CSBME/Studies/Funds & Grants/Dean's List

Dean's List

The Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Gernot Müller-Putz, is proud to present the Dean's List. The list features the top 5% first and second year students of each Bachelor's programme, as well as the finished Bachelor’s degrees. Each member of the Dean's List receives a certificate that recognizes her or his outstanding achievements.

Selection Process

The ranking is based on the number of ECTS credits since the start of studies and the grades achieved. The best five percent of first and second year, and finished Bachelor students are awarded a certificate. All other students in the top 10%, 20%, and 50% of their class receive an email stating how highly they are ranked. Courses that are completed in a different program are included if they have been accredited for the ranked degree program.

The ranking is computed in autumn of each year and published soon afterwards.

What are the benefits?

Merit scholarship

If you are on the Dean's List, you are most likely to receive a merit scholarship. Find out more here.

Your career

You can enclose the certificate with your future applications, to make you stand out from the crowd.


The top 5% of finished CS, ICE and SEM Bachelor students have the chance to be drawn for the Scholarship worth 12.000€!


Find here the latest version of our Dean´s List Policy (in German):

Who is on the list?
  • The Top 5% of first and second year Bachelor students and
  • The Top 5% of completed Bachelor's degrees of
  • BME, CS, ICE and SEM