Path Integral Methods for Nuclear Quantum Effects
Mariapfarr, 26 Feb - 1 March 2019, Josef-Mohr-Saal
Scientific Organisation: David Manolopoulos, Univ. of Oxford
Ring polymer molecular dynamics and reaction rate theory 1, 2, 3
David Manolopoulos (Oxford, UK)
Advanced methods 1, reviews 2, 3
Michele Ceriotti (EPFL, Switzerland)
Ab initio path integral molecular dynamics: theory and applications. 1, 2, 3
Angelos Michaelides (UCL, UK)
Instantons for tunnelling splittings and adiabatic and non-adiabatic reaction rates.1, 2, 3
Jeremy Richardson (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Anne-Marie Kelterer
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Graz University of Technology
Stremayrgasse 9/I, 8010 Graz
email: kelterer
phone: +43 316 873 32244
fax: +43 316 873 10 32244