CSBME/Studies/Funds & Grants/Dean's List/Dean's List 2024

The Dean of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Gernot Müller-Putz, is proud to publish the 2024 Dean's List. The list features the top 5% students of their respective Bachelor's program and semester. Each student receives a certificate commemorating their outstanding achievements.

The Scholarship worth 12.000€ was awarded! Florian Deutschmann (Software Engineering & Managment) won the Dean´s List Scholarship due to extraordinary achievements within his bachelor degree. Congratulations!

Stipendiat Florian Deutschmann mit Dekan Gernot Müller-Putz.
Dean Gernot Müller-Putz with scholarship holder Florian Deutschmann © CSBME - TU Graz

A Q&A with Florian Deutschmann

We spoke to scholarship holder Florian Deutschmann about what motivates him during his studies, what his secret is for his exceptional achievements and what he will do with the scholarship.

Introduce yourself and tell us what you are studying at TU Graz.
My name is Florian Deutschmann and I'm from Premstätten. During my Bachelor's degree, I studied Software Engineering and Management, which I am still studying for my Master's degree.

Can you outline your educational background?
For my primary and secondary school I went in Premstätten, then I attended HTL Kaindorf and now I'm here studying Software Engineering and Management.

What made you decide to study Software Engineering and Management?
During my time at HTL Kaindorf, I specialised in IT with a focus on economics. Software Engineering and Management is very similar to that, so I chose this degree programme.

Do you work alongside your studies?
Yes, I'm currently working at SSI Schäfer, where I'm a software engineer. There I take on tasks such as the maintenance and development of a management system.

What do enjoy doing in your free time?
I think it's a good mix of running and playing video games.

In which field do you want to work after completing your studies?
As I really enjoy software development, I would like to do that afterwards.

What does the scholarship mean to you personally and professionally?
Personally, I think it's an acknowledgement and recognition of all the hard work I've put into my studies over the last three years. And from a professional perspective, being nominated for the Dean's List is very useful for the resume.

What do you plan to use the financial support from the scholarship for?
I intend to study abroad in the third semester of my Master's programme, probably in a Scandinavian country. And the scholarship will definitely be useful for that.

You are among the best students at our faculty - what is your secret to achieve such good results?
First of all, I am a hard-working, competitive and ambitious individual. I found two very good friends in the first semester who have the same ambitions as me - and that certainly helps too!

Thank you very much for the interview and all the best for your future!


Dean´s List 2024

Biomedical Engineering

2nd semester:
Katharina Reitter, Simona Šrůtková, Markus Johannes Dramberger

4th semester:
Lilian Bruss, Bohdana Volchek

Bachelor's degree completed:
Mathias Csurmann, Milan Stanić

Computer Science

2nd semester:
Jeanette Angelika Wultsch, Patrick Ziegler, Kilian Kier, Alexander Johannes Dietrich, Florentin Wassilikos

4th semester:
Matthias Bergmann, David Schmid, Johannes Schoberl, Daniel Lucas Tobi, Benjamin Kranabenter, Dominik Deniz Sert

Bachelor's degree completed:
Thomas Knoll, Jakob Freiberger, Sebastian Fellner, Simon Scherer, David Frühwirth

Information and Computer Engineering

2nd semester:
Mathias Aschauer, 

4th semester:
Dennis Günter Köb

Bachelor's degree completed:
Lukas Liedl, Felix Gaisberger

Software Engineering and Management

2nd semester:
Claudia Schütz, Simon Schwaiger, Thomas Edwin Steinberger, Michael Dohr, Paul Graf, Julia Jesenko, Felix Steiner

4th semester:
Yuliia Lavrekha, David Lanser, Dennis Halilaj, Jonathan Maier, Mathias Arbeiter, Herbert Seewann

Bachelor's degree completed:
Anna Lechner, Florian Wolfgang Deutschmann, Stefan Etzelstorfer


Vice-Rector Stefan Vorbach introduces the dean's list
Vice-Rector Stefan Vorbach introduces the dean's list © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Katharina Reitter as representative of the first year of Biomedical Engineering © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Jeanette Angelika Wultsch as representative of the first year of Computer Science © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Mathias Aschauer as representative of the first year of Information & Computer Engineering © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Claudia Schütz as representative of the first year of Software Engineering and & Management © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Lilian Bruss as representative of the second year of Biomedical Engineering © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Matthias Bergmann as representative of the second year of Computer Science © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Dennis Köb as representative of the second year of Information & Computer Engineering © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Yuliia Lavrekha as representative of the second year of Software Engineering & Management © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Representative of the first and second year © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Mathias Csurmann (BME) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Milan Stanic (BME) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Thomas Knoll (CS) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Jakob Freiberger (CS) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Sebastian Fellner (CS) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
David Frühwirth (CS) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Felix Gaisberger (ICE) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Anna Lechner (SEM) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Florian Deutschmann (SEM) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Stefan Etzelstorfer (SEM) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
© Lunghammer - TU Graz
Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Martin Heider (HTU) draws the scholarship holder © Lunghammer - TU Graz
scholarship, Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Dean's List scholarship holder 2024: Florian Deutschmann (SEM) © Lunghammer - TU Graz
scholarship, Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Florian Deutschmann © Lunghammer - TU Graz
scholarship, Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Congratulations on the €12,000 dated scholarship © Lunghammer - TU Graz
scholarship, Deans List 2024, CSBME, TU Graz, 20 years, computer science, biomeidcal engineering, anniversary
Gernot Müller-Putz and Florian Deutschmann © Lunghammer - TU Graz
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Inffeldgasse 10/II, 8010 Graz

Office Hours (on site)
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 09:00 - 12:00
Wed 10:00 - 11:00 and 14:00 - 16:00