In 2025, the workshop takes place in the Kongresszentrum, Tauernplatz 1, 5630 Bad Hofgastein.The conference language is English.
The workshop starts on Tuesday, 24 Feb. 2025 at 8:45 and ends at Friday, 28 Feb. 2025 after the Minisymposium at 12:00.
At Monday evening from 18:30 - ca. 21:30, there is an optional get-together in the Hotel Alte Post.
Download the Lecture Notes booklet with a detailed schedule and List of lecturers, short talks and posters (QR code or link). The necessary password can be found in the last email for registered participants.
Anne-Marie Kelterer
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Graz University of Technology
Stremayrgasse 9/I, 8010 Graz
email: kelterer
phone: +43 316 873 32244
fax: +43 316 873 10 32244