentation und die Auswertung den Crashversuchen von 21.03.2016 in Linz
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser Erweiterte Möglichkeiten der kinematischen Ausrechnungen in der Simulationssoftware PC-Crash Version 11.0
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser Die Bildung der Verkehrsunfallkarte mit der Ausnutzung neuen Funktion der Simulationssoftware PC-Crash 11.0
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser Die Analyse des Verkehrsunfalls mit der Ausnutzung der neuen Funktionen der Simulationssoftware PC-Crash 11.0
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser Die Analyse des Verkehrsunfalls mit dem Fußgänger mit der Ausnutzung der neuen Funktion PC-Crash 11.0
Christian Ellersdorfer, Alessio Sevarin, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Arno Ebner, Nina Deitermann and Martin Forster Integrated Numerical and Experimental Approach for the Battery Safety Evaluation of Electric Driven Motorcycles
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Christian Stefan and Reiner Stütz Requirements of a safety zone width for run-off-road accidents to prevent severe injuries when impacting hazardous objects
Ernst Tomasch, Martin Fellendorf and Michael Haberl Holistic Method to evaluate Driver-Assistance-Systems during Pre-Crash Phases
Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz, Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Jörg Moser, Peter Saleh, Felix Etl, Isabela Mocanu and Christian Stefan Requirements for C2X systems for improving road safety in terms of fatigue, distraction and inattention
Ernst Tomasch Requirements for C2X systems for improving road safety in terms of fatigue, distraction and inattention (Presentation)
Ernst Tomasch Requirements of a safety zone width for run-off-road accidents to prevent severe injuries when impacting hazardous objects (Presentation)
Manfred Mühlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Siegfried Trattnig and Hermann Steffan Determination of the Center of Rotation for Flexion/Extension Before and after Insertion of 3 Different Types of Disc Prostheses, and Comparison with In-Vivo MRI-Derived Data from Healthy Volunteers
Daniel Watzenig, Markus Schratter and Jost Bernasch Methode zur durchgängigen Absicherung von aktiven Sicherheits- und Fahrerassistenzsystemen
Martin Weinberger, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf and Hermann Steffan Children and elderly people taking part in traffic as pedestrians
Christian Mayer, Ghosh Pronoy, Ravikiran Chitteti, Andreas Teibinger, Peter Luttenberger, Jens Weber, Henry-Paul Bensler, Manuel Mendoza-Vazquez, Jac Wismans, Caroline Deck and Remy Willinger Key building blocks for implementing HBMs in a virtual testing environment - Applications & findings from SafeEV project
Simon Franz Heindl Kombinierte Simulationsmethode zur virtuellen Prognose des mechanisch-elektrisch-thermischen Verhaltens von Li-Ionen Zellen für Crashbelastungen
Harald Kolk Prospective evaluation of the collision severity of L7e vehicles considering a Collision Mitigation System
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Bernd Strnad, Caroline Wollendorfer, Klemens Schwieger and Sebastian Riegler NUNRUMPELTLEISER - Optimierte Anordnung von Rumpelmarkierungen unter Berücksichtigung von Lärmemission mit Beurteilung der Sicherheitswirkung
Corina Klug, Florian Feist and Ernst Tomasch CLEVERER HELM - Optimaler Schutz vor Kopfverletzungen durch verbesserte Testmethoden von Kinder-Fahrradhelmen
Gregor Gstrein, Christian Kurzböck, Jan-Mark Opelka and Jan Krollmann Simulation and testing of adaptive FRP-substructures for automotive safety 24th ESV Conference Proceedings 1-12
Sophie Billicsich, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Arno Eichberger, Gerald Markovic and Zoltan Ferenc Magosi Potentieller Einfluss von C2X auf die Vermeidung von Motorradunfällen bzw. Reduktion der Verletzungsschwere 10. VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit - Sicherheit 2.0 383-392
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Harald Kolk and Hermann Steffan Bewertungsmethodik von integralen Sicherheitssystemen durch Kombination von Test und Simulation am Beispiel von Fußgängerunfällen 10. VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit - Sicherheit 2.0 157-169
Ernst Tomasch, Harald Kolk, Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf and Stefan Kirschbichler Prospektive Bewertung der Kollisionsschwere von L6e Fahrzeugen unter Berücksichtigung eines Kollisionsminderungssystems 10. VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit - Sicherheit 2.0 407-418
Andreas Teibinger, Harald Marbler-Gores, Harald Schluder, Veit Conrad, Hermann Steffan and Josef Schmidauer Further development of a method to reproduce highly dynamic force-distance based intrusion of vehicle side structure components SAE Technical Paper No. 2015-01-1487 1-9
Corina Klug, Florian Feist and Ernst Tomasch Testing of bicycle helmets for preadolescents IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 136-155
Philipp Huber, Stefan Kirschbichler, Adrian Prüggler and Thomas Steidl Erkenntnisse zur Insassenkinematik aus dem aktuellen OM4IS Projekt VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit 1-18
Stefan Kaltner, Jürgen Gugler, Manfred Wonisch and Gerald Steinbauer An Autonomous Forklift for Battery Change in Electrical Vehicles Austrian Robotics Workshop
Andreas Teibinger, Christian Mayer, Ernö Dux, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Peter Luttenberger, Jac Wismans and Rémy Willinger Holistic approach for improved safety including a proposal of new virtual test conditions of small electric vehicles SAE Technical Paper No. 2015-01-0571 1-11
Corina Klug, Martin Weinberger, Ernst Tomasch, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Hermann Steffan, Thomas Kinsky, Franz Roth, Norbert Praxl and Benjamin Buenger Pelvic and femoral injuries in car-to-pedestrian accidents IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 49-63
Wolfgang Sinz, Jörg Moser, Edwin Christoph Klein, Robert Greimel, Karsten Raguse, Class Middendorff and Christina Steiner Precise Dummy Head Trajectories in Crash Tests based on Fusion of Optical and Electrical Data: Influence of Sensor Errors and Initial Values SAE World Congress
Sonstiger Beitrag
Hermann Steffan Automatisiertes Fahren
Christian Ellersdorfer Sichere Integration von elektrischen Energiespeichern in Motorrädern
Simon Franz Heindl, Christian Ellersdorfer, Christoph Breitfuß, Wolfgang Sinz and Peter Luttenberger Vehicle safety concepts for e-mobility
Werner Leitgeb and Christian Ellersdorfer Test und Simulationsmethoden von Lithium Ionen Batterien für verbesserte Fahrzeugintegration
Philipp Huber, Stefan Kirschbichler, Adrian Prüggler and Thomas Steidl Erkenntnisse zur Insassenkinematik aus dem aktuellen OM4IS Projekt
Roman Lesjak, Thomas Moder, Manfred Wieser, Martin Horn, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati and Hermann Steffan CrashPos Final Report - Single-frequency RTK for an Advanced Driver Assistance System test-bed
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Gernot Woitsch and Wolfgang Sinz Influences of Pre-Crash Braking Induced Dummy - Forward Displacements on Dummy Behaviour during EuroNCAP Frontal Crashtest
Mats Svensson, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Anna Carlsson, Christian Ewald, Peter Luttenberger, Christian Mayer, J Strandroth, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche and Jac Wismans Future Accident Scenarios involving Small Electric Vehicles 2014 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 51-52
Philipp Huber, Stefan Kirschbichler, Adrian Prüggler and Thomas Steidl Three-dimensional occupant kinematics during frontal, lateral and combined emergency maneuvers Proceedings 668-669
Ernst Tomasch, Sylvia Schick, Astrid Linder, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Wolfgang Sinz and Ines Levallois Neck Injury Protection: Potential Cost Savings and Improved Seat Evaluation Transport Research Arena ---
Peter Luttenberger, Ernst Tomasch, Remy Willinger, Christian Mayer, Jörg Bakker, Nicolas Bourdet, Christian Ewald and Wolfgang Sinz Method for future pedestrian accident scenario prediction Transport Research Arena
Roland Wohlecker, Ralf Matheis, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Bengt Pipkorn and Christian Kurzböck MATISSE - Modelling And Testing for Improved Safety of Key Composite Structures in Alternatively Powered Vehicles Transport Research Arena ---
Nicolas Bourdet, Peter Luttenberger, Andreas Teibinger, Christian Mayer and Remy Willinger Pedestrian and bicyclists head impact conditions against small electric vehicle 2014 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 685-696
Stefan Kirschbichler, Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Thomas Steidl, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Mayer and Gian Antonio D`Addetta Factors Influencing Occupant Kinematics during Braking and Lane Change Maneuvers in a Passenger Vehicle Proceedings of IRCOBI Conference 2014, IRC-14-70 614-625
Harald Marbler-Gores, Andreas Teibinger, Harald Schluder, Veit Conrad and Hermann Steffan Virtuelle und reale Absicherung crashrelevanter Strukturbauteile mit neuartigem Prüfstandkonzept 17. Kongress, SIMVEC - Simulation und Erprobung in der Fahrzeugentwicklung 2014, VDI-Berichte 2224 847-856
Christian Mayer, Florian Mayer, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz and Dirk Fressmann Untersuchung des Bruchverhaltens älterer und jüngerer menschlicher Rippen - Definition eines Materialmodells und Implementierung in ein FE Human Model Traumabiomechanik des älteren Verkehrsteilnehmers - Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels ---
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Mario Darok, Wolfgang Sinz, Iztok Ciglaric, Dean Ravnik and Hermann Steffan Comparison of the cervical spine bony kinematics for female cadavers versus the virtual EvaRID dummy under whiplash loading 2014 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 250-267
Roman Lesjak, Thomas Moder, Manfred Wieser, Vamsi Prakash Makkapati, Martin Horn and Hermann Steffan Entwicklung eines ADAS-Testsystems durch Integration von inertialen MEMS Sensoren Proceedings POSNAV 2014
Christoph Zauner, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Ellersdorfer and Hermann Steffan Assessment of the effectiveness of Intersection Assistance Systems at urban and rural accident sites ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research n-n
Technischer Bericht
Stefan Karl Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Jörg Moser, Peter Saleh, Felix Etl, Isabela Mocanu and Christian Steffan ALERT - Anforderungsliste an C2X Systeme zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit im Hinblick auf Müdigkeit, Ablenkung und Unaufmerksamkeit
Sonstiger Beitrag
Emrah Yigit, Jens Weber, Matthias Kröger, Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler and Stefan Kirschbichler Influence on soft tissue material model on occupant kinematics in low g scenarios using FE human body models
Werner Leitgeb and Christian Ellersdorfer Crash Safety of Batteries - Test based process for finite element modelling
Christian Ellersdorfer NI CompactRIO als Echtzeitsteuer- und Messsystem für einen universellen quasistatischen mechanischen Batterieprüfstand
Andreas Teibinger, Christian Mayer, Roberto Puppini, Mats Svensson, Rémy Willinger, Frederic Nuß, Peter Luttenberger and Gian Antonio D'Addetta SafeEV: Current and planned activities
Stefan Kirschbichler and Philipp Huber Human Modeling and Integrated Safety
Gregor Gstrein, Daniel Koschitzky, Ralf Limmer and Harald Marbler-Gores Simulation of the deployment space for a side airbag in a component test rig
Philipp Huber, Stefan Kirschbichler, Adrian Prüggler and Thomas Steidl Three dimensional occupant kinematics during frontal, lateral and combined emergency maneuvers
Harald Marbler-Gores, Andreas Teibinger, Harald Schluder, Veit Conrad and Hermann Steffan Virtuelle und reale Absicherung crashrelevanter Strukturbauteile mit neuartigem Prüfstandkonzept
Christian Mayer, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Dirk Fressmann and Florian Mayer Untersuchung des Bruchverhaltens älterer und jüngerer menschlicher Rippen - Definition eines Materialmodells und Implementierung in ein FE Human Model
Ernst Tomasch and Heinz Hoschopf Tiefenanalyse unfallkausaler Zusammenhänge bei Kinderverkehrsunfällen und Planungsstandards
Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Stefan Kirschbichler, Thomas Steidl, Norbert Praxl, Christian Mayer, Jens Weber, Emrah Yigit, Wolfgang Sinz and Andreas Rieser Occupant model for integrated safety: Recent results in testing and simulation
Stefan Kirschbichler, Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Thomas Steidl, Wolfgang Sinz, Christian Mayer and Gian Antonio D`Addetta Factors Influencing Occupant Kinematics during Braking and Lane Change Maneuvers in a Passenger Vehicle
Ines Levallois, Olivier Richard and Andreas Johann Gutsche ADSEAT Deliverable D5.1 - Prototype seat for testing
Jac Wismans, Johan Davidsson, Anna Carlsson, Christian Mayer, Peter Luttenberger, Gian Antonio Daddetta, Krzystof Hinc, Ernö Dux, Frederic Nuss and Remy Willinger Report on test conditions and evaluation criteria for occupant and vulnerable road user protection of small electric vehicles
Peter Maurer, Christian Steffan, Rainer Stütz, Ernst Tomasch, Peter Luttenberger, Edwin Christoph Klein and Thomas Pistotnig Risikomodell zur Analyse von Unfällen mit ortsfesten Hindernissen auf Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen
Manuel Pröll, Bernd Strnad and Ernst Tomasch SICHERE LEITUNG - Verkehrssicherheitspotentiale seitlicher Fahrzeugrückhaltesysteme im Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen-Netz der ASFiNAG
Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Christian Mayer, Christian Ewald, Peter Luttenberger, Ernst Tomasch and Andreas Johann Gutsche Report on future accident scenarios, with respect to small electric vehicles
Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ines Levallois, Olivier Richard and Alonso Sergio ADSEAT Deliverable D5.2 - Seat Evaluation Guidelines
Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ines Levallois and Olivier Richard ADSEAT Deliverable D5.3 - Graphical user interface for optimum dissemination of project results for seat developers and users
Peter Luttenberger, Ernst Tomasch, Remy Willinger, Nicolas Bourdet, Christian Mayer and Christian Ewald Methodical analysis on future accident scenarios involving SEV´s
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Hermann Steffan, Saied Mohamed H. Darwish and Motaz Almodimigh Methods to Prevent or Mitigate Accidents with Large AnimalsCharacterization and Development of Biosystems and Biomaterials69-99
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Gregor Gstrein, Christian Ellersdorfer, Ernst Tomasch, Florian Feist, Stefan Kirschbichler, Hermann Steffan and Saied Mohamed H Darwish Safety Measures for Avoiding or Mitigating the Occupant Exposure in Collisions with Large AnimalsAdvances in Bio-Mechanical Systems and Materials59-79
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Kirk Hansen, Nathan Dau, Florian Feist, Caroline Deck, Rémy Willinger, Steven M. Madey and Michael Bottlang Angular Impact Mitigation system for bicycle helmets to reduce head acceleration and risk of traumatic brain injury
Gernot Woitsch and Wolfgang Sinz Influence of Pitching and Yawing During Frontal Passenger Vehicle Crash Tests on Driver Occupant's Kinematics and Injury
A. Moser, Hermann Steffan and Heinz Burg Insassenbelastungen bei verschiedenen Aufprallkonstellationen und moegliche Schwankungen der Simulationsergebnisse
Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Paul Lemmen, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Andreas Johann Gutsche and Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants
Christian Steffan, Rainer Stütz and Ernst Tomasch Entwicklung eines Risikomodells zur Prognose von Abkommensunfällen auf Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen
Christoph Breitfuß, Wolfgang Sinz, Florian Feist, Gregor Gstrein, Bernhard Lichtenegger, Christoph Knauder, Christian Ellersdorfer, Jörg Moser, Hermann Steffan, Michael Stadler, Peter Gollob and Volker Hennige A ‘Microscopic’ Structural Mechanics FE Model of a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell for Quasi-Static Load Cases Proceedings of SAE World Congress 0-11
Florian Feist, Christoph Breitfuß, Silke Lipp, Wolfgang Sinz, Gregor Gstrein, Claus Uwe Matzer, Michael Stadler and Peter Gollob Entwicklung eines mikroskopischen strukturmechanischen FE-Modells einer HV-Zelle fur den Crashlastfall VDI-Tagung Fahrzeugsicherheit 37-58
Corina Klug, Wolfgang Sinz, Günter Brenn and Florian Feist Experimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid model IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 483-496
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Ines Levallois, Serigio Alonso, Paul Lemmen, Astrid Linder and Hermann Steffan Improve Assessment and Enhance Safety for the Evaluation of Whiplash Protection Systems Addressing Male and Female Occupants in Different Seat Configurations by Introducing Virtual Methods in Consumer Tests International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact 77-90
Jeremy Gaume, Clemens Fink, Bernhard Kaltenegger, Peter Gollob, Volker Hennige, Christoph Breitfuß, Florian Feist, Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang Sinz Safe Batteries through Simulation of the Crash Behavior Automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2013 ---
Florian Feist Development of a microscopic FE model of a high voltage battery cell for crash-loading evaluation 9. VDI Tagung – Fahrzeugsicherheit
Ernst Tomasch, Peter Luttenberger and Remy Willinger Methodical analysis on future accident scenarios involving SEV´s Grazer Safety Update 2013 ---
Paul Lemmen, Amit Gupta, Anna Carlsson, Mats Svensson, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Ines Levallois, Astrid Linder and Ernst Tomasch Seat Optimization Considering Reduction of Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants – Applications of the EvaRID Model and a Scaled Down BioRID Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) ---
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl, Andreas Rieser, Wolfgang Sinz and Stefan Kirschbichler Implementation of Reactive Human Kinematics in a Numerical Human Body Model using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element Substitutes NAFEMS World Congress ---
Simon Franz Heindl Entwicklung eines makroskopischen Finite Elemente Modells einer 18650 Li-Ionen Zelle für Crashbelastungen
Technischer Bericht
Sylvia Schick, Ernst Tomasch and Kai-Uwe Schmitt ADSEAT Deliverable D1.2 - Socioeconomic benefits
Eva Aigner-Breuss, Michael Aleksa, Evelyn Braun, Klaus Machata, Kerstin Runda, Christian Steffan and Ernst Tomasch MANEUVER - Entwicklung von MAssnahmen zur Vermeidung von FehlverhalteN an EisenbahnkreUzungen mit Hilfe der VERkehrspsychologie - Ein Handbuch für PraktikerInnen und EntscheidungsträgerInnen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Peter Luttenberger Safe small Electric Vehicles through advanced simulation methodologies
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl, Andreas Rieser and Wolfgang Sinz Implementation of Reactive Human Kinematics in a Numerical Human Body Model Using Controlled Beam Elements as Muscle Element Substitutes
Hermann Steffan and Andreas Moser The Finite Element Calculation Module in PC-CRASH 10.0: Application of FE calculations in Accident Reconstruction
Philipp Huber, Adrian Prüggler, Stefan Kirschbichler, Thomas Steindl, Andreas Rieser and Wolfgang Sinz Occupant Model for Integrated Safety: Challenges in Testing and Simulation
Andreas Johann Gutsche and Ernst Tomasch Sitzevaluierung beim Heckanprall zum Schutz weiblicher Insassen
Corina Klug, Wolfgang Sinz, Günter Brenn and Florian Feist Experimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid model
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Ines Levallois, Sergio Alonso, Paul Lemmen, Astrid Linder and Hermann Steffan Improve Assessment and Enhance Safety for the Evaluation of Whiplash Protection Systems Addressing Male and Female Occupants in Different Seat Configurations by Introducing Virtual Methods in Consumer Tests
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl, Andreas Rieser, Stefan Kirschbichler and Wolfgang Sinz Reaktive Menschenmodellierung als Baustein für die virtuelle Entwicklung von integralen Sicherheitssystemen
Philipp Huber, Monica Christova, Gian Antonio D'Adetta, Eugen Gallasch, Stefan Kirschbichler, Christian Mayer, Adrian Prüggler, Andreas Rieser, Wolfgang Sinz and Dietmar Wallner Muscle Activation Onset Latencies and Amplitudes during Lane Change in a Full Vehicle Test
Christian Ellersdorfer, Wolfgang Sinz, Werner Leitgeb and Alexander Thaler Entwicklung eines Crash-Ersatzversuches für Hochvoltbatteriemodule zur Absicherung der virtuellen Entwicklung
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch and Wolfgang Sinz Extended Rear Impact Assessment of Whiplash Associated Disorder Protection for Females
Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan SimaGut - Simulationsauswertung von Kollisionen mit ansteigenden Böschungen auf einem geraden Schnellstraßenabschnitt
Thomas Pistotnig, Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang Sinz Validierung des ESP-Systems und Modifizierung des Systems durch Hinzufügen des Unterfahrschutzes BikeProtect
Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Nathalie Gales, Anders Kullgren and Ernst Tomasch Final Report Biological Test
Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Nathalie Gales, Anders Kullgren and Ernst Tomasch Preliminary Report Biological Test
Hermann Steffan 7. Ranshofener Leichtmetalltage 2012
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Sh. Lajqi, Jürgen Gugler, N. Lajqi, A. Shala and R. Likaj Possible experimental method to determine the suspension parameters in a simplified model of passenger car
Ernst Tomasch The Guardrail as a Ramp - the Vehicle takes off
Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Paul Lemmen, Kai-Uwe Schmitt and Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Wolfgang Sinz and Nikolai Schretter Methodik zur automatisierten Effektivitätsbewertung von Fahrassistenzsystemen am Beispiel von Heckkollisionen Crash.Tech 2012 n-n
Robert Szlosarek, Thomas Jost, Thomas Karall, H. Lieb and Stefan Kirschbichler Crash Simulation of Poles Made of Fibre Reinforced Plastics Applied on Airfields DYNACOMP - 1st International Conference on Composites Dynamics ---
Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Toni Weber, Mats Svensson, Johan Davidsson, Anna Carlsson, Magnus Björklund, Lotta Jakobsson, Ernst Tomasch and Astrid Linder Seat testing to investigate the female neck injury risk – preliminary results using a new female dummy prototype 2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 263-263
S. Shahid, M. Rizwan, M. A. B. Abbasi, H. Zahra, S. M. Abbas and M. A. Tarar Textile antenna for body centric WiMAX and WLAN applications 2012 International Conference on Emerging Technologies
Hermann Steffan, Andreas Moser, Joachim Ebner and Wolfgang Sinz UFO - ein neues System zur Evaluierung von Assistenzsystemen 13. Braunschweiger Symposium - AAET 2012 212-234
Wolfgang Sinz, Florian Feist, Gregor Gstrein, Jürgen Gugler, Ernst Tomasch, Christoph Breitfuß, Peter Luttenberger, Hermann Steffan, Volker Hennige and Peter Gollob Concepts for Mechanical Abuse Testing of High-Voltage Batteries Proceedings of SAE World Congress 0-20
Mario Darok, Ernst Tomasch, Andreas Johann Gutsche, Wolfgang Sinz, Iztok Ciglaric, Dean Ravnik and Hermann Steffan Neue Ergebnisse in der Analyse der HWS-Kinematik beim Heckaufprall 91. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin n-n
Astrid Linder, Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Mats Svensson, Anna Carlsson, Paul Lemmen, Kai-Uwe Schmitt and Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT - Adaptive Seat to Reduce Neck Injuries for Female and Male Occupants Transport Research Arena n-n
Karsten Raguse, Christina Steiner and Wolfgang Sinz Bestimmung der präzisen dreidimensionalen Dummykopfkinematik in einem Sicherheitsversuch Kongress SIMVEC Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau
Mirjana Dumancic, Florian Feist, Raffael Braunsteiner, Wolfgang Sinz, Ralf Petschl and Karsten Waldherr Methodology to Validate the Child Seat Models Protection of Children in Cars 1-8
Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Thomas Steidl and Kurt Steiner Ermittlung von Validierungsdaten für reaktive Menschmodelle in der Vorkollisionsphase Crash.Tech 2012
Peter Wimmer, Andreas Rieser, Christian-Michael Gruber and Wolfgang Sinz Effectiveness Assessment of Vulnerable Road User Protection Systems via Numeric Simulation International Crashworthiness Conference ---
Mirjana Dumancic, Raffael Braunsteiner, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Ralf Petschl and Karsten Waldherr Methodology to Validate Child Seat Models International Conference Protection of Children in Cars
Christian-Michael Gruber, Peter Wimmer, Harald Marbler and Wolfgang Sinz Integrale Sicherheit - Durchgängige Methode zur Numerischen Simulation Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug ---
Günther Prokop, Marcus Mai, B Schlag, G Weller, C Gruber, Ernst Tomasch and Peter Wimmer Effektivitätsbewertung warnender Fahrerassistenzsysteme durch Fahrerverhaltensmodelle 28. VDI-VW-Gemeinschaftstagung Fahrerassistenz und Integrierte Sicherheit 87-103
Technischer Bericht
Sylvia Schick, Anders Kullgren, Lotta Jakobsson, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Ernst Tomasch and James Lenard ADSEAT Deliverable D1.1 - Real World Data
Ernst Tomasch, Manfred Mühlbauer and Felix Ressi In Vivo kinematische Analyse nach Implantation von drei verschiedenen Halsbandscheibenprothesen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Christian Gruber, Harald Marbler and Wolfgang Sinz Integrale Sicherheit - Durchgängige Methode zur Numerischen Simulation
Mirjana Dumancic, Florian Feist, Raffael Braunsteiner, Wolfgang Sinz, Ralf Petschl and Karsten Waldherr Methodology to Validate the Child Seat Models
Peter Wimmer, Andreas Rieser, Christian-Michael Gruber and Wolfgang Sinz Effectiveness Assessment of Vulnerable Road User Protection Systems via Numeric Simulation
Andreas Johann Gutsche, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Xavier Cerillo, Ines Levallois, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Toni Weber and Hermann Steffan Basic comparison of the injury risk of a male and female dummy model in rear impact collisions
Maninirina Ranovona, Jun Tsuchida, Estelle Chin, Thomas Unselt, Oscar Munoz, Andres Aparicio and Bernhard Winkler Report on the experimental study results of the evaluation of behavioural aspects
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz and Stefan Kirschbichler Enbericht BioMat Phase III
Carmen Rodarius, Stefanie de Hair - Buijssen, Patrick Seiniger, Marcus Wisch, Andres Aparicio, Oscar Munoz, Sebastien Baures, Thomas Unselt, Bernhard Winkler and Kees Waggmeester Draft test and assessment protocol for the pre-crash evaluation of integrated safety systems based on existing, updated and standardized test methods
Peter Luttenberger and Wolfgang Sinz ENDBERICHT ASAPROTECT – H1 SYSTEM
Andreas Rieser, Peter Wimmer and Ernst Tomasch K2 Zwischenbericht: Toolkette zur disziplinübergreifenden Simulation am Beispiel der Integralen Sicherheit
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Arno Eichberger, Ernst Tomasch, Rüdiger Rohm, Wolfgang Hirschberg and Hermann Steffan Bewertung der Potentiale von Fahrerassistenzsysteme zur Vermeidung tödlicher Verletzungen bei Verkehrsunfällen
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Mark Gobald, Birgit Nadler, Friedrich Nadler, Bernd Strnad and Florian Schneider SANFTLEBEN - Sicherheitsbeurteilung der Anfangselemente von Leitschienen und Betonleitwänden
Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Christoph Mottl and Ernst Tomasch Case study of a frontal car accident involving three fatally injured children
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Mark Gobald, Hermann Steffan, Birgit Nadler, Friedrich Nadler, Bernd Strnad and Florian Schneider Required length of guardrails before hazards
M. Bottlang and F. Feist Biomechanics of far cortical locking
Wolfgang Sinz, Christoph Breitfuß, Ernst Tomasch, Jürgen Gugler, Florian Feist, Hannes Lacher, Fiorentino Valerio Conte, Stefan Kutsenits and Ernst Kieninger Integration of a crashworthy battery in a fully electric city bus
Hermann Steffan Im Airbag durch die Mausefalle
Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber and Kurt Steiner DETAILED ANALYSIS OF 3D OCCUPANT KINEMATICS AND MUSCLE ACTIVITY DURING THE PRE-CRASH PHASE AS BASIS FOR HUMAN MODELING BASED ON SLED TESTS International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles
Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Stefan Kirschbichler, Hermann Steffan, Mario Darok, Hans-Peter Dimai and Janina Patsch Korrelation von Knochendichte und Rippenfrakturen Proceedings of the annual 20th EVU meeting ---
Thomas Unselt, Christian Mayer, Estelle Chin, Andres Aparicio, Oscar Munoz, Maminirina Ranovona, Jun Tsuchida and Bernhard Winkler ASSESSMENT OF BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS IN INTEGRATED SAFETY SYSTEMS Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) 1-14
Farid Bendjellal, Florian Feist, Wolfgang Sinz and Richard Frank CRS development and simulation techniques: Experience in utilizing Stiftung Warentest side impact environment 9th ---
Arno Eichberger, Rüdiger Rohm, Wolfgang Hirschberg, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan RCS-TUG Study: Benefit Potential Investigation of Traffic Safety Systems with Respect to Different Vehicle Categories Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) 1-13
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Stefan Kirschbichler, Ernst Tomasch, Saied Mohamed H. Darwish, Motaz Almodimigh and Hermann Steffan Avoidability of accidents with large animals Proceedings of the annual 20th EVU meeting ---
Gregor Gstrein Potentialanalyse früh ausgelöster Rückhaltesysteme
Sonstiger Beitrag
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Anwendungsorientierte Modellierungsansätze zur Implementierung reaktiven Insassenverhaltens in ein numerisches Menschmodell
Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan METHODS TO PREVENT OR MITIGATE ACCIDANTS WITH LARGE ANIMALS
Adrian Prüggler, Philipp Huber, Andreas Rieser, Kurt Steiner, Stefan Kirschbichler and Arno Eichberger Anwendungsorientierte Modellierungsansätze zur Implementierung relativen Insassenverhaltens in ein numerisches Menschmodell
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf and Mark Gobald Sicherheitsbeurteilung der Anfangselemente von Leitschienen und Betonleitwänden978-3-902428-79-0
Martin Winkelbauer, Hermann Steffan, Daniela Knowles, Alexander Fürdös, Stefan Fürdös, Eva Heimlich, Eva Erenli and Ernst Tomasch EDR - Event Data Recording Maßnahmenpaket 2008978-3-902428-78-3
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf and Mirjana Dumancic Delta Bloc International - Zwischenbericht
Wolfgang Sinz, Robert Greimel, Heinz Hoschopf, Karsten Raguse and Henrik Färnstrand Simulation Based Analysis of Test ResultsSafety Test Methodology and Structural Crashworthiness and Occupant Safety, 201073-84
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Wolfgang Sinz and Nikolai Schretter Aktuelle Testmethoden der integralen Fahrzeugsicherheit
Ernst Tomasch Verkehrsunfälle unter der Lupe
Jürgen Gugler Neue Ansätze bei Prüfmethoden
Manfred Mühlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Karl-Heinz Pichler and Karl Mahr In-vivo kinematische Analyse nach Implantation von 3 verschiedenen Halsbandscheibenprothesen – erste Zwischenergebnisse
Ernst Tomasch and Andreas Rieser Gleichberechtigung bei Dummymodellen
Arno Eichberger, Ernst Tomasch, Rüdiger Rohm, Hermann Steffan and Wolfgang Hirschberg Detailed analysis of the benefit of different traffic safety systems in fatal accidents Proceedings of the annual EVU meeting 301-315
Sylvia Schick, Anders Kullgren, Ernst Tomasch, Lotta Jakobsson, Astrid Linder, Natalie Gales, Wolfram Hell and Kai-Uwe Schmitt Basics for developing a female occupant model for investigating Cervical Spine Distortion injury (CSD) International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research" ---
Wolfgang Sinz, Heinz Hoschopf, Heribert Kassegger, Bernhard Fellner and Johannes Wernig KasKo – Ein Werkzeug für die Fußgängerschutz Konzeptauslegung Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug ---
Sh. Lajqi, Jürgen Gugler, N. Lajqi, A. Shala and R. Likaj Experimental possibilities for determination of suspension parameters by the simplified model of passenger car MOTOSP 2010 nn-nn
Alexander Harrich, Wolfgang Sinz, Mario Hirz and Mario Lorenzer CAD-basiertes Werkzeug zur Vorauslegung der Crashstruktur eines Frontendmoduls Kongress SIMVEC Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau 585-600
Florian Feist, Heinz Hoschopf, Christoph Mottl, Wolfgang Sinz and Ernst Tomasch Case Study of a Frontal Car Accident Involving Three Fatally Injured Children ICRASH 2010 ---
Hermann Steffan and Ernst Tomasch Gestaltung von Leiteinrichtungen aus sicherheitstechnischer Sicht - Untersuchung von Realunfällen/Übergangselemente Fahrzeugrückhaltesysteme - passive Schutzeinrichtungen im Straßenverkehr 10-27
Christoph Breitfuß, Jürgen Gugler, Wolfgang Sinz, Florian Feist, Hannes Lacher, F.V. Conte, S. Kutsenits and E. Kieninger Integration of a crashworthy battery in a fully electric city bus International Crashworthiness Conference 0-0
Nikolai Schretter, Wolfgang Sinz and Hans-Peter Schöner Planung und Realisierung von automatisierten Fahrmanövern zur Erprobung von aktiven Sicherheitssystemen Grazer Symposium Virtuelles Fahrzeug 185-197
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Mark Gobald, Hermann Steffan, Birgit Nadler, Friedrich Nadler, Bernd Strnad and Florian Schneider Single vehicle run-off-road accidents colliding turned down terminals of guardrails International Conference "ESAR - Expert Symposium on Accident Research" n-n
Ernst Tomasch, Stefan Kirschbichler, Wolfgang Sinz, Hermann Steffan, Mario Darok, Hans-Peter Dimai and Janina Patsch Methodology to predict thresholds for loading corridors of human ribs International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact 285-288
Gernot Woitsch Prognosefähigkeitssteigerung einer Finite Elemente Berechnung für das Crashverhalten eines Fahrzeuglängsträgers
Christoph Mottl Sicherheitswirkung von Rückhaltesystemen im Fahrzeugfond
Alexander Lichtenberger Erweiterung des Prinzips der simulationsbasierten Versuchsauswertung für die Bestimmung von präzisen Thoraxtrajektorien
Peter Luttenberger Entwicklung einer variablen Gurtaktorik für Entwicklungsversuche
Andreas Piana Maßnahmenkatalog zur Unfallreduktion und Minimierung der Verletzungsschwere am bestehenden Straßennetz und Vorschläge zur Risikominimierung für neue Abschnitte
Christoph Breitfuß Fahrzeugsicherheit von Elektrobussen Analyse der Crashsicherheit und der Implementierung einer Lithium-Ionen-Polymer-Batterie
Technischer Bericht
Eva Heimlich, Thomas Pistotnig, Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf and Wolfgang Sinz KARADAB Bericht Phase I - Simulationsergebnisse
Florian Feist, Heinz Hoschopf, Christoph Mottl, Wolfgang Sinz, Ernst Tomasch and Hermann Steffan Sicherheitswirkung von Rückhaltesystemen im Fahrzeugfonds
Ernst Tomasch, Heinz Hoschopf, Mark Gobald, Birgit Nadler, Friedrich Nadler, Bernd Strnad and Florian Schneider SANFTLEBEN - Sicherheitsbeurteilung der Anfangselemente von Leitschienen und Betonleitwänden - Endbericht
Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT M2.3a Test Set-up für Whiplashversuche
Sylvia Schick, Wolfram Hell, Nathalie Gales, Stefan Horion, Anders Kullgren, Helena Stigson, Lotta Jakobsson, Kai-Uwe Schmitt and Ernst Tomasch ADSEAT M1.1 and M1.2 Preliminary results: Specification and quantification of risk
Thomas Pistotnig, Eva Heimlich, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz and Heinz Hoschopf KARADAB Phase II Lösungsmöglichkeiten
Sonstiger Beitrag
Jürgen Gugler and Florian Feist Zeitgemässe Fahrzeuggestaltung - Passive Sicherheit als Nebeneffekt
Nikolai Schretter, Wolfgang Sinz and Hans-Peter Schöner Planung und Realisierung von automatisierten Fahrmanövern zur Erprobung von aktiven Sicherheitssystemen
Jürgen Gugler, Florian Feist, Walter Niewöhner, Sven Fassbender and Michael Hamacher INTEGRATED BENEFITS OF PASSIVE SAFETY IN HEAVY GOODS VEHICLES
Manfred Mühlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Karl-Heinz Pichler, Karl Mahr, Wolfgang Sinz, Felix Ressi and Eva Heimlich In-vivo kinematische Analyse nach Implantation von 3 verschiedenen Halsbandscheibenprothesen – erste Zwischenergebnisse


Ernst Tomasch and Stefan Smit Warnendes Fahrassistenzsystem für Busse und Lkw zur Vermeidung von Fußgänger:innenunfällen – Fahrstudie zum Potenzial des Systems und Bewertung der Effektivität9. Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Marvin Sprenger, Norbert Dölle, Florian Schauwecker, Marco Raffler, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Multiscale Analysis and Safety Assessment of Fresh and Electrical Aged Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells Focusing on Mechanical Behavior Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Niloofar Soltani, Syed Muhammad Abbas, Martin Hantusch, Sebastian Lehmann, Kornelius Nielsch, Amin Bahrami and Daria Mikhailova The Role of Al2O3 ALD Coating on Sn-Based Intermetallic Anodes for Rate Capability and Long-Term Cycling in Lithium-Ion Batteries Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Höschele, Stefan Smit, Ernst Tomasch, Martin Östling, Krystoffer Mroz and Corina Klug Generic Crash Pulses Representing Future Accident Scenarios of Highly Automated Vehicles Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Krystoffer Mroz, Martin Östling, Corina Klug, Patrick Höschele and Nils Lubbe Supplementing Future Occupant Safety Assessments with Severe Intersection Crashes Selected Using the SAFER Human Body Model Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Patrick Höschele, Simon Franz Heindl, Bernd Schneider, Wolfgang Sinz and Christian Ellersdorfer Method for In-Operando Contamination of Lithium Ion Batteries for Prediction of Impurity-Induced Non-Obvious Cell Damage Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Luigi Aiello, Gregor Gstrein, Simon Erker, Bernhard Kaltenegger, Christian Ellersdorfer and Wolfgang Sinz Optimized Nail for Penetration Test on Lithium-Ion Cells and Its Utilization for the Validation of a Multilayer Electro-Thermal Model Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Demin Nalic, Tomislav Mihalj, Faris Orucevic, Martin Schabauer, Cornelia Lex, Wolfgang Sinz and Arno Eichberger Criticality Assessment Method for Automated Driving Systems by Introducing Fictive Vehicles and Variable Criticality Thresholds Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Bernd Schneider, Desiree Kofler, Gian Antonio D'Addetta, Heiko Freienstein, Maja Wolkenstein and Corina Klug Approach for machine learning based design of experiments for occupant simulation Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Peter-Johann Sturm, Patrik Fößleitner, Daniel Fruhwirt, Robert Galler, Robert Wenighofer, Simon Franz Heindl, Stefan Krausbar and Oliver Heger Fire tests with lithium-ion battery electric vehicles in road tunnels Publikation in PURE anzeigen
J. John, C. Klug, M. Kranjec, E. Svenning and J. Iraeus Hello, world! VIVA+: A human body model lineup to evaluate sex-differences in crash protection Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ernst Tomasch and Heinz Hoschopf Bewertung der Verkehrssicherheit durch fahrdynamische Unfallsimulation unterschiedlicher Fahrzeuge bei RSA- und RSI-Untersuchungen Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marco Raffler, Wolfgang Sinz, Simon Erker, Bernhard Brunnsteiner and Christian Ellersdorfer Influence of loading rate and out of plane direction dependence on deformation and electro-mechanical failure behavior of a lithium-ion pouch cell Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Esma Galijatovic, Maria Eichlseder, Simon Franz Heindl and Corina Klug Integrity of virtual testing for crash protection Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Jana Maria Joereßen, Georg Baumann, Stefan Spirk, Thomas Krenke, Thomas Schönauer and Florian Feist Chemical resistance of acetylated radiata pine sliced veneers Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ernst Tomasch Freie Fahrt für Assistenzsysteme Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Manfred Muhlbauer, Ernst Tomasch, Wolfgang Sinz, Siegfried Trattnig and Hermann Steffan Cervical disc prostheses need a variable center of rotation for flexion / extension below disc level, plus a separate COR for lateral bending above disc level to more closely replicate in-vivo motion: MRI-based biomechanical in-vivo study Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Felix Tobias Ressi, Christoph Leo, Corina Klug and Wolfgang Sinz Protection Challenges in Seat Positions with Large Rearward Adjustment in Frontal Collisions: An Approach Using Stochastic Human Body Model Simulations Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Christian Lackner, Philipp Heinzl, Maria C. Rizzi, Christoph Leo, Martin Schachner, Petr Pokorny, Peter Klager, David Buetzer, Rune Elvik, Astrid Linder and Corina Klug Tram to Pedestrian Collisions—Priorities and Potentials Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ernst Tomasch and Stefan Smit Effectiveness assessment of a warning driver assistance system for trucks to avoid accidents with pedestrians EU-Safety 2022 Conference Abstract Book Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Nico Erlinger, Desiree Kofler, Eva Heider and Corina Klug Effects of Boundary Conditions and Posture on Simulations with Human Body Models of Braking Events 2022 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings 628-652 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Corina Klug, Rodney Rudd, Sonja Fitterer, Ernst Tomasch, Hinrich Johannes Blume, Matthew Craig and Philipp Wernicke Priorities in Far-side Protection - What can we learn from field data for the development of virtual testing protocols? Conference Proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI 1-21 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Marlene Mellauner, Aggelos Soteropoulos, Veronika Zuser, Nina Senitschnig, Alexander Pommer, Marielis Fischer, Ernst Tomasch, Benjamin Kigilcim, Julian Kammerlander and Margarethe Staudner Simulation of the Effects of Different Speeds on Road Safety and Car Journey Times in Austria 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2022 Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Technischer Bericht
Ernst Tomasch, U. Radeschnig, Clemens Dünser, Wolfgang Sinz and Gregor Gstrein PERTA – Passive Sicherheit in der Straßenausstattung Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Ernst Tomasch, Gregor Gstrein and Hermann Steffan COMPARE - Sicherheitstechnische Beurteilung von nicht kraftschlüssigen Anpralldämpfern zur Absicherung von Hindernissen Publikation in PURE anzeigen
Sonstiger Beitrag
Syed Muhammad Abbas Approach for assessing LIBs safety w.r.t. to Lithium plating Publikation in PURE anzeigen

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