Doctoral Examinations (Rigorosen)

Fleck Philipp

Situated Analytics: Data-, Prototyping- and Application-Concepts for Augmented Reality

tba 2024 | time: tba
room: tba

Chair: Baunach Marcel
1st examiner: Schmalstieg Dieter
2nd examiner: Elmqvist Niklas


Voglreiter Philip Alexander

Handling Real-World Data in Visual Computing: Algorithms and Applications

tba 2024 | time: tba
room: tba

Chair: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Schmalstieg Dieter
2nd examiner: Ertl Thomas


Ilic Filip

Deep Learning in Video Understanding: The Role of Motion in Action Recognition

tba 2024 | time: tba
room: tba

Chair: Fraundorfer Friedrich
1st examiner: Pock Thomas
2nd examiner: Feichtenhofer Christoph


Wölbitsch Matthias

Applications of Digital Identities in Modern Retail Environments

Monday, 30th september 2024 | time: 3 pm
room: tba

Chair: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Helic Denis
2nd examiner: Thiesse Frederic


Muskardin Edi

Automata Learning-Based Approaches for Modeling of Machine Learning Systems

Tuesday, 17th september 2024 | time: 2 pm
room: SR IST

Chair: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Aichernig Bernhard
2nd examiner: Falk Howar


Zach Martin

Generative Models as Regularizers in Inverse Problems in Imaging

Tuesday, 27th August 2024 | time: 2:30 pm
room: SR ICG

Chair: Plopski Alexander
1st examiner: Pock Thomas
2nd examiner: Unser Michael


Azizi Niloofar

Expressivity in Graph Neural Networks

Tuesday, 27th August 2024 | time: 11 am
room: webex

Chair: Plopski Alexander
1st examiner: Bischof Horst
2nd examiner: Hochreiter Josef


Kogler Andreas Gabriel

Colliding Worlds: Exploiting Physical Properties from Software

Friday, 23rd August 2024 | time: tba
room: tba

Chair: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Gruß Daniel
2nd examiner: Holz Thorsten


Petschenig Horst Alfred

Advances in Neuromorphic Algorithms for Neural Network Optimization, Bio-signal Applications, and Few-shot Learning

Thursday, 25th July 2024 | time: 10 am
room: SR IGI

Chair: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Legenstein Robert
2nd examiner: Otte Sebastian


Pilz Christoph

V2X-as-a-Sensor Components, Performance, and Rating the Surrounding V2X Field

Thursday, 25th July 2024 | time: tba
room: tba

Chair: Fraundorfer Friedrich
1st examiner: Steinbauer-Wagner Gerald
2nd examiner: Müjdat Soytürk


Past Examinations

De Bortoli Marco

Coordinating a Multi-Agent System in Intralogistics Domains using Temporal Planning and Flexible Plan Execution

Monday, 1st July 2024 | time: 11 am
room: SR IST

Chair: Gruß Daniel
1st examiner: Steinbauer-Wagner Gerald
2nd examiner: Chrpa Lukas


Reiter-Haas Markus

Computational Framing Analysis for Polarized Topics Online

Thursday, 27th June 2024 | time: 1 pm
room: DHEG 136E und webex

Chair: Fraundorfer, Friedrich
1st examiner: Lex, Elisabeth
2nd examiner: Potthast, Martin


Ainetter Stefan

Scene Understanding in Robotic Vision

Monday, 24 th June 2024 | time: 2 pm
room: SR ICG

Chair: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Fraundorfer, Friedrich
2nd examiner: Vincze Markus


Siddiqi Shafaq

ML-based Data Preprocessing for Large-scale Data

Friday, 21st June 2024 | time: 4 pm
room: DHEG136E

Chair: Plopski Alexander
1st examiner: Kern Roman
2nd examiner: Schüle Maximilian


Eder Matthias

Improving Robot Navigation in Unstructured Environments Using Traversability Analysis and Explainable Path Planning

Thursday, 20th June 2024 | time: 4 pm
room: SR IST

Chair: Gruß Daniel
1st examiner: Steinberger-Wagner Gerald
2nd examiner: Feigl Jan


Sagbauer Nanna Nora

The Role of Makerspaces in Formal Technical Secondary Education

Thursday, 13th June 2024 | time: 9 am
room: webex

Chair: Schreck Tobias
1st examiner: Ebner Martin
2nd examiner: Sabitzer Barbara


Fruhwirth Michael

Designing Support for Data-Driven Business Model Innovation in Offline-Established Organizations

Thursday, 13th June 2024 | time: 9 pm
room: DH054

Chair: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
2nd examiner: Thalmann Stefan


Schinagl David Jakob

From Explanation to Optimization: Advancing LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection

Thursday, 13th June 2024 | time: 9 pm
room: SR ICG

Chair: Baunach Marcel
1st examiner: Bischof Horst
2nd examiner: Sebe Nicu


Bogensperger Lea

Variational Methods for Imaging Meet Machine Learning

Friday, 7th June 2024 | time: 3 pm
room: SR ICG und webex

Chair: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Pock Thomas
2nd examiner: Schönlieb Carola-Bibiane


Gigerl Barbara

Efficient and Secure Masking Schemes to Counteract Power Analysis Attacks in Practice

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 | time: 1 pm
room: SR IAIK und  webex

Chair: Plopski Alexander
1st examiner: Mangard Stefan
2nd examiner: Güneysu Tim


Weinrauch Alexander

Efficient and Scalable Cloud-Native Real-Time Rendering for Multi-Viewer Applications

Thursday, 2nd May 2024 | time: 12 am
room: SR ICG und webex

Chair: Fraundorfer Friedrich
1st examiner: Steinberger Markus
2nd examiner: Doggett Michael


Kloiber Simon Peter

Data in Motion - Immersive Analytics of Spatio-Temporal Data in Virtual Reality

Friday, 26th April 2024 | time: 1 pm
room: SR CGV

Chairman: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Schreck Tobias
2nd examiner: Feuchtner Tiare


Dalbosco Misael

Multiscale computational modeling of arterial tissue in health and disease

Tuesday, 19th April 2024 | time: 3 pm
room: BMT01046 and webex

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: De Souza Neto Edurardo A.
2nd examiner: Fries Thomas-Peter
3rd examiner: De Mello Roesler Carlos Rodrigo


Mirza Muhammad Jehanzeb

Unsupervised Adaptation to Distribution Shifts

Tuesday, 9th April 2024 | time: 12:30 pm
room: SR ICG

Chair: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Bischof Horst
2nd examiner: Belongie Serge

Kutschera Stefan

Advances in Random Number Generators and Prevention of Unintended Self-Disclosure on Social Media

Tuesday, 9th April 2024 | time: 10:00 am
room: SR IGI

Chair: Gruß Daniel
1st examiner: Slany Wolfgang
2nd examiner: Kemeny Ferenc

Hussain Hussain

Homophily and its Influence on the Prediction Bias of Graph Neural Networks

Friday, 22nd March 2024 | time: 2 pm
room: DH04040 and Teams

Chair: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Helic Denis
2nd examiner: Lerman Kristina

Ruprechter Thorsten

United We Stand: On the Resilience of Online Collaboration Communities

Friday, 22nd March 2024 | time: 12:30 pm
room: DH04040 and Teams

Chair: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Helic Denis
2nd examiner: Lerman Kristina

Mirzababaei Behzad

Developing Full Tutorial Conversational Agents with Argumentation as a Learning Activity

Wednesday, 13th March 2024 | time: 2 pm
room: DHEG136E and webex

Chair: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
2nd examiner: Specht Markus

Lin Wei

Learning from Unlabeled Videos

Friday, 8th March 2024 | time: 3 pm
room: SR ICG and webex

Chair: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Bischof Horst
2nd examiner: Kuehne Heide

Rolf-Pissarczyk Malte

Material and computational modeling of aortic dissection

Thursday, 29th February 2024 | time: 3 pm
room: BMT03094

Chair: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Holzapfel Gerhard
2nd examiner: Cyron Christian

Hirsch Thomas

Automated Fault Classification and Fault Localization based on Textual Bug Reports

Wednesday, 28th February 2024 | time: 11 am
room: SR IST

Chair: Baunach Marcel
1st examiner: Wotawa Franz
2nd examiner: Rui Mranhao Abreu

Ofner Andreas Benjamin

Data-Driven Anomaly Detection and Virtual Sensing for Engine Control

Tuesday, 27th February 2024 | time: 12 pm
room: DH04040 and online

Chair: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Geiger Bernhard
2nd examiner: Pla Moreno Benjamin

Rohrhofer Franz Martin

Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Tuesday, 27th February 2024 | time: 10 am
room: DH04040 and online

Chair: Steinbauer-Wagner Gerald
1st examiner: Geiger Bernhard
2nd examiner: Gomez Juan Romero

Beer Patrick

Acceptance-Driven Design Science Research: Designing an E-Service for Teachers’ Professional Development on Technology-Enhanced Learning

Wednesday, 21st February 2024 | time: 2 pm
room: webex

Chair: Aichernig Bernhard
1st examiner: Ebner Martin
2nd examiner: Rothe Hannes

Gursch Sarina

Research Frontiers in Computational Thinking with a Focus on Gender Equality

Wednesday, 31st January 2024 | time: 11 pm
room: IC02062

Chair: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Slany Wolfgang
2nd examiner: Kemeny Ferenc

Walch Roman

Improving Efficient Computation on Private Data

Tuesday, 16. January, 2024 | 9 am

Chair: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Rechberger Christian
2nd examiner: Schneider Thomas

Hoffer Johannes Georg

Gaussian Process Surrogates for Robust Optimization of Multi-Stage Manufacturing Processes

Wednesday, 20th December 2023, 11 am
Room: DH04040

Chair: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Geiger Bernhard
2nd examiner: Santu Rana

Rebol Manuel

Visual Interaction using Augmented Reality for Remote Assistance and Training in Procedural Tasks

Monday, 4. December, 2023 | 6 pm

Chair: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Gütl Christian
2nd examiner: Krzysztof Pietroszek

Mlakar Daniel

Matrix-Based Representations for Advanced Geometry Processing on the GPU

Thursday, 30. November, 2023 | 10:30 am
SR ICG und Webex

Chair: Ursula Augsdörfer
1st examiner: Steinberger Markus
2nd examiner: Wimmer Michael

More Stefan Josef

Trust and Privacy in a Heterogeneous World

Thursday, 30. November, 2023 | 10 am

Chair: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Posch Reinhard
2nd examiner: Skarmeta Anontio

Zorzi Stefano

Deep Learning-based Building Extraction and Vectorization from Satellite and Aerial Imagery

Thursday, 23rd November, time: 2 pm
room: SR ICG und webex

Chair: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Fraundorfer Friedrich
2nd examiner: Zhu Xiaoxiang

Jakovljevic Igor

Information Retrieval and Information Consumption in Multidimensional Information Space for Push Notification Systems

Friday, 03 November 2023 | 9 am

Chairman: Steinbauer-Wagner Gerald
1st examiner: Gütl Christian
2nd examiner: Granitzer Michael

Bobic Aleksandar

Verbesserung von Retrieval und Analytik Prozessen durch dynamische Schema-basierte Netzwerkrepräsentationen und Interaktionen

Friday, 03 November 2023 | 11 am

Chairman: Steinbauer-Wagner Gerald
1st examiner: Gütl Christian
2nd examiner: Granitzer Michael

Mukhtar Adil

Advancing Spreadsheet Quality Assurance: A Novel Fault Localization Approach, User-Centric Evaluations of Explainable Faults, and Tool Over-reliance

Friday, 03. November, 2023 | 11 am

Chairman: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Wotawa Franz
2nd examiner: Pinzger Martin

Lüftenegger Reinhard

Algebraic Analysis of Arithmetization-Friendly Cryptographic Primitives

Tuesday, 31. October, 2023 | 10:30 am

Chairman: Legenstein Robert
1st examiner: Rechberger Christian
2nd examiner: Canteaut Anne

Schusterbauer Veronika

Characterization of Engineered Microbial Strains Based on Next Generation Sequencing Data

Friday, 06. October, 2023 | 2 pm

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Stollberger Rudolf
2nd examiner: Rumbold Karl
3rd examiner: Taher Leila

Schwarz-Gsaxner Christina

Towards Clinical Translation of Augmented Reality: A Framework for Surgical Navigation in Head and Neck Procedures

Wednesday, 04. October, 2023 | 3 pm

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Egger Jan
2nd examiner: Ferrari Vincenzo

Hampali Shivakumar Shreyas

3D Pose and Shape Estimation of Objects and Hands in Challenging Scenarios

Friday, 29. September, 2023 | 10 am

Chairman: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Lepetit Vincent
2nd examiner: Pons-Moll Gerard

Sormann Christian

Multi-View Stereo in the Deep Learning Era

Wednesday, 27th September 2023 | time: 2 pm
room: SR ICG

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Fraundorfer Friedrich
2nd examiner: Pollefeys Marc

Hopfgartner Niklas

Identifying Risk Factors and Evaluating Interventions for Problem Gambling

Wednesday, 20th September 2023 | 2 pm

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Helic Denis
2nd examiner: Demetrovic Zsolt

Pferscher Andrea

Automatenlernen für das Testen und die Analyse der Sicherheit in vernetzten Umgebungen

Tuesday, 19. September, 2023 | 1 pm

Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Aichernig Bernhard
2nd examiner: Leucker Martin

Koutroulis Georgios

Causal Discovery in Non-Linear Time Series Data

Monday, 18th September 2023 | time: 2 pm
room: SR IGI

Chairman: Gruß Daniel
1st examiner: Lindstaedt Stefanie
2nd examiner: Helic Denis
3rd examiner: Kern Roman

Di Natale Anna

Network Science of Cross-Linguistic Colexification: Understanding Meaning and Applications to Natural Language Processing

Friday, 15th September 2023 | 3 pm

room: WALL-E, SAL building, Sandgasse 34

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Garcia Beccera David
2nd examiner: Helic Denis

Stekovic Sinisa

 Playing Proposal Selection Games in 3D Scene Understanding  

Thursday, 14th September 2023 | time: 3 pm


Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Lepetit Vincent
2nd examiner: Dai Angela

Narnhofer Dominik

Generative Models and Uncertainty for Inverse Problems in Imaging

Monday, 11th September, 2023 | 2 pm


Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Pock Thomas
2nd examiner: Ehrhardt Matthias

Schilling Robert

Hardware Extensions and Compiler Support for Protection Against Fault Attacks

Thursday, 7th September, 2023 | 2 pm


Chairman: Schreck Tobias
1st examiner: Mangard Stefan
2nd examiner: Verbauwhede Ingrid

Chetouane Nour

On the Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning to Software Testing and Testing for Machine Learning Applications

August 03rd, 2023 | 10 am

Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Wotawa Franz
2nd examiner: Nunez  Manuel

Graf Christina

Magnetic Resonance RF Pulse Design for Inhomogeneous Field Conditions by Optimal Control

July 26th, 2023 | 4:30 pm

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Stollberger Rudolf
2nd examiner: Zaitsev Maxim

Kraisnikovic Ceca

Spike-based models for cognitive computations and robust training of memristive neural networks

July 21st, 2023 | 10 am

Chairman: Gruß Daniel
1st examiner: Legenstein Robert
2nd examiner: Vassanelli Stefano

Steinmaurer Alexander

Motivierende Lernkonzepte und Technologien zur Förderung von digitalen Kompetenzen und Programmieren im Informatikunterricht

July 12th, 2023 | 9 am

Chairman: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Gütl Christian
2nd examiner: Dengel Andreas

Nasahl Pascal

Memory Safety and Fault Security Through Cryptography

July 06th, 2023 | 11 am

Chairman: Veas Eduardo Enrique
1st examiner: Mangard Stefan
2nd examiner: Dutertre Jean-Max

Pukaluk Anna

Experimental multiscale studies on the passive mechanical behavior of human aortas

June 30th, 2023 | 2 pm

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Sommer Gerhard
2nd examiner: Avril Stephane
3rd examiner: Holzapfel Gerhard

Limbacher Thomas

 Utilizing synaptic plasticity and memory for computation and learning in simple neural network models of brain function

June 26th, 2023 | 13 am
SR IGI und webex

Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Legenstein Robert
2nd examiner: Tetzlaff Christian

Jungwirth Emilian Rudolf

Strategies for the analysis of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data - Application in FXR studies

June 13th, 2023 | 9 am

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Stollberger Rudolf
2nd examiner: Wagner Martin
3rd examiner: Taher Leila

Schranz Thomas Andreas

Data-Driven Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems: Machine Learning for Building Simulation

June 15th, 2023 | 12 am

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Wotawa Franz
2nd examiner: Broman David

Dominik Ziegler

Privacy-Preserving, Fine-Grained Access Control and Identiy Management in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments

May 08th, 2023 | 9 am

Chairman: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Mangard Stefan
2nd examiner: Venturi Daniele

Agrafiotis Emmanouil

Clinical Implications of Stented Arteries: Experimental Investigations for Biomechanical and Histological Characterization

April 28th, 2023 | 3 pm

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Holzapfel Gerhard
2nd examiner: Mächler Heinrich

Lara Hernandez Karen Andrea

Deep Learning in Medical Spatiotemporal Imaging

April 26th, 2023 | 2 pm

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Baumgartner Christian
2nd examiner: Rittner Leticia

Thomas Neff

Alternative Shading Spaces for Streaming and Real-Time Rendering

February 7th, 11:00

Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Steinberger Markus
2nd examiner: Ritschel Thomas

Primas Robert

Side-Channel and Fault Analysis of Cryptographic Implementations

February 10th, 10:00

Chairman: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Mangard Stefan
2nd examiner: Daemen Joan

Schwarzl Martin

Remote Side-Channel Attacks and Defenses

February 2nd, 10:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Gruß Daniel
2nd examiner: Vanhoef Mathy

Mathias Parger

Exploring Sparsity in Neural Networks

February 3rd, 09:00

Chairman: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Steinberger Markus
2nd examiner: Wonka Peter

Arjun Rao

Relations, Probability, and Memory -- Bringing more Intelligence into Spiking Neural Networks

December 22nd, 14:00

Chairman: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Maas Wolfgang
2nd examiner: Furber Steve

Stefan Lengauer

Crossmodal Search, Visual Exploration and Restoration of Digital Pottery

December 21st, 10:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Schreck Tobias
2nd examiner: Mara Hubert

Jianning Li

Towards the Automatization of Cranial Implant Design: Retrospect, Current Methods and Future Perspective

December 20th, 09:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Egger Jan
2nd examiner: Kleesiek Jens

Markus Bergen

 Redundancy and Data Fusion Benefits from Multi-Scale Camera Networks for Robust 3D Reconstruction

December, 14th, 10:00

Chairman: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Bischof Horst
2nd examiner: Mayer Helmut

Michael Pollak

Practitioner Assisted Teaching of Vital Computational Thinking Skills for a 21st Century Society.

November 28th, 09:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Ebner Martin
2nd examiner: Purgathofer Peter

Rene Kaiser

Virtual Director – A Concept for Automatic Vision Mixing of Live Video Streams

November 24th, 16:00

Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Gütl Christian
2nd examiner: Ursu Marian F.

Claudio Canella

Hardening the Kernel Against Unprivileged Attacks

November 09th, 10:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Gruß Daniel
2nd examiner: Piessens Frank

Anna Saranti

 On Actionable Explainable Artificial Intelligence with a human-in-the-loop  

October 12th, 10:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Holzinger Andreas
2nd examiner:  Hauschild Anne-Christin

Andreas Abraham

Qualified Self-Sovereign Identity: Addressing the gaps between Self-Sovereign Identity and traditional Identity Systems

September 15th, 09:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Posch Reinhard
2nd examiner: Turkanovic Muhamed

Milot Gashi

Taking a Multi-Component Perspective to provide Decision Support for Predictive Maintenance

September 13th, 15:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Lindstaedt Stefanie
2nd examiner: Thalmann Stefan

Florian Klück

Search-based Testing of Automated Driving Systems  

September 22nd, 10:00

Chairman: Pammer-Schindler Viktoria
1st examiner: Wotawa Franz
2nd examiner: Nunez Manuel

Andreas Ziegl

Internet of Things based functional health assessments in a telehealth context

September 02nd, 10:00

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Schreier Günter
2nd examiner: Goswami Nandu

Christoph Leitner

New directions in recording and processing electro-mechanical signals from the human body

August 11th, 10:00

Chairman: Sommer Gerhard
1st examiner: Baumgartner Christian
2nd examiner: Peham Christian

Sonja Langthaler

Computational Cancer Electrophysiology: New Methods and Directions  

August 04th, 09:00

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Baumgartner Christian
2nd examiner: Weinberg Seth. H.

Markus Hofinger

Apparent Motion Estimation And Applications With Deep Learning

August 01st, 14:00

Chairman: Lex Elisabeth
1st examiner: Pock Thomas
2nd examiner: Ochs Peter

Emanuel Lacic

Real-time Recommender Systems in Multi-Domain Settings

July 22th, 11:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Lex Elisabeth
2nd examiner: Granitzer Michael

Kevin Theuermann

Trustworthy Service Composition Systems for E-Government  

July 12th, 09:00

Chairman: Vogtenhuber Birgit
1st examiner: Posch Reinhard
2nd examiner: Prodan Radu

Lukas Pirpamer

Methods of magnetization transfer MRI for assessing brain white matter damage  

July 08th, 11:15

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Stollberger Rudolf
2nd examiner: Helms Gunter

Thomas Altendorfer-Kroath

New Cerebral Open Flow Microperfusion (cOFM) Probe for Sampling Macromolecules from Brain Interstitial Fluid

July 07th, 14:00

Chairman: Taher Leila
1st examiner: Scharfetter Hermann
2nd examiner: Sinner Frank

Corina Kräuter

Quantitative Analysis of Micro- und Macro-scale Blood Flow from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging  

July 04th, 11:00

Chairman: Scharfetter Hermann
1st examiner: Stollberger Rudolf
2nd examiner: Beer Meinrad

Alexander Fuchs

Improving Efficiency and Generalization in DeepLearning Models for Industrial Applications

July 01st, 13:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Pernkopf Franz
2nd examiner: Tschiatschek Sebastian

Daniel Perz

On Straight-Line Drawings of Graphs in the Plane: Angles, Triangles and Compatibility  

June 27th, 10:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Vogtenhuber Birgit
2nd examiner: Ruy Fabila-Monroy

Jianbo Tao

Ontology-based combinatorial testing for autonomous driving systems

June 20th, 13:00

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Wotawa Franz
2nd examiner: Gargantini Angelo

Daniel Kales

Improving Modern Cryptographic Protocols using Domain-Specific Symmetric Primitives

May 20th, 11:00
IFEG 042

Chairman: Augsdörfer Ursula
1st examiner: Rechberger Christian
2nd examiner: Carsten Baum

Markus Schofnegger

Design and Analysis of Arithmetization-Oriented Cryptographic Primitives

April, 28th, 14:00

Chairman: Gruß Daniel
1st examiner: Rechberger Christian
2nd examiner: Tiessen Tyge

Johanna Rock

Resource-efficient Neural Networks for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation

April, 12th,14:00
IDEG 134 and webex

Chairman: Steinbauer-Wagner Gerald
1st examiner: Pernkopf Franz
2nd examiner: Fröning Holger

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Dean's Office
Inffeldgasse 10/II, 8010 Graz

Office Hours (on site)
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 09:00 - 12:00
Wed 10:00 - 11:00 and 14:00 - 16:00
We're closed on 17.7.24, 31.7.24 and from 12. - 18. Aug. 2024. Happy Holidays!
Response times during July and August will be longer due to vacation of the Dean's Office's staff and/or the Deans of Studies.