Francesco Carraro graduated in Material Science (2014) and received his PhD degree in Science and Engineering of Materials and Nanostructures (2018) at the University of Padova, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Agnoli (Surface Science and Catalysis Group). His research was focused on the design from the micro to the atomic scale of different nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts that can be applied in the field of energy conversion and chemicals synthesis. He investigated different synthetic methods (e.g. solvothermal syntheses of ceramics, layer by layer growth of MOFs) and focused his attention on operando (i.e. QuickEXAFS) and in situ (i.e. XPS, Raman Spectroscopy) characterization techniques.
In 2018 he joined Prof. Falcaro group as a Postdoc, working on the preparation of MOF films and on the encapsulation of biomacromolecules into Metal-Organic Frameworks, with a particular focus on the characterization of these material exploiting synchrotron-based characterization techniques.
In 2022 he started his independent career as Assistant Professor (tenure track) at TU Graz. His research is currently focused on the conversion of ceramics to Metal-Organic Frameworks and on Hydrogen-bonded Organic Frameworks biocomposites.
Selected Publications:
F. Carraro*, M. Aghito, S. Dal Zilio, H. Wolinski, C. J Doonan, B. Nidetzky, P. Falcaro*. Magnetically Responsive Enzyme and Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework Biocomposites for Biosensing Small, 2024, 20, 52, 2407487.
M. Hafner, L. Villanova*, L., F. Carraro*. App-based quantification of crystal phases and amorphous content in ZIF biocomposites CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 7266.
P. Wied, F. Carraro, J. M. Bolivar, C. J. Doonan, P. Falcaro*, B. Nidetzky*, Combining Genetically Engineered Oxidase with Hydrogen Bonded Organic Framework (HOF) for Highly Efficient Biocomposites Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202117345.
K. Alt*1, F. Carraro1, E. Jap, M. Linares-Moreau, R. Riccò, M. Righetto, M. Bogar, H. Amenitsch, R. A. Hashad, C. Doonan, C. E. Hagemeyer*, P. Falcaro*, Self-Assembly of Oriented Antibody-Decorated Metal-Organic Framework Nanocrystals for Active Targeting Applications Adv. Mater., 2021, 34, 21, 2106607.
F. Carraro, J. Williams, M. Linares-Moreau, C. Parise, W. Liang, H. Amenitsch, C. Doonan, C. O. Kappe*, P. Falcaro*. Continuous Flow Synthesis of ZIF‐8 Biocomposites with Tuneable Particle Size Angew. Chem., 2020, 132, 21, 8200-8204.
F. Carraro, M. de Jesus Velasquez-Hernandez, E. Astria, W. Liang, L. Twight, C. Parise, M. Ge, Z. Huang, R. Ricco, X. Zou, L. Villanova, C. O. Kappe, C. Doonan*, P. Falcaro*. Phase dependent encapsulation and release profile of ZIF-based biocomposites Chem. Sci., 2020, 11(13), 3397.
P. Tang, S. Paganelli, F. Carraro*, M. Blanco, R. Riccò, C. Marega, D. Badocco, P. Pastore, C. Doonan, S. Agnoli*, Postsynthetic Metalated MOFs as Atomically Dispersed Catalysts for Hydroformylation Reactions ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12(49), 54798.
W. Liang1, F. Carraro1, M. B. Solomon, S. G. Bell, H. Amenitsch, C. J. Sumby,* N. G. White,* P. Falcaro,* C. J. Doonan*, Enzyme Encapsulation in a Porous Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 36, 14298.