PhD position

Hydrogen-bonded Organic Frameworks Biocomposites

Short description: The project aims at the development of innovative biocomposites based on enzymes, porous materials (in particular, Hydrogen-bonded Organic Frameworks), and inorganic nanoparticles. These biocatalysts will be further engineered to facilitate their recycling and device integration. The PhD student will explore different strategies for the preparation of biocomposites with high activity and stability, and will perform in-depth characterization and application studies of the promising catalysts.

Starting date: April-June 2025

The contract: 36 months contract with a 30h per-week employment, starting at the earliest on April 1st, 2025. We offer a monthly gross salary of € 2,779.60 (pretax; 14 times per year) in accordance with the PhD salaries lined out by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The working language of the project is English. An initial probationary period could be part of the contract.

Required qualifications:

  • Finished Master study in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Material Science, or Biotechnology
  • Interest in research at the interface of biochemical and material sciences
  • A strong background in the study/characterization of proteins and/or materials would be an advantage

Application Deadline: The screening will proceed until a suitable candidate is selected.

Please send applications to The email must quote the position identification PhD-PAT4568024 and should contain a CV, a motivation letter, and contact details of two reference persons including the advisor of the Master thesis. Applicants are encouraged to optionally attach their publications or presentations at conferences if they are available.

For further information about HOFs biocomposites, please take a look at these publications:

Carraro, F., Aghito, M., Dal Zilio, S., Wolinski, H., Doonan, C. J., Nidetzky, B., & Falcaro, P. (2024). Magnetically Responsive Enzyme and Hydrogen‐Bonded Organic Framework Biocomposites for Biosensing. Small, 2407487.

Wied, P., Carraro, F., Bolivar, J..M., Doonan, C..J., Falcaro, P. and Nidetzky, B. Combining Genetically Engineered Oxidase with Hydrogen Bonded Organic Framework (HOF) for Highly Efficient Biocomposites, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022

W. Liang, P. Wied, F. Carraro, C. J. Sumby, B. Nidetzky, C.-K. Tsung, P. Falcaro, C. J. Doonan MetalOrganic Framework-Based Enzyme Biocomposites Chemical Reviews 2021, 121, 3, 1077–1129.

Liang, W.; Carraro, F.; Solomon, M. B.; Bell, S. G.; Amenitsch, H.; Sumby, C. J.; White, N. G.; Falcaro, P.; Doonan, C. J. Enzyme Encapsulation in a Porous Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 36, 14298-14305.

Master theses

Master’s students interested in working with porous material composites are encouraged to contact me via email to schedule an appointment. Various project opportunities are available, and we can discuss which one best aligns with the student's interests and skills.

Prospective Postdocs

Prospective postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to explore and apply for relevant fellowships:

Worldwide - ESPRIT

EU residents - Marie Curie Fellowship

The Carraro Group